Assuming you're running Windows:
Running Scandisk would be a good idea before you defrag...
also one of the reasons computers run slow is because they have massive amounts of data you never use, such as a lot of MP3s, or say a couple huge games and high-end Applications such as Photoshop and 3D Studio Max... you can use SequoiaView to find out where you're draining memory..
Maybe you're running too many applications on startup and they all stay memory resident and pretty soon you've got no (RAM) memory left...
Also, if your computer is a little old- or perhaps takes a frequent beating- your hard drive may be shot... Scandisk will identify this for you and it may mean you'll have to buy another one. Scandisk won't just *tell* you this, so you have to pay attention. For Example, if (in a 4Gig HD) Scandisk tells you you're got half of it as bad clusters- it's time to get and new HD.
...and sometimes- you just need to reformat your damn drive and start from scratch. Computers (and badly written software) are getting pretty bloated these days. Even after you uninstall stuff, you still leave bits and pieces of files and reg keys and all sorts of junk lying around. Periodically, you need to back everything up, reformat the drive, and reinstall everything a-new (I call this "Giving the box a shower").
..A good tip- right before you reinstall anything, is to partition your drive. On one partition you install the OS and critical shit, on the other- install all your application and stick your data files (JPGs and MP3s and stuff) in there... That way, when you've downloaded the last 'Dead Heads' song, you've still got the digital performance left to listen to it.
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