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Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate

From: jax, fl usa
Insane since: May 2001

posted posted 05-28-2001 02:51

hey peeps,

I'm creating a photogallery using flash5 where the user will click on a forward button to advance the pictures.

My question is do i have to use action script to do this? or can it be done without actionscript?

how would yall approach this project? and if i have to use action script can anyone help me with the coding?

thanks alot.


Neurotic (0) Inmate
Newly admitted
posted posted 05-28-2001 04:42

Hey Brad...
Welcome to the Asylum...

Just so you know... we have a multimedia forum further down the page...
that's the place to ask Flash questins...

to answer your question...
Yep... you have4 to use actionscript.
If I'm understanding you...
all you should have to do is make a movie clip with each pic sliding into the screen, stopping.... and then moving out.
Then make a button that tells the clip to continue to play.
It's a bit more in depth than that... and I'm not sure what sort of background you have in Flash...

I'm sure you'll have more questions....
but ask'em down in the Multimedia section plz...

...can a mod move this down there plz?

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: Mi, USA
Insane since: Aug 2000

posted posted 05-28-2001 04:49

*sprinkles fairy dust* flash (cuse pun) and the thread magically moved to the multimedia forum

edit: being the dumb MS I am , I forgot this .. go here -->


[This message has been edited by vogonpoet (edited 05-28-2001).]

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