![]() Preserved Topic: custom logos (Page 1 of 1) |
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted From: Little Rock, AR |
![]() i have just begun experimenting with web pages and mine are so blah.....how do you make custom logos instead of just displaying so and so company in plain text....tia, j |
Maniac (V) Lord Mad Scientist Sovereign of all the lands Ozone and just beyond that little green line over there... From: Stockholm, Sweden |
![]() OK, I'm tempted to see if I can make this into more thread than y'all thought it might be at first. What *does* make a logo, what does it consist of? Malin and I have actually argued about this one, (we're an interesting couple! :-), and I have some pretty strong opinions on the subject. <P>First, we have the actual LOGO bit itself, this would be the part where you can actuaölly read the company name. It may be naught but text, or it may be text with the capitals treated some cool way, or it may be 'fun' text with some graphic effect worked through it. SONY would be a really nice example of this kind of logo. We can also approach this area from the point of using the initials, but we had also better be prepared to actually USE thos initials when we speak of the company, "Hello, IBM here, can I help you?" Most folks will know you mean International Business Machines, you don't need to spell it out. It all comes down to "defining the brand".<P>Next, we have what I refer to as a TRADEMARK IMAGE. This is a graphical shape or picture that, with repetition, we will actually get the public to associate with us, and only us. Developing one of these is critical in my opinion - you can't always count on room for the text part of your name, a big graphical shape can be seen from a distance, and if recognized, way cool, eh? Think of the eagle from Harley Davidson, recognizeable if done correctly, even without the name. The APPLE logo, an apple with a bite gone, this is another great example, everyone knows who that is, with or without text. Carmakers are famous for this, or at least they really try hard at it. Look at the front of new cars as you walk through town later today, what *are* those starnge shapes on the hoods? Are they supposed to be logos? Yes they are. Strange blobs inside of an oval, they *could* mean the car or the company, but THEY HAVE TO BE KNOWN BY EVERYONE, otherwise they are failures. I like this kind of logo thinking best, risky, but the most fun.<P>My OZONE logo fits halfway between one of these and the other, it's text, of a sort, but mostly image. When dealing with text, I like to start with some basic text in Illustrator (the OZONE logo starts with the typeface 'Kabel') and then I change the font to "Create outlines". Now I have a *picture* of text, and I can start distorting the letters individually. This has the plus that the logo will never just look like typed-out text, you really *can't* download that font unless I make the rest of the alphabet. <P>I could go on for hours talking about this, why don't we open the floor for discussion, share with us your thoughts and ideasa about logo creation why don't you all? I'll pipe in with my own comments as we go. Cool!<P>Your pal, -doc- |
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist From: EN27 |
![]() Let me see if I can expand this a little further. |
Bipolar (III) Mad Scientist From: Eastbourne, UK. |
![]() I agree with everything Doc and F1_error have said. However, let me expand on points both have made. |
Maniac (V) Lord Mad Scientist Sovereign of all the lands Ozone and just beyond that little green line over there... From: Stockholm, Sweden |
![]() >F1_error mentioned DC Comics which as a teenager I used to love. There were some great |
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate From: |
![]() Ditko, definitely, I loved the way he represented cast magic and the intricate patterns he always wrapped his characters in. My favorite from him would have to be "Shade, The changing man" That warped twisting storyline lost people, think they got 9 issues out of it. He's one of the greats, Kirby too, they have a similar style to me, I love those hard angular lines.<P> |
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted From: Little Rock, AR |
![]() Thanks, you guys definetly seem to know your stuff. Im starting a PC Repair Business and I have decided to go with Byte Size Computing, I like the name but am just havin trouble with a logo that I like as well, I am not the most artistic fellow, which I have recently learned, is required in order to make magnetic web pages, I will take your advice and hit the drawing board once again. |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: Israel |
![]() I'm personally more into anime and manga... love the way they use perspectives and the simple lines in them. |
Maniac (V) Lord Mad Scientist Sovereign of all the lands Ozone and just beyond that little green line over there... From: Stockholm, Sweden |
![]() Hmm, "Byte Size Computing", eh? The name almost sounds familiar, you might want to run a trademark seacrh to see if there are some other byte-size companies out there. OK; AltaVista delivered 3-4 "byte-size" companies, most of whom had somewhat lame logos, hmm...<P>Personally, I'd concentrate on the "Byte Size" wording, and downplay the "computing" part, easier text to work with. It's real tempting to get too cute with 'taking a bite' out of the text, that could so easily be overdone. I'd be tempted to start with a disc shape, round or square, and take a bite out of *that*. Then I could come up with a simple text treatment to place over it. Small text for the name on the big logo, and upscale it for the business cards and such. Here's an example of what I'd be thinking of... http://www.ozones.com/handson/examples/bytesize.gif .<P>Yes! I was going to mention Jack Kirby too, they both had a fantastic use of hard edge, twisty shapes, lots of black ink for HUGE impact. Definitely both were big influences on my work, that's where I developed my love of hard contrast for a strong 3D look. "The Demon" was one of my favorite Kirby pieces. Another modern artist I love is Matt Howrath, the inspiration for my first web archive at www.ozones.com/postbros/ . I love his use of heavy black ink, it's the best defining element of all three artists mentioned. |
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist From: EN27 |
![]() Heh, I didn't think that the DC Comics comment would go that far. but my personal Fav is Jack Kirby. Although I seem to draw alot of my personal drawing style from the early-mid eighties Heavy Metal Magazine. <P>Byte-Sized Computing does sound very familiar. The name remainds me of when I used to go shopping for programs for my Apple ][. I don't know why, but maybe one of the progaming companies was called Byte-Sized. Or perhaps it was the Byte computing magazine? It's best to run a TM search, in any case before getting to carried away with logo desgin and such. You wouldn't want to have to scrap everything and start over. |
Bipolar (III) Mad Scientist From: Eastbourne, UK. |
![]() Byte sized computing.....computer eating programmer, text in red with black outline 'Byte size'...IMHO <IMG SRC="http://www.ozones.com/forum/smile.gif"><P>F1, there are some very cool threads within threads (so to speak)... stopped reading DC stuff around 18/19. The rooftop scenes... domed water towers, silhouettes, wet nights, musing of the super hero...yeah loved that stuff...<P>Moai nice to meet you...<P> |
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted From: Little Rock, AR |
![]() once again, you guys are right. Maybe thats why your in the business.I had been playing with takeing a bite out of the text, but take it out of something in the background is definetly better, Simple is better, so they say. Definetly some byte size companies out there, and Byte magizine is where I got the idea, maybe I need to rethink it after all, You guys are a great source of info. |
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist From: EN27 |
![]() I haven't stopped reading comics yet. Although I tend to look more for the graphic novels these days. The last one that I really liked was Kingdom Come a DC title. It's really good. <P>Back to Bytes, What about 'click-n-fix' or 'disk wizard' or 'the BIGGER hammer computing' just a couple of ideas. I'm sure you've been thinking about this longer than I have tho. |
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted From: Little Rock, AR |
![]() click n fix...........hmmmmmmmmmmm.....can i steal that? |
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist From: EN27 |
![]() Sure, it's just a quick idea. I don't think I'd ever have a use for it. |
Bipolar (III) Mad Scientist From: Eastbourne, UK. |
![]() ...or maybe 'Reboot'...say did you guys ever catch that tv show, now that was pretty cool computer graphics...<P> <P> |
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist From: Houston, TX, USA |
![]() Forget Reboot man, check out the Starship Troopers: Roughneck Chronicles series (it's on REALLY early on the SciFi channel in most areas, also on some WB's), some outstanding animation work for a series.<P>As far as logos I think simplicity is one things that's often overlooked, a lot of people go nuts with Photoshop filters on some text and call it a logo and end up with something completely unprintable. Some of the most recognizable symbols I can think of are also the simplesy, thigs like the Nike swoosh (designed by one of their secretaries back in the 60s FYI), the Chevy bowtie, etc. I've actually got a logo for my own design firm that I finished a few weeks ago that I'd love to get some opinions on, I can post it in here tonight if anyone's interested...<P>Chris |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: Israel |
![]() Of course we are interested, thats what this forum is for! shoot man, we would love to see it. <IMG SRC="http://www.ozones.com/forum/biggrin.gif"><P>Never Pet a Burning Dog |
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist From: Houston, TX, USA |
![]() Well then cool, I'm diggin' this place already <IMG SRC="http://www.ozones.com/forum/wink.gif"> We've actually got a teaser site up with the logo in it, check out Caffeinated Productions for the scoop.<P>Chris<P>P.S. Yes, the site does say Caffeinated Media, a possible copyright problem prompted the name change. The site will be changed in the very near future... |
Maniac (V) Lord Mad Scientist Sovereign of all the lands Ozone and just beyond that little green line over there... From: Stockholm, Sweden |
![]() Humm!!! I like coffeee, caffeine is a "good thing™"! Nice and neat, are you planning to do the whole thing with a flash interface? That'd be cool. Either way, like the simple illustrator style graphics, reads like a logo should. <P> |
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist From: Houston, TX, USA |
![]() Thanks Doc. I think we designers in general are pretty pro-caffeine. It actually works on a bunch of different levels, one of my partners currently works in a coffee bar and has gotten us several project leads from there |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: Alaska, USA |
![]() Nice implementation there Fig. I like it lots. Feel the need for a flash fix check it: |
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist From: Houston, TX, USA |
![]() Glad ya like it, thanks, and the Jet Li site is pretty sweet. Just saw Romeo Must Die last weekend actually, unfortunately it wasn't that great. As far as Flash one of my current faves is Blast Radius, it's got a great look to it...<P>Chris |