(Warning: Swearing, yelling, lengthy).
Im going to be rooted at 2pm this Thurs.
For the past several weeks I have been staying up most nights and getting up at the crack of dawn to get the work done. I have 3 films (now 2 films) that are due in this Thurs. I have put sooooooo much work into it, it's really hard for anyone to comprehend unless they saw one of the films, a war film which tells the true story of the first Kamikaze attack during WWII. These are the final pieces forever and ever that I have to hand in, and they are worth more than the accompanying folios.
We all here have a fair idea of the amount of work that goes into a film.....writing....directing....acting...location shoots...editing..effects....sound, etc. I have had to do all this myself. No problems there, I did that on my last film which took a year to make. Only thing different this time is I have had to balance all this with other commitments: Rock Eisteddfod (schools of Oz compete against each other with musical productions) There have been many rehersals for this that involve moving sets and transportation, SAC's (School Assessed CourseWork), all the fucking computer technical problems you can throw a stick at that can take up to hours to solve, stuff that is due in the next day but you havent done cos more work and time is involved with the movies (these films are important as pple are expecting alot from me and they will help me to get into Uni next year).
Now...after finishing all the effects and sound.....tonight I was about edit. I went off to load the first shot..no big deal. There are a total of 25 shots and duration is 5-10mins. It took up to 20 mins to get half way through detecting file...then THE FUCKING BLUE FUCKING SCREEN OF FUCKING DEATH. Tried again. And again....THE FUCKING BLUE FUCKING SCREEN OF FUCKING DEATH. I have less then 48 hrs to go...and I cant edit this film that means soooo much to me and which will be counted as my major piece for the year. I have no way out of this. I'm fucked. I wil get a shit all mark cos I wont have anything handed in which means I will have to explain to Uni pple and employers why I got no mark at all and I have wasted all this time.
On top of this...I am working my arse off to get everything done and try and keep on top of things...but my head is slowly dipping below the water. Plus I am so fucking exhausted Im sicker than a dog...my head spins a complete circle in 2 secs when I walk, my nose one min is a waterfall and then next min stuffed, my ears I feel are under water, I have blurred vision, slightly delusional, cant breath properly, cant barely walk, but all at the same time I must keep working on a workflow that is bigger than any other week I ve had at school. Plus my teacher is a tightarse and wont let me have an extension cos if he does then other students will be saying.."Why cant I have extension as well?"
Im either going to collapse and never get up again or collapse and deal with the fact that Im doing to fail Studio Arts for my final year.
If my teahcer on the other hand does grant me the next 2 week hols then I will have to find out a way to get these films done....but only if a miracolous intervention came along and fixed my unsolvable editing probs and THE FUCKING BLUE FUCKING SCREEN OF FUCKING DEATH.
Why am I saying all of this? Cos the asylum is a place where everyone comes to with their probs and I felt like releasing my thoughts and emotions on the situation that could deem me 1 failed subject for final year college.
Will he or wont he?