All right, a couple friends and I are trying t start a chess club at the univ. and have come across a few variations, quite interesting to say the least.
i.e. Gigachess
The board is a 14 x 14 checkered squares with a white one at the right end of each player.
There are 48 pieces per side:
2 Crossbows, 2 Cannons, 2 Camels, 2 Ships, 1 Buffalo, 1 Lion, 1 Gryphon, 1 Amazon, 1 Marshall, 1 Cardinal on 1st row,
1 King, 1 Queen, 2 Princes, 2 Bishops, 2 Knights, 2 Rooks, 2 Elephants, 2 Machines on 2nd row,
6 Corporals on 3rd row and 14 Pawns on 3rd and 4th rows.
Yea... that one might be a bit overdone, but it's fun to look at none-the-less.
One of the more "sane" variations is Gothic Chess. Played on a 10 X 8 board, the only additional pieces on each side are a chancellor (combination of a rook and a knight), an archbishop (combination of a bishop and a knight), and two more pawns. They two pieces start between the bishop and the knight, one on each side of the board.
Unfortunately, is under heavy construction, and that seems to be one of the only places that provides a significant amount of information, as anywhere I've found a page mentioning Gothic Chess just has a link to the page under construction.
The point of this post?
Well, I'd like to hear everyones opinion on the different variations, which ones you've tried, what you've liked about any, disliked, etc.
Also, if anyone comes across some good reference material about any, please share. The few I found this evening are: <-- what most of the pages about Gothic Chess look like...
Thanks anyone who has some info