Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Kansas City, MO USA Insane since: Sep 2001
posted 07-27-2002 16:49
Spellbinder got me thinking about what Art really means. http://www.ozoneasylum.com/Forum3/HTML/002605.html It?s been some time (back in school) when I last had a good discussion about what ART really is.
I?ll repeat what I said in that other post:
quote: Art is something people argue about all the damn time... but I feel that art is when you present something in a unique way that is pleasant and interesting to look at, interact with, and let become part of your life. ?Art? is how the artist FEELS about something... so...
I feel that if an artist does not care about something (a group of people, animals, buildings, politics, etc.) then when they must do art about such things then they just turn out ok. But when an artists ?juices get flowing? and they really are passionate about something then their work will only be limited by their level of skill.
What do you think the definition of ART is for you? I would love to know how you think when you create and at what level do you call a series of layers / filters / and brush strokes, ?ART?
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Insane since: Jan 2001
posted 07-27-2002 18:10
hhmmm. nice topic ,
Well yes art is away to show your emotions but it's also there to invoke emotions too, like films do. Films, music, art (as in image), interactive art, ect all curses some emotions to the viewer weather that be sad, shock, etc. And the artist in control all the way about it too!! If he/she wants to shock poeple they can if they want to share their feelings and thoughts in art they can.
Someone in an other forum wanted to know the best digital artists around, I posted links to artist like, apocryph, mckean, douglas mullen, Alessandro Bavari, etc and he/she just said, now art like this. That's not art, well most of it anyway, it's more design to me. This brings up another qestion:
Where does the line lay between design and art?
I now the answer to this but most people don?t. Art is away to show your emotion, ideas, etc, design is to sell.
As far as I would go with the series of layers / filters / and brush strokes, etc I don?t care what you use as long as you set out to achieve your goal in showing your emotions, ideas, etc and the viewer can see it then that fine!!
But don?t just be a button pusher. Be creative!!
[edit - oh look here for a nice read about art, I'm sure there is counless articles about it tho.]
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Insane since: Nov 2000
posted 07-27-2002 22:14
I have to agree with everything DarkShadow just said about what art is and is not. I have found that many are unable or unwilling do distinguish art from design but they are two seperate entities with each serving a different purpose. Medium? Art can exist in any format, being a translation of an emotion its not limited to a type of presentation. Currently some methods are less widely accepted as 'art' than others, digital art being one of those. Time will tell if there will be any permanace to digital works.
Is Art emotion? Yes, true art evokes something visceral in you, your insides flutter and you stand in awe as you get lost in the piece...To be cliche, it 'speaks to you' The flipside of that is there is a lot of room for individual interpretation, what I consider to be good artwork you may not. Bosch, Boticelli, da Vinci, Dali, Giger, Wyeth, who is who isn't an artist...thats your call. I guess the best answer is you will know it when you see it we can talk about it until our fingertips are bruised blue but the interpreation will always be personal.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Styx Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 07-28-2002 00:28
I kind of like the ironical answer given by a Swedish artist about what constitutes as art:
"Art should look nice!"
Nothing more, nothing less. No assumtion to whom or why. Probably just as intangible as art really can be...

Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: The northeast portion of the 30th star Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 07-28-2002 04:35
I think "art is emotion" is off just a bit, but on the right track. I would suggest that art invokes an emotional response, in whatever medium it may be presented.

Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 07-28-2002 05:21
I agree with all above.
But i also think art is in the eye of the beholder.
What someone think is art another might not and vise versa.
Also i think art is creation.
Whenever you creat things, whatever it is, food, paintings, digital art, furniture or whatever.
I would even go so far that i would calling making a mIRC script for art.
Sounds wired eh?
Well i did one and i know its not a walk in the park and takes some knowing.
I think when you can present a finished product of something you created you can call it art.
So for me Art=Creation very much.
When the thing is done, its just something plesent to watch, taste, sit in or use.
And i think there is no way to call it art in that state since some might not even wan't to look at it, and if he dosn't look at it how could it be art?

Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Brisbane, Australia Insane since: Apr 2001
posted 07-28-2002 17:44
"Art is a way to show your emotion, ideas, etc, design is to sell."
I disagree. And I agree.
The line between design and art? Just because someone's paying you to do something do that mean it's not art? Of corse it doesn't.
Art is many many things. Art is not just emotion, or something related to emotion. It can be but it doesn't stop there.There is no line between art and design. There are cross-overs left right and center. Art can be about a non emotional statment, about communicating your message, much like design. There is corperate art, there is corperate design; both different and the same. There is portrait art, and many crafts that only require skill to acomplish they we call art. Design is art, it's just a different form of art. Music is art, as is dance, and to some so is pottery.
There is no single definition of art. Instead I prefer to view it in two ways:
1) If the creater calls it art then so be it.
2) If the viewer calls it art then so be it.
eg. I see three twigs on the ground that strike me in such a way I am compelled to call it art, yet the man beside me may just thinks I'm a loony!
Is it art? To me, most certainly. To him, no, it's just a bunch of twigs and a loony.
So, what is art? Why the hell ya askin me? Ask yourself!
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Mi, USA Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 07-29-2002 06:34
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Insane since: Nov 2000
posted 07-29-2002 10:53
Then apparenty elephants can mastrubate
Elephant Painters
Art or nonsense, people are buying it. Auctions at reputable houses such as Christie?s have seen elephant art sold for as high as $2,000, out-doing many works produced by two-legged artists...
I watched parts of it...to see people roaming a show of elepant paintings pondering over them as they would a monet...stunning.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: under the bed Insane since: Feb 2000
posted 07-29-2002 17:58
VP - you got that backwards. Masturbation is Art.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Insane since: Jan 2001
posted 07-29-2002 18:39
Art is masturbation & masturbation is art, cool now I can enjoy myself while making art but be art at the same time .
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Dublin, Ireland Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 07-30-2002 01:47
anyway .. .. you guys put pics fo yourselves on lonely nights and hang them in a gallery, call it "modern art" chances are it'll catch on.
I recon art is whatever anyone thinks is art. Art being different from person to person. personally anything aesthetically thought provoking is art, provided it doesnt LOOK like no effort was put into it even if it took three years to make.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Kansas City, MO USA Insane since: Sep 2001
posted 07-31-2002 05:16
sorry for the delay but WORK got in the way of my life.
Yes yes yes. Art does provoke an emotion but so does seeing a car crash on the highway. What I believe is that the artist must put a bit of their life force into the work to take it to the next level.
If you drop a few filters in Photoshop or slap some paint on a canvas, or arrange 12 concrete blocks in a row for $20,000, that?s not art. All of those don?t have any life put into them even if everyone loves them.
As for making art for sale? well design is not doing art just for money. Design means you took the time to think through something before giving it to the client. All of us can think of things we bought that just don?t work right. Those products that do work, were DESIGNED, and not slapped together.
Both art and design mean you as the creator care about the final product. Art can be sold as can a well crafted toothbrush, wacom tablet, or a ergonomic chair. Art and Design are both the caring and expression for what you feel.
One of the things I discovered in my studies is that there is no true distinction in the arts. A dancer expresses joy and sorrow in a different way than a painter, a poet or an architect, but they express their feelings in a way to show others what is going on inside their mind.
I guess it is true that art is something you just know when you see it? just as is love. To one its crap but to another you would die for it. And such goes life.
Ok, enough of my rambling.