I dont know where the other one is but I will kick in a basic one I have used.
3 cups bread/fine flour
1.5 tsp. salt
2 tsp. baking powder
4-6 Tbsp. Lard (I use Morell brand lard, you can use vegtable shortening if you have to but it dosent work as well)
about 1 1/4 cups warm water
Mix the flour, salt, and baking powder in a bowl. Add the lard and mix in with your fingers until you have completely crumbled it in, it should look like a bunch of small peas. Slowly add the warm water and mix with a large spoon. Take the ball out and put on a "floured" board and knead the dough for a few minutes (3-5 minutes or until elastic). Store in a warm place inside an oiled, plastic bag for 1 hour. Pinch off pieces of dough into egg sized balls and leave it alone for another 15 minutes. Roll the balls out into circles, (Back when I didnt have a rolling pin so I would wrap a wine bottle with seran wrap) I go for very, very, very thin tortillas, you can shoot for 7" circles. I usually cook mine in an electric skillet at around 450-degrees, I have made due with a cast iron skillet in the past, watch that damn hot handle with those things. I flip them only once after about 1 minute on each side.
I sit them all on a plate and cover with a towel while I make them, after they are cool I stick them in freezer bags.
Dont flip multiple times, they get too tough
Dont sweat a few burnt/dark spots they are part of the process
I have noticed with fridge storage tortillas are very suceptable to pennicilin spores when compared to bread, (small green patch fringed in white) and I often will freeze any more than a dozen to prevent the green stuff from overtaking my tortillas, if you're a healthy bachelor you can simply peel off the affected area and continue unabashed. 
I can sympathize with your tortilla cravings I am fortunate enough to live in a city that has three excellent local brands avaliable in the stores so its easier to buy than make. I cant imagine being somewhere I couldnt have tortillas and hot green chilie on a whim.
[This message has been edited by moaiz (edited 08-13-2002).]