Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Karachi, Pakistan Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 09-17-2002 15:01
hi guys... i m new to this place... very interesting & cool forum design here.. love the color combo...
so guys please chk out my website at http://www.raheelism.vze.com
& do let me know about urs as well..
dA 1 n' oNLe,
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: the space between us Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 09-17-2002 15:08
move over to the site reviews forum
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Karachi, Pakistan Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 09-17-2002 15:20
i just thought that it be nice to place the intro here...
site's URL is just a formality... its more like a Hello to All Members Message...
dA 1 n' oNLe,
<p align="center"><a href="http://www.raheel.tk" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="http://www.janet-love.com/users/raheel/runningbanner.gif" width="70" height="62"></a></p>
<script language="javascript"><!--
d=document; s=screen; an=navigator.appName;
srw=""; srw=s.width; srb=""; an!="Netscape"?
srb=screen.colorDepth:srb=screen.pixelDepth; r=d.referrer;
d.write("<img width=3 height=4 border=0 src=",
"ID=10163&SW="+srw+"&SC="+srb+"&R="+r+" alt=",
"\"Click here to visit The Pak Ranks\">");
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Omicron Persei 8 Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 09-17-2002 15:23
html doesnt work here.
use ubb-code instead.
ah, and hello btw. 
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Karachi, Pakistan Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 09-17-2002 15:25
hi... thanx...
just figured it out.... done..
dA 1 n' oNLe,

Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 09-17-2002 15:50
Well, raheel, welcome to the nut farm! You might want to drop by the Reception Area. They'll help you out with whatever you need. I also just wanted to let you know that I'm always willing and ready to give new inmates tours of the basement, especially the shock therapy room.
By the way, I like your site name. Raheelism... that's a good one. 
Cell 270
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 09-17-2002 16:01
raheel: Welcome - nice site 
Please start your journaey into the Asylum via the Reception Room.
[edit: Well I clearly have everyone well trained by now - next time I will be faster on the draw Suho1004. Next time]
[edit2: and for all those interested the site is up for review here:
and we wonder why he liked the colour scheme here ]
FAQs: Emperor
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: A graveyard of dreams Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 09-17-2002 16:08
Welcome Raheel!
And just in case you miss the sign in the Reception area, don't give your pills to Wakkos. If you really feel like you have to give them away give them to me
Anyone who has lost track of time when using a computer knows the propensity to dream, the urge to make dreams come true and the tendency to miss lunch.
- copied from the wall of cell 408 -
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 09-17-2002 16:09
Haha! Kings and princes fall at my feet, Suho of the Fast Draw!
Sorry, it's getting late, and I think I'm just punch drunk. Not from being punched, of course. You know what I mean, I just can't think of what exactly you call it. Aaargh. I was a lot more coherent twenty minutes ago.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: The Land of one Headlight on. Insane since: May 2001
posted 09-17-2002 16:14
You get used to the screaming. 
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: cEll 513, west wing of the ninth plain Insane since: Dec 2000
posted 09-17-2002 16:48
Rock on!
welcome to the Asylum .. get your jacket and pills .. and watch for Wakkos ..
.::. cEll .::. 513
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Karachi, Pakistan Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 09-17-2002 18:02
thanx indeed.. lots of good ppl. around in here...
nice reception place u guys have in here...
& yeah, thanx for the comments on the site...
dA 1 n' oNLe,

Maniac (V) Inmate
From: out of a sleepy funk Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 09-17-2002 20:05
hey hey, welcome. We've been curiously without a middle eastern contingent around here that I'm aware of... off to the locator map.
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Karachi, Pakistan Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 09-17-2002 20:36
thanx again for all this honour.... really wonderful...
dA 1 n' oNLe,

Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Brisbane, Australia Insane since: Apr 2001
posted 09-17-2002 21:32
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 09-18-2002 03:17
Speaking of the locator, is mr.maX adding new names again? I thought it was on hold...
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: AČ, MI, USA Insane since: Nov 2001
posted 09-18-2002 03:38
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Karachi, Pakistan Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 09-22-2002 16:41
new names??
didnt get it...
dA 1 n' oNLe,

Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 09-23-2002 00:47
Ah, the "new names" was referring to the Asylum Locator that Jason mentioned...
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Karachi, Pakistan Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 09-23-2002 20:28
dA 1 n' oNLe,

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 09-24-2002 08:55
Welcome to the Asylum raheel...behave yourself, and have fun...

Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 09-24-2002 12:09
You're only a week late there, WS. Now who's got the slow fingers? 