Now that I'm more clear-headed, and not so emotionally charged from fighting web-monkey syndrome, I've started putting my recent extraction fiddlings through some paces.
Of course, evey situation is rather unique. Some basic techniques stay the same, but the tweaking can go in so many directions. It's never as clear cut as we would like it to be.
Anyways, Colour palette. It got me today. In my fiddlings I was using the Paintbrush and using Alt to grab values (Weadah). I was also using the Colour palette in HSV mode to see what variations worked well (HSV is so nice like that). Next thing I know, I can only paint with one colour -- the foreground. Well, duh! But the foreground wasn't changing no matter what I did.
Well... I was grabbing values for the background colour. Doh! Turns out that while I was playing with Colour palette, I had inadverently clicked the little thing in the upper-left of the Colour palette. You know, those two colour boxes that reflect the foreground/background in the main toolbar. I had changed the little setting that tells Colour Picker to grab for foreground or background.
Damn! Foiled again by the little things! I remember the first time I had done this. I was having some major conniption fits. Took me about 1/2 to figure out that first time. "Okay, I clicked on something, now what was it?"
Steve, your rhetoric still rings true: Do you think we know all this stuff because we are smart?