Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: West Texas Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 04-03-2003 19:53
All righty than, a 4th thread it is 
BTW, OZN is back up in a solid 2nd place for the time being (now that I've bumped my 3 OZN ships that are still alive, back up a bit)
And I was doing a bit of eaves-dropping (well, ok, channel 0 doesn't require much skill to listen in on ) and Iron Knight said something about the horde intentionally falling out of the top 15% because they want to stay in this game... Which if that's right, we have a halfway decent chance to end up #1...
[edit links:
Continued from here: <A HREF="http://www.ozoneasylum.com/Forum1/HTML/006964.html" TARGET=_blank>Ozonia ad astra ]
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: the Asylum ghetto Insane since: Oct 2002
posted 04-03-2003 21:22
WELL......the YEP team got me!
i believe that i've had my ass properly kicked! LOL i have been subject to a public flogging! I'm afraid it's not over yet either....they're still lookin for me LOL the good thing was that i was online for all of it.....but i did kinda egg them on more. I did however take 2 of their ships with me and got a 3rd when he logged off LOL so my LAX team is shit from here on out. the other good thing....i don't have to kill all my ships off now...cuz it's been done for me LOL
Emps even got in on the spankin i was gettin LOL he killed one of my ships with a GTD player....i did give him the loc though i know there was a plan behind it....but i can't remember what it was...
and apparently, they're (HGI) still wackin away at OZN...though, Iron Knight said they were very low on figs....so it would be really nice to find them before they self destruct. i do know that their base in the 180001s is not there any more and they are down to just one base!!!! now we just have to find the damn thing!!!
Cell 1007::SST
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Williamsburg, VA Insane since: Aug 2002
posted 04-03-2003 23:27
My Chudzta Ship from OZN was destroyed by STARBASE DESTROYER or whoever... soo i went on with my indy, atzduhc, and took out like 5 or 6 ships... and that ship is still in the top 15% .. so im happy that i got one up... plus im gonna make alot more next game... chudzta is just gonna sit and get killed... is it like 3 or 4 days left? i forget... i got down to 12000 fuel when i got back to base so i was like ahhhhhh sigh.. and left. _ry
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 04-04-2003 00:01
chudzta: Team OZN still needs you to keep trading as it all contributes to the team total.
Lacuna: But my spanking you was all your idea!! I'm not into that kind of thing.
LF: Have you cashed in that bunker? I'm sure if they are bored they'll wipe it out.
FAQs: Emperor
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 04-04-2003 00:41
Emps, Lacuna: Um, we are talking about SST here, right? Just wanted to make sure... 
Sorry to hear about your team, Lacuna. Just think of it as a sacrifice for the common good. 
I'm still safely tucked away in my bunker in the middle of nowhere, and I haven't budged an inch since yesterday, when I quickly ran out to sell off my combat computers on an 00 stardate (according to my calculations, one increment in the stardate is approximately five minutes). Now I've got two free bays open for boosters, so I can come out of hiding on the last day and go on a mad trading spree in some juicy galaxy.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 04-04-2003 02:44
Suho1004: Urmmmmmmm oops.
LF: Someone has broadcast the location of one of your SBs at 31763 so if you don't move it.......
FAQs: Emperor
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: the Asylum ghetto Insane since: Oct 2002
posted 04-04-2003 04:39
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Insane since: Apr 2000
posted 04-04-2003 05:29
I'm leaving my dead accounts dead, and self destructing the ones I want to keep tomorrow. But in the mean time, trying to kill as many people who *probably* want to go to the next round as possible.. just to be a bitch 
EDIT: instead of killing ourselves, we could get team ozone to do it, assuming they want to go on to the next round as a team.
[This message has been edited by Dan (edited 04-04-2003).]
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: the Asylum ghetto Insane since: Oct 2002
posted 04-04-2003 07:20
yall are goin to love this:
Team captain: IRON KNIGHT, (in hospital)
TINMAN, (in hospital)
HORDE'S MINION, (in hospital)
MORLEYBUILDER, (in hospital)
FEZZIK, (in hospital)
GOTT MIT UNS, Assassin+5
MALACITE, (in hospital)
SOURCE OF CIRE, (in hospital)
and here is a message from who did it:
Message: 165 Fri Apr 4 01:35:07 2003 (Public)
Subject: Ever see the movie 'Assassins' with the rival hit men?
Sorry HGI, just eliminating the competition.
Nothing personal, but you happened to be in first place and so I took you out.
it would have been nice if it were us....but hey, i'll take it any way we can get it LOL
Cell 1007::SST
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 04-04-2003 13:17
Dan: Yeah getting team OZN to blow everyone up seems a good idea - I'm whittling my fighters down now esp. as:
Lacuna: Ahhhhhhh well I wish it had been us but perhaps next time.
FAQs: Emperor
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Rochester, New York, USA Insane since: May 2000
posted 04-04-2003 14:23
I am confused as to the reasoning behind killing everything?
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 04-04-2003 14:40
WarMage: The top 15% go through to the other game (which has no end) but once you go you can't come back and quite a few people prefer playing in this game. I was thinking of sending Team OZN through (I do think we should aim to finish at #1) and destroying most of my other ships so they can stay behind in this game. However, it is up to people to decide what to do - I have been destroying other people's ships and will get OZN to finish off the rest of mine.
FAQs: Emperor
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 04-05-2003 15:02
We do need to discuss what we are going to do with OZN. I'm in favour of aiming for the top spot but that means we need to trade right up to the end and we have 3 members in hsopital: OCTAL9, LORD_AGAIN and DUFTY.
FAQs: Emperor
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: the Asylum ghetto Insane since: Oct 2002
posted 04-06-2003 09:26
ok.....we really need to decide what's going on with what teams....here's my .02:
the FRA team: well, there's not many people on that team....and quite honestly i don't see the point in keeping it alive. i plan on self-destructing my player on that team and using it for my other team....
the OZN team: i was under the impression that it was moving on to the next level. i don't care either way though....if it does stay in the current game then i'll be removing that player as well.... if it's going onto the next level, then i'll leave that player. I would like to us to take this team to the next level.
the GTD team: well, seeing as how i'm not on it...yall can do what you like with it 
i did read today though, that you are allowed up to 16 players in EACH game....so if we move the ozn team to the next level...then we each get 16 ships there as well. i also read that you are better off manually trading rather than ctrading or scooping....it takes more time...but it definately makes more money. i can't vouche for the validity of that....but it was in the sst mailing list thingy.
[edit] apparently 2 glasses of wine is one too many [/edit]
Cell 1007::SST
[This message has been edited by Lacuna (edited 04-06-2003).]
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 04-06-2003 13:37
OK this is the way I see it:
OZN: We trade our asses off until the end of the game and aim for #1 and send the whole tem through to the next game. I'll create a temp wormhole from where some of us are hidden back to our galaxy so we can drop back in and get trading.
FRA: We blow them up and decide what to do next round (if anyone wants I'll probably give them the username and password to those ships). We should assemble the ships somewhere 9without fighters and I'll get some ships from GTD to kill them and then they can self-destruct on a SB somewhere).
GTD: I'm going to kill mine off with the other ships (by resigning from the team) and then use them to kill of team FRA and then self-destruct.
[edit: oh and:
quote: apparently 2 glasses of wine is one too many
[edit2: like I can talk ]
FAQs: Emperor
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 04-06-2003 15:26
Right I have killed 3 of GTD so far. Anyone that wants killing let me know.
I have also created a wormhole at 72919 which leads through to 21638 so get trading.
[edit and this:
quote: ______________Team_Name________________ Abbrev. Rank Score (1000s)
Imperial Merchant Training Academy [YEP] 1 128828 K
The Ozone Federation [OZN] 2 115631 K
it shouldnt take to much trading to get through to the end - if you have stealth ships I now have 2 temp wormholes going from our galaxy to one we are hiding in so you have no excuse - there are still3 of us in the hosiptial so if they sneaked out and traded too.......]
FAQs: Emperor
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: overlooking the bay Insane since: Apr 2001
posted 04-06-2003 21:50
don't sneak, just do it. ships go down, but captains go to hospitals to revive and trade again! .. and you get to drive a corvette LOL
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Insane since: Apr 2000
posted 04-06-2003 22:25
If you want to hurt some people on your way out (only 10 hours or so left, I doubt they'll be able to get revenge):
Entering sector 114617...
(There is a starbase in this sector attached to RAPTOR [---])
[Enemy Starbase: 12800]
Entering sector 114653...
(There are 13000 fighters in this sector attached to USS DEFIANT [---])
My guess is theres a starship hiding under both of these.
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: West Texas Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 04-06-2003 23:05
Decisions... decisions... decisions...
I have 4 ships able to finish solidly in the top 20... one from OZN, one from GTD and two from FRA, lol. Why couldn't they just let my 4 OZN ships live 
If anyone wants, they can kill off Jackhammer, ozone1, and ozone2 (I'll post their sectors in a bit)
BTW, quote: The Ozone Federation [OZN] 1 132097 K
Imperial Merchant Training Academy [YEP] 2 127681 K
Why Not [WHY] 3 103085 K

Maniac (V) Inmate
From: the Asylum ghetto Insane since: Oct 2002
posted 04-06-2003 23:06
woohoo!!!! we're in the #1 spot!!
______________Team_Name________________ Abbrev. Rank Score (1000s)
The Ozone Federation [OZN] 1 132097 K
Imperial Merchant Training Academy [YEP] 2 127681 K
Why Not [WHY] 3 103085 K
Fractal Genetics [FRA] 4 73140 K
Laxtest [LAX] 5 66119 K
Cell 1007::SST
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: West Texas Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 04-06-2003 23:22
OK, target practice:
Lord_Fukutoku: (12743 figs) in sector 22946
Ozone1: (25786 figs) in sector 159000
Ozone2: (29151 figs) in sector 159000
Jackhammer: (23939 figs) in sector 159000
[edit: I just put that out over channel 0, so they probably won't last long 
[This message has been edited by Lord_Fukutoku (edited 04-06-2003).]
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 04-07-2003 05:21
quote: I have also created a wormhole at 72919 which leads through to 21638 so get trading.
Oh, I see, so you guys just went to a completely different galaxy than I did. Geez, if you didn't want to be around me you should have just said so.

*goes off to buy intergalactic rocket booster*
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 04-07-2003 06:42
Well, some moron named PPP managed to destroy my starship while I was online. I thought that was the whole idea behind having a stealth ship. I didn't have a homing device on me, and according to Lacuna the only way he could have found me is by randomly pressing A as he cruised around.
Incidentally, his justification for destroying me was "I don't like stealth ships." What a prick.
So, anyway, I built myself back up to a liner and did my best to trade enough to get us back into first place, but my efforts have fallen short. This game is over in a few hours, so that looks like the end for me.
I won't be playing in the next game, by the way. Call me a sore loser, or whatever you like, but I didn't lay a finger on anyone the entire game, and in the last few hours some moron comes along and destroys me at random for no reason. I just don't enjoy such arbitrariness in a game, that's all.
Good luck to the Ozone Federation, and have fun.
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist
From: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Insane since: Apr 2000
posted 04-07-2003 06:56
Some moron? I've killed hundreds of people for no reason, the most fun being when they're awake - and they only died because I had faster hands than they did. Why? Because I figure they wanted to end up high in the rankings, and I wanted them to think of me as a jerk. Someone's gotta be an antagonist.
(In fact, I killed 2 people who were in the top ten, just two days ago, and have absolutely no remorse)
Sure, it wasn't me who killed you, but I think its unfair to turn around and call him a moron just because he plays the game a different way than you.
..It is just a game afterall 
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 04-07-2003 07:11
He killed me because he doesn't like stealth ships. I think that is just as "fair" as me calling him a moron.
And yes, I know it is just a game. I'm not upset about it or anything (beyond the mild annoyance), I've just decided that when the game ends today it will be the end for me. If I really wanted to I could easily build myself back up to where I was, but I just don't feel like it. That's all.
[This message has been edited by Suho1004 (edited 04-07-2003).]
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 04-07-2003 14:13
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Seoul, Korea Insane since: Apr 2002
posted 04-07-2003 17:03
Well, to be honest with you, I was debating whether or not I was going to play in the next game anyway. Today pissed me off a bit, frankly. I may come back later on and trade up a bit. We'll have to see how it goes.
By the way, my general opinion of the game wasn't something that suddenly changed today. While it is interesting and mildly addictive, it is a tad unimaginative and tends to get repetitive after a while. This is why I was so pysched about the idea of an Asylum game, but talk of that seems to have died down. Anyway, that's another story entirely.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Rochester, New York, USA Insane since: May 2000
posted 04-07-2003 18:03
Sorry... but no.
______________Team_Name________________ Abbrev. Rank Score (1000s)
Imperial Merchant Training Academy [YEP] 1 131778 K
The Ozone Federation [OZN] 2 130191 K
Why Not [WHY] 3 103085 K
OverNight Express [ONE] 4 65879 K
Fractal Genetics [FRA] 5 65673 K
Laxtest [LAX] 6 64863 K
big fat boys [BFB] 7 64467 K
Ghosts of the Battlefield [GHO] 8 64252 K
Chunky Munky [CMK] 9 57566 K
Assorted Items of Destruction [AID] 10 57005 K
The Clan [CLN] 11 56865 K
Tennesee Whiskey [TEN] 12 47034 K
The Horde's Grand Inquisition [HGI] 13 43742 K
Federal Institute of Technology [ETH] 14 42071 K
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 04-07-2003 18:47
WarMage: Ooooooooooooo so close 
Anyway I think we did remarkably well cosndiering it was our first time around the block.
Suho1004: Yes it is a little repetative (anyone else play the Hobbit on the ZX Spectrum) and it is only the human interaction that really makes it into something special. That is why I am enthusiastic about making our own version (there are so many ways it could be improved with little extra effort) I was just talking with TP and the arcade version seems to be coming on nicely and I suspect there will be an update as soon as he fixes a few issues. The actual strategy thread is lying around here somewhere so feel free to throw ideas in there too if you have any.
FAQs: Emperor
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 04-07-2003 18:48
And unless anyone has anything else to add about this specific game then I think we can start widning this down and focusing on the next game.
FAQs: Emperor
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Rochester, New York, USA Insane since: May 2000
posted 04-07-2003 20:36
I feel this is a good time to give my recap of how I felt the game went.
The gut feeling I get about this game is: pretty cool.
This game satisfied my nerd instincts. I am still working on trying to keep the sector layout down in my head, but on the whole near the end of the game, depending on the type of shit I was using I could maintain a pretty damn height average for trading. In my Freighter I could maintain 1400 to 1600 while my battle ships were down around 1200. So I feel that I made a grand improvement over my about 1000 that I started off with.
In order to get my average up I had to work on autoscooping. I would set my computrade to 1 move and then push any ports i found to a planet. Then scoop and move along. I had the autotrade set to yes, because this would allow me to see what the resources of the port were without having to waste fuel landing, or to have a satistics module, to get the facts of commerce. You want to make sure that you are not pushing ports that don't offer you a good amount of materials, to trade, and to make sure you are not scooping with the same port twice. This is where the keeping the map in your head gets a bit foggy.
I am still trying to figure out how to best go about trading. If you log in every day and do a little trading you will soon find that all the ports in your area of influence get a bit less productive. If you were to go to another galaxy to trade that would cost you 40,000 in order to move between your base and the different galaxies depending upon the cost of the bosters. This is by far a waste of money IMO. If you log in once every 7 days you will end up with a ton of fuel, and you can trade out work your sectors like that. But you will have a whole lot of fuel that you are not using, this is not really the best idea either.
I think after playing a few more games I will start to figure out how best to work this.
Attacking other ships and destroying them is pretty fun, but at the same time it is pretty difficult to actually do this. When you attack you are wasting fuel, and ships. But if you get attacked you are really up shit crick since you lose on the exchange. It makes attacking nessesary or you better be damn good at hiding.
My highest rated ship, which didn't end up that high was 69 and I didn't attack with the ship once, I just traded like crazy, and keeping picking up more fighters that would sit in my bunker. I was able to do pretty good, and I am sure I would have gotten the ship much higher in the rankings were I to trade better from the beginning.
The number one thing I have to stress is Do not die if you die you are pretty screwed. I fell from 100 place down to 336 when I was killed. This is a crying shame. Don't die, make sure you are defended like crazy. Bunkers and SB's and 20k+ worth of fighters. Just don't die. That is all there is to say on that.
I think that this game could get really fun in the 200 league. Your teams can be up to 50 people, and you don't have a real time limit to worry about, so you can work on methodically taking over galaxies. It could be fun to have the OZONE galaxy, that is what we could work on.
Anyone else have any opinions?
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: the Asylum ghetto Insane since: Oct 2002
posted 04-07-2003 21:46
WM: i couldn't agree more!!!
we'll definately get farther in this game being a bit more diplomatic rather that just killing everything we see...at least until we are established.
i too, already have a #15 bunker and 5000 and some figs...in the 664001s
Cell 1007::SST
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers
From: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 04-08-2003 15:36
Although the thread is obvious I thought I'd throw it in here - we have set up a shneaky set of hidden forums so we can play without being spied on - see here for more info:
We'll obviously drop in and chat about SST here but we have made enough of a nuisance of ourselves that people might drop a search into Google and BOOM 
I'll leave this thread open a little longer but I'll shut it and archive it. I'll then save the pages as separate files and remove the 'evidence' and store it elsewhere 
FAQs: Emperor