Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate
From: Sacramento Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 07-11-2000 08:56
Hi all,
Please help... After i re-installed photoshop 5 i can not get to my scanner. The import option is not availiable to me. it is greyed out. How can i get it back so i can selct my source and scan into PS5?
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Long Island, NY Insane since: Jun 2000
posted 07-12-2000 04:31
Not to be offensive, but is it a legal copy of Photoshop your "re-installing"? I think in the demo the import and export features are disabled. I dont really see why they would be disabled in a legal version but check the manual, also have you tried uninstalling then re-installing it?
Sorry if it wasnt much help ...
ICQ - 77252449
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Boston, MA, USA Insane since: Apr 2000
posted 07-12-2000 05:39
Might be silly but .. was your scanner acquire module a plugin that came with the scanner? Did you re-install that when you re-installed PS?
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate
From: Sacramento Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 07-12-2000 20:16
Thanks for the responses,
No it is not a demo version and yes it was working before ans has been for a long time. I had to move it to a new computer with a different scanner. It still actually works on the old system! Boy I am glad I did not remove it before this install! I can at lest go back to the old system if I can't get this going. (Don't wantt to though) The scanner does work with other programs so I know it is not a scanner problem persay.
No I did not re-install the scanner software. I wanted to see if there was another reason before trying that. I installed the scanner when I first got the system and have added other software that uses the scanner, after that, and they see the scanner. That is why I thought PS5 should also.
If no one else has a better idea then I guess it is re-install the scanner software time.... hope not! Anyone elso have a better idea?
Thanks now and in advance for the help,
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate
From: Sacramento Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 07-14-2000 03:29
OK... here is the kicker! I downloaded a FREEWARE program called Iview and installed it. IT SEES THE SCANNER!!! geez! Then to top it off I scanned in a test pic and saved it as a PCX file. I then opened photoshop and tried to open the pic. Guess what??? Photoshop does not have pcx (and a bunch of other formats) listed in the type box! I could not bring the pic in! I had to go back and re-save the pic as a TIF format to bring it into PS. WHAT IN HECK IS GOING ON WITH THIS PROGRAM?
Sorry for the excited post...Please help me if you can... AS you can see it is NOT a scanner problem...it is a PS problem.
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Alaska, USA Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 07-14-2000 05:13
I've got an idea! How about reinstalling the program!? If you have problems AFTER clean installing PS, then contact adobe tech support (be sure to have your serial number handy).
good luck
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate
From: Sacramento Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 07-14-2000 20:22
To - 2win
Ya know... (If you did not intend to imply, then accept my apoliglies(sp))
I don not understand, but in any case do not apprecciate the implicationd that I have an illegal copy of PS. Just because I am having a problem, you guys assume I have a cracked copy.
I was hoping that you guys MIGHT have benn able to help me AVOID re-installing. I could also refomat my system too, that would probably cure it also. Better ye maybe if I bought a new computer.... lol
To the people that actually tried to help me, thank you very much,
Any other constructive ideas would be most appreciated.
Neurotic (0) Inmate Newly admitted
posted 07-14-2000 21:17
It seems like you are willing to do anything to fix it.....but work on the problem. Reinstalling is an obvious decision, and not a big deal if you ask me. It is not an insult to ask(or imply) if you have an illegal copy of PS, dont take it that way. You are willing to do anything but what we tell you might work. Troubleshooting is a learning experience, try everything you think might work(even if it doesn't, at least you know). Then when you finally solve the problem, you will be able to gain a better perspective of how to solve it.
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Boston, MA, USA Insane since: Apr 2000
posted 07-14-2000 22:55
Don't blame the guy for not wanting to re-install it - the problems started when he re-installed it!
Look in the plugins directory inside Photoshop on your hard drive. In the Plugins directory should be a nested directory called Import/Export. Inside there should be either the scanner's proprietary acquire plugin or the generic Twain plug in (is it safe to assume you're PC?). If you don't find things just this way then that's likely the source of the problem, and could be the reason why other softwares work okay with the scanner (if they *do* have the acquire plugins). If something is missing, maybe you can do a partial install from the CD of just what's missing? Maybe you accidentally did a partial install when you loaded it on the new machine? If everything looks like it should, then maybe something got toasted; in that case I don't see any alternative buy to pull PS off your drive and re-install. Something you just might have to do.
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate
From: Wilson, AR Insane since: Jun 2000
posted 07-14-2000 23:16
I had PS 5.5 installed on a computer at school and something greyed out so I couldn't select it so I just reinstalled. Fixed the problem and only took 10 minutes. He didn't say you had an illegal copy. He just said to make sure you have your serial number handy. That is b/c when you call them one of the first things they will ask for will be there serial number. My copy is illegal but not b/c I choose for it to be. I'm just 17 and can't afford to buy it. But this copy has sold me on any adobe products in the future. I will by the future versions that I get. I burned it from my school's copy which they never would have gotten if I wouldn't have asked them to get it for me. My school is also putting pagemaker in that room and We're getting pagemaker, photoshop, and illustrator for annual staff. That is a large chunk of money that adobe will get b/c I burned 1 copy of ps. I know that was unnecessary but I had to explain myself.
Bipolar (III) Inmate
From: Alaska, USA Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 07-14-2000 23:53
Let me start off by saying that I don't care one way or the other if you have an illegal copy or not. I am basing my recommendations on the presumption that it's a legal copy. Calling adobe would or rather should make things faster and simpler so far as troubleshooting goes, and I at this point don't understand the defensive nature of your posts.
That being said, most folks here are very helpful, but we won't actually hold your hand. We put things up for you to try, or not then it's up to you. Cool?
[This message has been edited by 2winspapa (edited 14-07-2000).]
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist
From: Long Island, NY Insane since: Jun 2000
posted 07-15-2000 16:01
Whats the actual big deal about re-installing the program again? That would solve whatever problem your having and would be a heck of a lot faster then waiting for someone to post a simpilar way in this forum.
Like 2winspapa, Im sure your going to find that these forums are very useful if you have a problem, but you hafta be willing to actually make an attempt. Very few people have the time to actually sit down and write a tutorial on how you can get your import option to work without re-installing. We will however try to be as helpful as possible in answering your question.
Also about when i asked if it was a legal copy it wasnt to be offensive. I understand someone doesnt have $600 or whatever it costs to shell out on a program for the computer. I was just making sure that it was a legal program because those functions in the illegal one are disabled.
With that in mind, dont get offensive if the help we offer isnt exactly what your looking for. Theres no need to get sarcastic or offended, keep in mind you did come here for help.
ICQ - 77252449
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate
From: Sacramento Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 07-15-2000 20:06
Well...ok I am sorry I got a little heated about the copy thing... water under the bridge, ok?
As for the re-install. The problem I have is that the cd is not at that computer and will not be for about a little while. So while I am stuck I was hoping that I could get it going. I have installed this software on other sytems and it has ALWAYS worked fine... (and no I don't use multile copies at the same time). That is why I am amazed at why these things are happening this time.
I am checking the import/export directory to see if it is the same as my original machine. Does anyone know where the file type formats are stored because it is very odd that I would not have a save as option of pcx and others.
Thanks for all the help
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Insane since: May 2000
posted 07-16-2000 00:07
Nervous Wreck (II) Inmate
From: Sacramento Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 07-20-2000 23:34
Hi all,
Ok... I finally got my cd and the computer togeteher and re-installed. Hey...It works! I knew it would. I have no idea why it did not take the first time.
Thanks toall the people who tried to give me suggestions, other then re-installing...lol Especially STEVE, who mentioned the import export directory. That is where I found the problem, a missing file! I actually got it running by pasting that file remotly from my other machine, PRIOR to my re-install! I still did the re-install as I was not confindent in what else might have been missing. Thanks again man!!!! You did it!!!
I guess i should of explained why i could not re-install imedeately in the first place. I wish I could of gotten it going before this but, all is well that ends well.
Steve you gota start reading this board EVERY DAY from now on in case I have another odd ball prob...lol
Maniac (V) Inmate
From: Boston, MA, USA Insane since: Apr 2000
posted 07-21-2000 02:02
Aw shucks, man, yer makin' me blush. I got a warm glow now!
I only hit the nail on the head about once a year (rest of the time I hit my thumb), so you got lucky I guess. Don't count on my being here every day, but there's plenty of folks here to help out.
Now get busy and do some scanning!