Howdy & Welcome...
Having just gone through this, with much help from the experts here's what you first have to understand... which I did not. And if I'm wrong in any way those same experts will be on me 'like a chicken on a June bug' 
*And I can see already how I'm screwing up... DO NOT CLICK on those high-lighted links..They shouldn't be links... just instructions... but anyway here goes...
Images you actually see in the message are not here. Images you see when you click a *link* are not here either.
Here's how it works as explained to me.
As far as your images are concerned, here're brief instructions. You need to have your own web space somewhere (i.e. Freedom2Surf) where you'll upload your images. Also, web host where you'll have your web space must support external linking or your images won't show up (Freedom2Surf is fine with this). And after you upload your images to your web space, you add them to your message like this:
(this will add image) (this will only show link to image)
'll elaborate on what max said before.
goto and signup an account.
Soon they will email you to tell you that your site is ready. Then you use an ftp program to upload you picture.
If you don't have one, you can get one for free. I like SmartFTP but it doesn't really matter what one you use.
now when you start your ftp program, the enter this:
login Username
password YourPassword
Port usually set it to 21
now click connect. If there is a folder that says something like then click on it.
Now drag the files you want to copy into the area where it shows the files on your website.
I think f2s starts with a couple of files, and i think one of them is welcome.html. You can just delete
now click disconnect, and goto and it should show your
picture you just uploaded.
now to make it your sig, on the top of the page you see a link that says profile. Click on it, type your
password, click ok. Now go down to the part that says signature. Enter the UBB code. Next time you
post, make sure show sig. is checked and it should work. Go ahead and test it out in the sig forum.
Took me a bit of work... but I'm pretty slow at learning these things... and when I did screw up... the patient experts here jumped in and saved me... and I'm sure they'll do the same for you.
Also looks like they're going to have to help me out again