![]() Preserved Topic: Webcams & pics (Page 1 of 1) |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: Israel |
![]() Well, im this kinda nosey lunatic (woohoo) and i love to see pics n webcams, especially of people i talk with online. Gonna buy myself one too (a webcam). so i went to the ozone cam, and the last pic there is from March 14th or something like that... how depressing. Whats up with that doc? |
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist From: Calgary, Alberta, Canada |
![]() I might not be *looney* enough... |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: Alaska, USA |
![]() WHOA! Rend! My main man! For a second there I thought I was looking at Steven Segal.<P>You asked for it...you got it. Here's a few on the web. First there's one of me at the bottom of this page: |
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist From: Calgary, Alberta, Canada |
![]() Papa, I haven't posted anything with the chrome yet, cause I don't wanna rip off you awsome design. I have to change it around first so I don't feel bad about using it. But the action works great, except that the black turns out grey.<P>About the picture.. Even is I were dead, it would only lower my sexyness as much as it would lower anyone elses sexyness if they died, and since I have so much to spare, I would still be extremely sexy |
Maniac (V) Lord Mad Scientist Sovereign of all the lands Ozone and just beyond that little green line over there... From: Stockholm, Sweden |
![]() Ah! Oh, I'm really burned about this, cam-wise. First, I upgraded my OS to MacOS9, and none of my cam drivers from logitech will work! Will they ever upgrade? Do they give a c*****n? I don't think so. SO! I bought a couple of new cams for the PC, but all you can buy anymore are USB cams, no problem there, I figger, eh? Hrmph! Microsloth decides *not* to offer USB support with NT4.0, not now, not ever. Grr!!! I'll be updating the work machine with W2K early next month, and I can bring that cam back online, and the mac cam? That may always have problems, feh. Get this, I own SIX CAMS, and can't run any of them right now. I be bumming.<P> |
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist From: Massachusetts, USA |
![]() I'm getting a scanner soon (along with a new computer - 256 meg ram, 500 or 600 mhz, 20 gig hard drive, writable cd drive, 19" monitor, woohoo), so I'll get a good picture of me up then. Maybe a couple weeks. We'll see. |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: Jacks raging bile duct.... |
![]() Doc... I installed W2K two months ago. I love it. It seems sturdier than NT4 and seems to handle the strain Photoshop puts on my system much better than NT4 ever did. One thing I will recommend to you though is...DON'T TRY TO UPGRADE! Install W2K on a freshly fdisked hard drive. You will have much better results if you do so. |
Maniac (V) Lord Mad Scientist Sovereign of all the lands Ozone and just beyond that little green line over there... From: Stockholm, Sweden |
![]() Cool, that's what we did on Malin's machine, we just installed for her last week. She seems *way* super happy with things, all I ever hear is nice stuff about it. One of the coolest things was changing our network settings and NOT RESTARTING! I liked that, seemed almost mac-like! ;-)<P> |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: Alaska, USA |
![]() Hmmm...W2K working out alright huh? I've been reluctant to upgrade because of all the bug infestation I keep hearing about it...<P>So...Do..c...y..'...re.....conn...exzvti*&%^ to....y8..r n@+w..ork ok...@#$%>>>{} huh÷<P>(this message brought to you by microshaft...manufacturer of microshaft windblows 20100010000010001)<P>-It's medication time nurse Ratchett- |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: |
![]() Win 2k? |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: Israel |
![]() Hey nice girl ya got 2wins, maybe Slime can marry her <IMG SRC="http://www.ozones.com/forum/wink.gif"> |
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist From: Massachusetts, USA |
![]() What? What? Where's a girl my age? Huh? Oooh - maybe I should actually look at those links! =)<P>Nope, I'm not building this thing from scratch; I know very little about hardware and i doubt my dad knows enough either. It's an HP. Scanner and all. My parents say they want it to last a long time. Fine with me, I'll be off to college in 1 or 2 years anyway =)<P>---------- |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: Alaska, USA |
![]() OK Rend....for the twins for now all I've got online is this "picture": |
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist From: Massachusetts, USA |
![]() We compared the dell and hp options, and it eventually came down to dell with a free printer and hp with a dvd drive, so we took the hp. |
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted |
![]() hey everyone, i just got a new system myself, it is absolutely screaming, got a new job and they set me up real nice. |
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist From: Massachusetts, USA |
![]() Augh! You beat me! Darn it! How much did that cost you? |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: Alaska, USA |
![]() what exactly do you do for a living that requires that horsepower?? A DVD at work for pete's sake?? <P>you peecee guys think you *need* to buy ferrari's to drive to the mailbox at the end of the driveway! Maybe you do need all of that to do the things that a mac could do in it's sleep mode!!<P>ahh...what the hell...I've got a G4 with 2 internal wickedly fast drives, 1GB ram etc. and my PC is very similar to yours..I built it myself actually....<P>The moral to this story you ask?<P>Personally, I use the space shuttle to check my mail at the end of the driveway!!<P>(you peecee guys weren't getting defensive now were you?)<P>You can now re-holster your weapons...heheheh<P>-It's medication time nurse Ratchett- |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: Alaska, USA |
![]() Sorry guys! I'm feeling a little frisky today. We won a major victory in a precedent setting case...<P>...gonna get the dodge dually ready to take the 5th wheel out and go play now that I can take a breather!!!!<P>let's see now....who else can I harass?? thinkety-think..<P>-It's medication time nurse Ratchett- |
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist From: Jacks raging bile duct.... |
![]() I gotta a dual 333mHZ PII with 256mb RAM and 32MB video card and 24" Hitachi Monitor at work.<P>At home I got a measly 150mHZ Pentium Pro with 98MB of RAM and 2MB video card. I hate going home at night!!! |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: under the bed |
![]() I hate you all! Do you really have 1gb of ram papa???? |
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted |
![]() As for the cost, I am not quite sure....they did not give me the details on the price. As for the DVD, thats just a little perk, I work fom home, they want to make me happy. What do I do......almost anything they tell me, any type fo web development, I'm there. |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: Alaska, USA |
![]() That's so cool timothy...wow...that's what everyone should do huh? When you do something you love, for a great company or for yourself it's not really "working" anymore is it?<P>That's what DL-44 and a few others on this forum would like to do too.<P>As for the 1GB RAM. Yeppir, that what I got. And 22" cinema flat panel display. Since I bought it directly from apple the whole rig was only about the same as a small car costs nowadays...but man it kicks some serious boo-tay I tell ya!<P>Shoot, it's just a toy, and me? I like toys, I like to make people laugh, and I like to play...we ALL deserve that no?<P>-It's medication time nurse Ratchett- |
Bipolar (III) Mad Scientist From: Eastbourne, UK. |
![]() ....yawn! wake me up next month when S'disk finishes clunking through that hd...... <P>If you have an itch in your ear, what would you rather scratch it with; a matchstick or your finger? <IMG SRC="http://www.ozones.com/forum/smile.gif"><P> |
Paranoid (IV) Inmate From: Israel |
![]() Hehe cute babies 2wins!!! look just like daddy. i bet they are already smarter than you by now <IMG SRC="http://www.ozones.com/forum/smile.gif"> |
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted |
![]() Damn papa?!? 1GB RAM, damn man, what are you trying to accomplish?!? That is fricken awesome! That conema display is cool too! A friend of mine just got one at work, KICKS ASS! |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: Alaska, USA |
![]() We have 11 computers on our network for our paralegals, my two partners, investigators and other support staff. They're all iMacs, and iBooks served by another G4 with a raid array and 1GB RAM.<P>This year I opted for this system package instead of the cash bonus.<P>So I use a G3 series book for most of my legal work at the office and I use the G4 at my home to hook up with the network via Timbuktu Pro.<P><P>-It's medication time nurse Ratchett- |
Bipolar (III) Inmate From: Alaska, USA |
![]() Thanks Rend...<P>The girls ARE smarter than me!! They're beautiful too...that picture doesn't do them justice. <P>So, you'll just have to fly to Alaska to visit or we'll need to cruise on over to Israel to check out the ferrets....uh..er... I mean you Rend.<P>-It's medication time nurse Ratchett- |
Bipolar (III) Mad Scientist From: Eastbourne, UK. |
![]() 'n I thought you were joking about the 1Gb ram Nate, now that must really blast...<P>BTW, the twins are gorgeous... |