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Maniac (V) Inmate

From: Stuck inside a Pixar short film
Insane since: Apr 2001

posted posted 09-17-2002 14:54

(Warning: Swearing, yelling, lengthy).

Im going to be rooted at 2pm this Thurs.

For the past several weeks I have been staying up most nights and getting up at the crack of dawn to get the work done. I have 3 films (now 2 films) that are due in this Thurs. I have put sooooooo much work into it, it's really hard for anyone to comprehend unless they saw one of the films, a war film which tells the true story of the first Kamikaze attack during WWII. These are the final pieces forever and ever that I have to hand in, and they are worth more than the accompanying folios.

We all here have a fair idea of the amount of work that goes into a film.....writing....directing....acting...location shoots...editing..effects....sound, etc. I have had to do all this myself. No problems there, I did that on my last film which took a year to make. Only thing different this time is I have had to balance all this with other commitments: Rock Eisteddfod (schools of Oz compete against each other with musical productions) There have been many rehersals for this that involve moving sets and transportation, SAC's (School Assessed CourseWork), all the fucking computer technical problems you can throw a stick at that can take up to hours to solve, stuff that is due in the next day but you havent done cos more work and time is involved with the movies (these films are important as pple are expecting alot from me and they will help me to get into Uni next year).

Now...after finishing all the effects and sound.....tonight I was about edit. I went off to load the first big deal. There are a total of 25 shots and duration is 5-10mins. It took up to 20 mins to get half way through detecting file...then THE FUCKING BLUE FUCKING SCREEN OF FUCKING DEATH. Tried again. And again....THE FUCKING BLUE FUCKING SCREEN OF FUCKING DEATH. I have less then 48 hrs to go...and I cant edit this film that means soooo much to me and which will be counted as my major piece for the year. I have no way out of this. I'm fucked. I wil get a shit all mark cos I wont have anything handed in which means I will have to explain to Uni pple and employers why I got no mark at all and I have wasted all this time.

On top of this...I am working my arse off to get everything done and try and keep on top of things...but my head is slowly dipping below the water. Plus I am so fucking exhausted Im sicker than a head spins a complete circle in 2 secs when I walk, my nose one min is a waterfall and then next min stuffed, my ears I feel are under water, I have blurred vision, slightly delusional, cant breath properly, cant barely walk, but all at the same time I must keep working on a workflow that is bigger than any other week I ve had at school. Plus my teacher is a tightarse and wont let me have an extension cos if he does then other students will be saying.."Why cant I have extension as well?"
Im either going to collapse and never get up again or collapse and deal with the fact that Im doing to fail Studio Arts for my final year.
If my teahcer on the other hand does grant me the next 2 week hols then I will have to find out a way to get these films done....but only if a miracolous intervention came along and fixed my unsolvable editing probs and THE FUCKING BLUE FUCKING SCREEN OF FUCKING DEATH.

Why am I saying all of this? Cos the asylum is a place where everyone comes to with their probs and I felt like releasing my thoughts and emotions on the situation that could deem me 1 failed subject for final year college.

Will he or wont he?

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: Seoul, Korea
Insane since: Apr 2002

posted posted 09-17-2002 15:45

Wow, that really, really sucks.

I was wondering what rooted meant, but after reading that I gather it means something along the lines of "screwed."

But that really sucks. I just don't know what else to say. You might at least want to try to ask for an extension. The worst your prof could say is "no," right? It's not like your situation would get any worse, but it could get a lot better. I would at least ask.

Cell 270

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: The Land of one Headlight on.
Insane since: May 2001

posted posted 09-17-2002 16:07

Yup....what Suho1004 said.... 'Ask' but I'd take it one step farther. Should your Prof 'not' grant you an extension
I'd suggest you take the matter to *his* boss. I mean this is a technical problem. It's not as if you've been goofing off or just putting it off...the damn computer is the problem not you.

And ranting is perfectly acceptable Now go talk to your prof.

Bipolar (III) Inmate

Insane since: Mar 2002

posted posted 09-17-2002 16:43

Have you tried editing your film on another PC? Or re-installing your editing software, video driver, OS yet? If you plan on asking for an extension based on technical problems you should probably show that you put some effort into trying to fix the problem first.

Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: Louisville, KY, USA
Insane since: Aug 2000

posted posted 09-17-2002 19:44

Very well said.

I hope it all works out for you *hands you some of his pills*

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: 127 Halcyon Road, Marenia, Atlantis
Insane since: Aug 2000

posted posted 09-17-2002 20:22

...also known as the BSOD...

Code - CGI - links - DHTML - Javascript - Perl - programming - Magic -
ICQ: 67751342

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: Brisbane, Australia
Insane since: Apr 2001

posted posted 09-17-2002 21:25

"2pm this Thurs"

So, you can fix this problem give time yes? You don't have to re-shoot any of the film, you just have to cut the movie yah?

Ok, take a couple of deep breaths. Go make some really strong coffee and grab some laquired chocklate while ya at it.

First off, Don't ever ask for an extension, demand it! Make it sound as if he doesn't have a say in the matter. Hell, your the one paying for your education, while he's getting payed to teach you. This is your work, your money, your education. Your paying for this and if you feel you deserve extra time due to ill circumstance then you need to make sure you get it.

In any event, your studying at an Australian Uni yes? So you'll only loose 5% per working day off your mark if you hand it in late. So even if you have it in Monday without an extension you'll only loose 10% (Sat & Sun don't count!). Which should still give you enough to pass. Don't worry too much about getting top grades, your postfolios can speak for themselves.

If you really need an extension and you can't get it you can always appeal your cooridnators descion. Talk to your student guild about what you can do. They can pull strings you never knew existed, which insludes forcing certain stubborn lecturers to grant you an extension. Hell, you pay $200 odd dollars in guild fees each year, may as well make em work for their money.

Where there's a will theres a way.

Oh and best of luck!

[This message has been edited by Dracusis (edited 09-17-2002).]

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: :morF
Insane since: May 2000

posted posted 09-18-2002 13:56

Only problem with all hese theories Drac is...he's still in High School, doing his VCE.

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: Stuck inside a Pixar short film
Insane since: Apr 2001

posted posted 09-20-2002 11:54

Well here it is 6pm Fri night. I have survived one of the worse weeks in my life so far. Its been an experience similar to Jack Bauer in that show 24 - staying up non stop over a certain amount of time and tackling one issue after another.

Yeah thanks Skaarjj for clarifying that point, I was about to say that but didnt have time.

Yes so its a high school teacher we are dealing with here. He certianly aint no professor! LOL!

I had a word to him about it all and he asked me, what are you going to do about it? I was like, "I have no idea, I mean this is something that has never struck me before. I know the computer can do this sort of thing. But there is something that can be done but it will take time. Its either that or nothing at all."
My Info Sys. teacher said the problem was a case of not having enough Virtual he said to increase it. I gave it a try but it was already at its highest - SHIT! So much for that. In the end, I did get an extension...."special exception just for you" (this might have something to do with the A+ folio I did last semester!). He said to do a piece that will be the 2nd piece and submit it and that will be replaced if I can get the film working over the hols. I was so relieved.

The night before everything was due in simply SUCKED. I wanted to sleep ever so much but just couldnt. I came home early and started building a 3d model of a building for grafix. Starting at 2pm, it was finished by 3:30am. Much thanks to my mum who did the roof and painted it down in the garage for me seen Im very sick. Worse thing about model making is being sick because it doesnt help when ur fucking coughing all the bloody time and this ruins the workflow! The end product looks OK, except the walls have kinda warped from the spraypaint and the silicon glue hasnt really struck but the sewing pins make up for it. The presentation is SHIT....SO wasnt what I had in mind. I dont know what went wrong, wish I knew.
While my mother was painting, I started creating the corporate ID from scratch in P

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: Happy Hunting Grounds...
Insane since: Mar 2001

posted posted 09-20-2002 13:45

Yup. Sounds like the 'perfect end' to a 'perfect week'. Sorry to hear it.

However, it just gets worse as one gets older...sorry to be the one to say it, but...that's reality. At least as one gets older, one has more 'experiences' like this to rely on...believe me, it may not sound convincing, but it does make a difference. You know that you will survive it. Also, ones time handling skills get least, that's what I tell myself...

You seemed to have learned the value of...boredom and silence...that's precious...don't forget it.

Nice to see that you have at least gotten something valuable out of your...experience. That's also invaluable. Kudos.

~After every rainstorm, there is a rainbow~

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