Wow, this whole thing is pissing me off. I am so frustrated with mynetcentral, and the stupid assholes that copied the site.
See for yourself. here is what I sent mynetcentral yersterday:
Hi, I am writing you in regards to one of our users. Some friends of mine at work very hard in producing high quality graphics and web sites that they place on there web site for sale. I know that you are suppose to be dealing with this. But frankly I am very disappointed in the duration of time that it is taking you to solve this problem. I know that they
have contacted you, among many others. Your customer has basically stolen 1 version
of their web sites that they have for sale.
Here is their for sale section:
It is very obvious to me that your customer has blatantly stolen their hard work, and passed it off as if it was there own. Goldeneye use to have full size versions of the web sites that they have for sale. unfortunately, they had to find out the hard way that they should have given small samples.
The link of your customer is here:
I think it is VERY obvious that they stole all of the content from Like I said, I am very disappointed in how your business is run. This should have been taken care of the instant that it was discovered. Many people have contacted your
customer, both in a nice manor, and a rude manor. No one has heard from them, at
They may just do it again, but maybe they will get the message. It is very unfortunate that we all work so hard, and senseless people just steal the hard work. I am glad that there is a big enough circle of us to watch out for each other. It seems to always come down to the hosting service taking care of it, the user never does. Please take care of this and do the right thing.
-Timothy R Metzger
I did not realize that a hosting service had feelings to, <img border=0 align=absmiddle src=""> . Here is what they sent me:
The owner of the DKB site didn't know what happened until just recently. He hired someone to do the layout, and the "designer" was the one who stole the Goldeneye layout. The account was put on hold as soon as
someone at Goldeneye reported the copyright infringement to us. "On hold" status means nothing shows up on the user's index page and the user does not have edit rights to anything on their account. This is our
business process. You may critique it if you like, but you are not in a position to change it. We do not appreciate your insulting demeanor as to the way we run our website; we are as disgusted as you are with this layout thief, we took away his account, we are going to delete the account, and we do not deserve this kind of treatment from you regardless of the copyright infringements on your friend's website.
MyNetCentral Team
C'mon, he "hired" someone, and they copied his site, how many people belive that??
Sorry if I caused you any trouble Maa and Allgood.....
[This message has been edited by timothymcnulty (edited 07-06-2000).]