The asylum server stats' Search Query Report is often an indication of the thoughts of the wider online community (as we discuss a broad range of topics) - todays are well......
Listing the top 20 queries by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: search term
----: -----------
27: john cleese axis of evil
23: axis of evil wannabees
18: javascript reload after 10 second
18: hide form element
16: painting clouds
9: photoshop cube
8: text editor javascript
8: onmouseover javascript layer div
6: axis of evil john cleese
5: sad clowns
5: mad thumbs
4: cleese axis of evil
4: mythical creature swiss banker
4: swiss banker mythical creature
4: what mythical creature means a swiss banker?
4: new metallica album
4: other axis of evil wannabees by john cleese
3: free sig hosting
3: lesser known simpsons character tests
3: john cleese axis evil
539: [not listed: 488 search terms]
I quite like the idea of an 'axis of evil john cleese' - that must make their meetings difficult if they all have the same name 
That said the FAQ's (which usually track the needs of the web designers and more techy end of the spectrum) aren't much better:
reqs: search term
----: -----------
33: 0x800ccc19
24: yahoo smilies
24: php redirect
22: how to get a girlfriend
17: free sig hosting
14: hot rod flames
but perhaps that just mirros the needs of the nerds out there 
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