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Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 08-23-2001 06:24
Im having trouble opening this window, it says there is a error on page, but the code look right to me, The window uses a javascript file, if you don't find anything wrong with the code on the page, i will open up the js file and let you view it, so look at this
<script language="javaScript" type="text/javascript" SRC="js/pz_chromeless_2.1.js"></SCRIPT>
function openIT() {
windowCERRARa = "img/close_a.gif"
windowCERRARd = "img/close_d.gif"
windowCERRARo = "img/close_o.gif"
windowNONEgrf = "img/none.gif"
windowCLOCK = "img/clock.gif"
windowREALtit = " Task title"
windowTIT = "<font face=verdana size=1> Window title</font>"
windowBORDERCOLOR = "#000000"
windowBORDERCOLORsel = "#999999"
windowTITBGCOLOR = "#999999"
windowTITBGCOLORsel = "#333333"
openchromeless(theURL, wname, W, H, windowCERRARa, windowCERRARd, windowCERRARo, windowNONEgrf, windowCLOCK, windowTIT, windowREALtit , windowBORDERCOLOR, windowBORDERCOLORsel, windowTITBGCOLOR, windowTITBGCOLORsel)
<a href="javascript penIT();">Open Window</a>
Are you afraid of the Dark
[This message has been edited by Dark (edited 08-23-2001).]
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: 100101010011 <-- right about here Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 08-23-2001 06:36
umm This is pretty straight forward. its just variables getting set we'll need the rest to do any real debugging (A link would really help)
:[ Computers let you make more mistakes faster than any other invention in human history, with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila. ]:
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Belgrade, Serbia Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 08-23-2001 08:14
I've said this a couple of times in Site Reviews board...
Chromeless Windows *must* D.I.E!
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: westernesse Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 08-23-2001 10:44
um, can someone tell me what chromeless windows are?
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Stuttgart, Germany Insane since: Apr 2001
posted 08-23-2001 11:17
Paranoid (IV) Inmate
From: Insane since: Apr 2000
posted 08-23-2001 13:29
Microbians is down.
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 08-23-2001 13:36
Ok opend up the js file. I love MAX's HTML Beauty++ ME
function openchromeless(theURL, wname, W, H, windowCERRARa, windowCERRARd, windowCERRARo, windowNONEgrf, windowCLOCK, windowTIT, windowREALtit , windowBORDERCOLOR, windowBORDERCOLORsel, windowTITBGCOLOR, windowTITBGCOLORsel) {
var windowW = W;
var windowH = H;
var windowX = Math.ceil( (window.screen.width - windowW) / 2 );
var windowY = Math.ceil( (window.screen.height - windowH) / 2 );
if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>=4) isie=true
else isie=false
if (isie) { H=H+20+2; W=W+2; }
s = ",width="+W+",height="+H;
if (isie && (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("win")!=-1) ) {
var dowin = theURL != "" ? true : false;
var chromeTIThtml = '\n' +
'<html> '+ '\n'+
'<head> '+ '\n'+
'<title> CHROMELESS WINDOWS / TITLEBAR</title> '+ '\n'+
'<style type="text/css"> '+ '\n'+
'#mywindowTITLE { position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 100%; height: 22px; z-index: 1; background-color: '+windowTITBGCOLOR+'; clip:rect(0,100%,22,0); } '+ '\n'+
'#mywindow { position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 100%; height: 22px; z-index: 2; clip:rect(0,100%;22,0); } '+ '\n'+
'#mywindowCLOSE { position: absolute; left: -22px; top: -22px; width: 11px; height: 11px; z-index: 3; clip:rect(0,11,11,0); } '+ '\n'+
'#mywindowCLOCK { position: absolute; left: -22px; top: -22px; width: 11px; height: 11px; z-index: 3; clip:rect(0,11,11,0); } '+ '\n'+
'</style> '+ '\n'+
'<script language="javascript"> '+ '\n'
if ( theURL != "" ) {
chromeTIThtml = chromeTIThtml +
' theURL = "'+theURL +'" '+ '\n'+
' windowCERRARa = "'+windowCERRARa +'" '+ '\n'+
' windowCERRARd = "'+windowCERRARd +'" '+ '\n'+
' windowCERRARo = "'+windowCERRARo +'" '+ '\n'+
' windowCLOCK = "'+windowCLOCK +'" '+ '\n'+
' windowBORDERCOLOR = "'+windowBORDERCOLOR +'" '+ '\n'+
' windowBORDERCOLORsel= "'+windowBORDERCOLORsel +'" '+ '\n'+
' windowTITBGCOLOR = "'+windowTITBGCOLOR +'" '+ '\n'+
' windowTITBGCOLORsel = "'+windowTITBGCOLORsel +'" '+ '\n'
} else {
chromeTIThtml = chromeTIThtml +
' theURL="about:blank" '+ '\n'+
' windowCERRARa = "img/close_a.gif" '+ '\n'+
' windowCERRARd = "img/close_d.gif" '+ '\n'+
' windowCERRARo = "img/close_o.gif" '+ '\n'+
' windowCLOCK = "img/clock.gif" '+ '\n'+
' windowTIT = "<font face=verdana size=1> window title</font>" '+ '\n'+
' windowBORDERCOLOR = "#000000" '+ '\n'+
' windowBORDERCOLORsel = "#FF8A00" '+ '\n'+
' windowTITBGCOLOR = "#d7dcd9" '+ '\n'+
' windowTITBGCOLORsel = "#ffffff" '+ '\n'
chromeTIThtml = chromeTIThtml +
'var windowCERRARImg_a = new Image(); windowCERRARImg_a.src = windowCERRARa; '+ '\n'+
'var windowCERRARImg_d = new Image(); windowCERRARImg_d.src = windowCERRARd; '+ '\n'+
'var windowCERRARImg_o = new Image(); windowCERRARImg_o.src = windowCERRARo; '+ '\n'+
'var windowCLOCKImg = new Image(); windowCLOCKImg.src = windowCLOCK; '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
'function mouseSTATUS() { '+ '\n'+
' this.x = null; '+ '\n'+
' this.y = null; '+ '\n'+
' this.bt = "up"; '+ '\n'+
' this.oldx = null; '+ '\n'+
' this.oldy = null; '+ '\n'+
' this.dx = null; '+ '\n'+
' this.dy = null; '+ '\n'+
' this.screeny = null; '+ '\n'+
' this.screenx = null; '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
' this.element = null; '+ '\n'+
' this.event = null; '+ '\n'+
'} '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
'var mouse = new mouseSTATUS(); '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
'function actualizateMouseSTATUS(e) { '+ '\n'+
' if (!e) var e = event '+ '\n'+
' if ( (e.type=="mousedown" | | e.type=="mouseup") && e.button!=1) return true '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
' var x=e.x+document.body.scrollLeft '+ '\n'+
' var y=e.y+document.body.scrollTop '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
' mouse.x = x; '+ '\n'+
' mouse.y = y; '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
' if ( e.type == "mousedown" ) mouse.bt = "down"; '+ '\n'+
' else if ( e.type == "mouseup" ) mouse.bt = "up"; '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
' if (window.event) { '+ '\n'+
' mouse.screenx=window.event.screenX; '+ '\n'+
' mouse.screeny=window.event.screenY; '+ '\n'+
' } else { '+ '\n'+
' mouse.screenx=-1; '+ '\n'+
' mouse.screeny=-1; '+ '\n'+
' } '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
'} '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
'function initMouseEvents() { '+ '\n'+
' document.onmousedown = actualizateMouseSTATUS '+ '\n'+
' document.onmousemove = actualizateMouseSTATUS '+ '\n'+
' document.onmouseup = actualizateMouseSTATUS '+ '\n'+
' document.onselectstart = selectstart '+ '\n'+
' document.ondragstart = new Function("actualizateMouseSTATUS(event); return false;") '+ '\n'+
'} '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
'function selectstart(){ '+ '\n'+
' if ( event.srcElement.tagName != "INPUT" && event.srcElement.tagName != "TEXTAREA") { return false; } '+ '\n'+
' else { mouse.bt="up"; return true; } '+ '\n'+
'} '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
'initMouseEvents() '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
'var mywindowbt ="up"; '+ '\n'+
'var wincloseSTATUS="up"; '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
'var ofx=0; '+ '\n'+
'var ofy=0; '+ '\n'+
'var opx=0; '+ '\n'+
'var opy=0; '+ '\n'+
'var px=0; '+ '\n'+
'var py=0; '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
'var wcpx1=-1, wcpy1=-1; '+ '\n'+
'var wcpx2=-1, wcpy2=-1; '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
'var wclosechanged = false; '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
'function initToMoveWin() { '+ '\n'+
' if (wincloseSTATUS=="up" && ( mywindowbt=="up" | | mywindowbt=="over") ) { '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
' if ( parent.mainloaded ) document.all["mywindowCLOCK"].style.visibility = "hidden"; '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
' document.all["mywindowCLOCK"].style.pixelLeft=document.body.clientWidth-36 '+ '\n'+
' document.all["mywindowCLOCK"].style.pixelTop =4 '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
' wcpx1 = document.all["mywindowCLOSE"].style.pixelLeft=document.body.clientWidth-18 '+ '\n'+
' wcpy1 = document.all["mywindowCLOSE"].style.pixelTop =4 '+ '\n'+
' wcpx2 = wcpx1 + 11 - 1 '+ '\n'+
' wcpy2 = wcpy1 + 11 - 1 '+ '\n'+
' if ( mouse.x >= wcpx1 && mouse.x <= wcpx2 && mouse.y >= wcpy1 && mouse.y <= wcpy2) { '+ '\n'+
' if (wclosechanged == false) { '+ '\n'+
' document.all["mywindowCLOSE"].document.images["closewin"].src=windowCERRARImg_o.src '+ '\n'+
' wclosechanged = true '+ '\n'+
' } '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
' } else if (wclosechanged == true) { '+ '\n'+
' document.all["mywindowCLOSE"].document.images["closewin"].src=windowCERRARImg_d.src '+ '\n'+
' wclosechanged = false '+ '\n'+
' } '+ '\n'+
' } '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
' if ( mouse.y <= 22 && mouse.y >= 1 && mywindowbt == "up" && mouse.bt =="up" ) { mywindowbt = "over" } '+ '\n'+
' else if ( ( mouse.y > 22 | | mouse.y < 1 ) && mywindowbt == "over" && mouse.bt =="up" ) { mywindowbt = "up" } '+ '\n'+
' else if ( mouse.y <= 22 && mouse.y >= 1 && mywindowbt == "over" && mouse.bt == "down" ) { '+ '\n'+
' self.window.focus(); '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
' if ( mouse.x >= wcpx1 && mouse.x <= wcpx2 && mouse.y >= wcpy1 && mouse.y <= wcpy2 ) { '+ '\n'+
' wincloseSTATUS="down" '+ '\n'+
' document.all["mywindowCLOSE"].document.images["closewin"].src=windowCERRARImg_a.src '+ '\n'+
' } else { '+ '\n'+
' document.all["mywindowTITLE"].style.backgroundColor = windowTITBGCOLORsel '+ '\n'+
' document.body.style.borderColor = windowBORDERCOLORsel '+ '\n'+
' parent.chromewinb.document.bgColor = windowBORDERCOLORsel '+ '\n'+
' parent.chromewinl.document.bgColor = windowBORDERCOLORsel '+ '\n'+
' parent.chromewinr.document.bgColor = windowBORDERCOLORsel '+ '\n'+
' ofx = mouse.x; '+ '\n'+
' ofy = mouse.y; '+ '\n'+
' opx = mouse.x; '+ '\n'+
' opy = mouse.y; '+ '\n'+
' } '+ '\n'+
' mywindowbt="down"; '+ '\n'+
' } '+ '\n'+
' else if ( mouse.bt =="up" && mywindowbt == "down" ) { '+ '\n'+
' mywindowbt="up"; '+ '\n'+
' ofx=0; '+ '\n'+
' ofy=0; '+ '\n'+
' opx=0; '+ '\n'+
' opy=0; '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
' if ( mouse.x >= wcpx1 && mouse.x <= wcpx2 && mouse.y >= wcpy1 && mouse.y <= wcpy2 && wincloseSTATUS=="down" ) { top.window.close() } '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
' wincloseSTATUS="up" '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
' if ( document.all["mywindowTITLE"] ) { '+ '\n'+
' document.all["mywindowTITLE"].style.backgroundColor = windowTITBGCOLOR '+ '\n'+
' document.body.style.borderColor = windowBORDERCOLOR '+ '\n'+
' parent.chromewinb.document.bgColor= windowBORDERCOLOR '+ '\n'+
' parent.chromewinl.document.bgColor= windowBORDERCOLOR '+ '\n'+
' parent.chromewinr.document.bgColor= windowBORDERCOLOR '+ '\n'+
' } '+ '\n'+
' '+ '\n'+
' } '+ '\n'+
' else if ( mywindowbt == "down" && wincloseSTATUS == "up") { '+ '\n'+
' var m_scrx = mouse.screenx; '+ '\n'+
' var m_scry = mouse.screeny; '+ '\n'+
' opx = px + ofx - m_scrx; '+ '\n'+
' opy = py + ofy - m_scry; '+ '\n'+
' px = m_scrx - ofx; '+ '\n'+
' py = m_scry - ofy; '+ '\n'+
' top.window.moveTo(px , py); '+ '\n'+
' } '+ '\n'+
' setTimeout("initToMoveWin()",50); '+ '\n'+
'} '+ '\n'+
'</script> '+ '\n'+
'</head> '+ '\n'+
'<body TOPMARGIN=0 LEFTMARGIN=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 MARGINHEIGHT=0 scroll=no style="border: 1px solid '+ windowBORDERCOLOR +'; overflow: hidden; margin: 0pt;" bgcolor='+windowTITBGCOLOR+'> '+ '\n'+
'<div id=mywindow><img src="'+windowNONEgrf+'" width=100% height=20></div> '+ '\n'+
'<div id=mywindowTITLE>'+ '<table width=100% height=20 border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td valign=middle align=left>'+windowTIT+'</td></tr></table>' +'</div> '+ '\n'+
'<div id=mywindowCLOSE><img name=closewin src="'+ windowCERRARd +'" border=0 width=11 height=11></div> '+ '\n'+
'<div id=mywindowCLOCK><img name=clockwin src="'+ windowCLOCK +'" border=0 width=11 height=11></div> '+ '\n'+
'</body> '+ '\n'+
'<script>initToMoveWin();</script> '+ '\n'+
'</html> '+ '\n'
var chromeFRMhtml = '' +
'<HTML> '+ '\n'+
'<HEAD> '+ '\n'+
'<TITLE>'+ windowREALtit +'</TITLE> '+ '\n'+
'</HEAD> '+ '\n'+
'<script> '+ '\n'+
'mainloaded = false '+ '\n'+
'function generatetitle() { '+ '\n'+
' if( window.frames["chromewint"] && window.frames["chromewinl"] && window.frames["chromewinb"] && window.frames["chromewinr"] ) { '+ '\n'+
' chromewint.document.open(); '+ '\n'+
' chromewint.document.write( "'+ quitasaltolinea(chromeTIThtml) +'" ); '+ '\n'+
' chromewint.document.close(); '+ '\n'+
' chromewinl.document.bgColor="'+ windowBORDERCOLOR +'" '+ '\n'+
' chromewinb.document.bgColor="'+ windowBORDERCOLOR +'" '+ '\n'+
' chromewinr.document.bgColor="'+ windowBORDERCOLOR +'" '+ '\n'+
' } else { '+ '\n'+
' setTimeout("generatetitle()",200) '+ '\n'+
' } '+ '\n'+
'} '+ '\n'+
'generatetitle() '+ '\n'+
'</script> '+ '\n'+
'<frameset border=0 framespacing=0 frameborder=0 rows="22,100%,1" onload="mainloaded=true" onreadystatechange="generatetitle()"> '+ '\n'+
' <frame name=chromewint src="about:blank" scrolling=no noresize> '+ '\n'+
' <frameset border=0 framespacing=0 frameborder=0 cols="1,100%,1"> '+ '\n'+
' <frame name=chromewinl src="about:blank" scrolling=no noresize> '+ '\n'+
' <frame name=main src="'+theURL+'"> '+ '\n'+
' <frame name=chromewinr src="about:blank" scrolling=no noresize> '+ '\n'+
' </frameset> '+ '\n'+
' <frame name=chromewinb src="about:blank" scrolling=no noresize> '+ '\n'+
'</frameset> '+ '\n'+
'</HTML> '
splashWin = window.open( "" , wname, "fullscreen=1,toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=0"+s);
splashWin.resizeTo( Math.ceil( W ) , Math.ceil( H ) );
splashWin.moveTo ( Math.ceil( windowX ) , Math.ceil( windowY ) );
splashWin.document.write( chromeFRMhtml );
else {
var splashWin = window.open(theURL, wname, "toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=1"+s, true);
function quitasaltolinea(txt) {
var salida = txt.toString()
var re = /\\/g; var salida = salida.replace(re, "\\\\");
var re = /\//g; var salida = salida.replace(re, "\\\/");
var re = /\"/g; var salida = salida.replace(re, "\\\"");
var re = /\'/g; var salida = salida.replace(re, "\\\'");
var re = /\n/g; var salida = salida.replace(re, "\\n");
var re = / /g; var salida = salida.replace(re, "");
var re = /\t/g; var salida = salida.replace(re, "");
var re = /\r/g; var salida = salida.replace(re, "");
return salida
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 08-23-2001 18:10
bitdamaged were you at buddy?
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: 100101010011 <-- right about here Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 08-23-2001 19:15
in your a href remove the space between the javascript and the ":"
<a href="javascript penIT();">Open Window</a>
And don't open that page.
Open a page that has a link somewhere like this
<a href="javascript:window.close()">CLOSE WINDOW</a>
:[ Computers let you make more mistakes faster than any other invention in human history, with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila. ]:
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 08-23-2001 20:01
I don't quite follow you, I removed the space in the href, so now its doesn't say error on page, but it doesn't open the url, it opens javascript which in turn jsut fowards me to a page not found message, what are you talking about when you say"And don't open that page.Open a page that has a link somewhere like this<a href="javascript:window.close()">CLOSE WINDOW</a>" doesn't that just allow the window to be closed? I jsut put the asylum link there to test it. Under the "the url=" I am supposed to put a link to the page I want loaded in the window right? Can you still help me? am i missing the target name or something? it is wname ="CHROMELESSWIN" right?i was also curious to if the url has to go in the js file as well.
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 08-23-2001 20:53
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: 100101010011 <-- right about here Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 08-23-2001 20:59
Hmm it worked fine for me when I removed the space
With this if you load a page without chrome there is no way to close it or move it unless you code for that.
I'm not too hip on the methodolgy this code uses.
Does it work with that URL?
:[ Computers let you make more mistakes faster than any other invention in human history, with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila. ]:
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Belgrade, Serbia Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 08-23-2001 21:04
Dark, even if you make them work why would you want to use Chromeless Windows?
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 08-23-2001 21:23
cause I jsut want to
Bit did you go to the link of the working example? it has three gifs that close the window, when you got it to work it diid it look like the one in the example ,might consider using a reg window maX, if i can customize it the way I want it. To tell you the truth i really want to have windows like slimes pop up for lists of links and stuff. Also I might scrap this whole window thing alltogether, and just hide some layers and have them show themselves with the list of the links, i've done that before though
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: 100101010011 <-- right about here Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 08-23-2001 21:38
I didn't get the layer at the top for control purposes.
:[ Computers let you make more mistakes faster than any other invention in human history, with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila. ]:
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Belgrade, Serbia Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 08-23-2001 22:22
Dark, there's also one other thing - Chromeless Windows work only in MSIE, so if you're going after cross-browser compatibility I would avoid them (and popup windows altogether)...
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 08-23-2001 22:22
That's so damn stupid i think.
Anyways thanx for your time bit. Im jsut going to make something diffrent with the site.
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: 100101010011 <-- right about here Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 08-23-2001 22:29
It's not really stupid.
It's just that the whole thing is a hack (more acurately it's more of a cool bug)
np Dark
:[ Computers let you make more mistakes faster than any other invention in human history, with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila. ]:
Maniac (V) Lord Mad Scientist Sovereign of all the lands Ozone and just beyond that little green line over there...
From: Stockholm, Sweden Insane since: Mar 1994
posted 08-24-2001 02:43
Yah, it is a cool bug, and why not play with it? Have fun! Still, better if you find some way to have them pop up when asked for, and then politely die when not needed, (remember the "close()" function, people don't want to have to ctrl-alt-delete to get out of your site!) The evil part of me wants to play with this too, think of the evil corporate uses! Annoying little "marquee" windows opening on your screen, boasting of todays top headlines and ads, and you can't close it! I tells ya, it's the next X10.
Your pal, -doc-
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 08-24-2001 02:47
Yo, Doc I saw the "ozone cams" tonight, hahaha, ...........were...........you picking your nose? btw- I could see you comp on one of the cams, is that good?
Lunatic (VI) Mad Scientist
From: the Psychiatric Ward Insane since: Sep 2000
posted 08-24-2001 05:34
DOC!!!! AHHH..... dont say that!!! ***shivvvvers***