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Neurotic (0) Inmate
Newly admitted
posted posted 04-27-2001 16:07

i started a new design 2 days ago for my hopeful web design company. i must warn you first that drawing human forms (particularly if one is not in front of me) is not my strong point. aside from the content and the navigation at the top (there are text links at the bottom), it is pretty much finished.

my biggest concern is the images joining together. the lower body image was not joining up for some reason in ie5 with 800x600 (but looked fine in both higher and lower resolutions), until i made the image a snudge higher.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

[This message has been edited by la'dsasha (edited 04-30-2001).]

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: the west wing
Insane since: Aug 2000

posted posted 04-27-2001 17:54

Very elegant! I enjoy the richness of the tones. Quite classy. The fluidity of it all works quite well, too.

My *only* concern is one of design. And that is that there is only one design in the site. THere's no hierarchy. I click "portfolio" and I get a page that is exactly the same as the front page, save for the content which as changed. There's no way for me to know, at a glance, where I am at--no headers, no placeholders, no proof that I am where I am.

For example, I click on "Services," and I see technical information. That could be *anything* under the moon. Services of what? For who? By whom? Are you listing what the site was designed for? Are you listing technical proficiencies?

So, I guess it's a matter of navigation and information architecture. There exists some variation in typography in the images at the top, but from there through there's nothing going on. Nothing to draw the eye to the engaging content that you've presented.

Just needs a tiny bit of refinement in that area, and I think it'll be great--and *I* love the image of the woman. Little more shading isn't *necessary* but would make it more "realistic," if that's what you're going for.

s t e p h e n

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: Jacks raging bile duct....
Insane since: Mar 2000

posted posted 04-27-2001 18:13

I like your drawing of the woman with the rose...I would like to comment on it even though I know you had difficulty drawing it. May I suggest that you revisit the right shoulder area as it appears to low and also the chest cavity below the breasts doesn't look right to me either...

also the bi/tricep areas of each arm are different arm suggests a slender female and the other arm implies she's rather 'healthy'....

Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: Southern Alabama, USA
Insane since: Sep 2000

posted posted 04-27-2001 19:40

I think this is the best of your versions I have seen so far. It fits well with the name of the site as well.

I agree with Bougda that the biggest problem with the figure is the right shoulder, and especially in how it relates to the face. I like the bottom part of it though. The way it fades out matches the whole design.

I still don't like the font you use, but that is just me <g>

Bipolar (III) Inmate

From: North Carolina mountains
Insane since: Dec 2000

posted posted 04-27-2001 20:01

I have to agree with twitch^ about navigation. There is nothing to tell the pages apart. No individual identity.

I personally liked your Bittersweet2 design the best so far. Don't get me wrong, this new one is nice too, but I just prefer the Bittersweet2.

Oh, and "about" is a graphic link at the top of the page but not in the text links at the bottom.

Murphy's 50 Laws of Combat Operations
14. Never share a foxhole with someone braver than you.
31. If it's stupid and it works, it ain't stupid.

Neurotic (0) Inmate
Newly admitted
posted posted 04-27-2001 20:28

i wish there was an easy way for me to tell when these posts were made in comparison to my time.

i adjusted the arms a bit, moving her right shoulder up and moved her left elbow out so that the both forearms are about the same length.

i would have added a link to "about" if i had a page for it.. it was just something i threw in last night that i think i *might* want to put in.

the font was the last one i had worked with in photoshop.. i was too lazy to find a different one (and i kinda like it anyways, its decorative but still easily readable).

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: north hills, ca usa
Insane since: Apr 2001

posted posted 04-29-2001 18:03


URL Didn't load - did it change?

Neurotic (0) Inmate
Newly admitted

posted posted 04-30-2001 00:42

i appologize, i moved it to the root directory last night and didnt realize that anyone was still reading this thread/critiquing it.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: under the bed
Insane since: Feb 2000

posted posted 04-30-2001 01:00

I'll agree with most things about the design so far.

The one thing I want to comment on is the figure -

Overall it is pertty good, the details of the face, hands, upper chest area (collar bones, etc.) are very good.
The shoulder is still far too low, and too far left as well. It should be brought up and over still.

The torso is also too far to the left in relation to the breasts. The overall image appears that she is slightly leaning, but looking at that area in particular, it seems as if she is leaning significant;y further - and the left breast looks *really* protrudent....I don't think I've seen a woman with much natural firmness

Hope that helps

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: Solitary confinement
Insane since: Feb 2001

posted posted 04-29-2001 19:22

Don't style sheets almost force the look of each page to be the same? That's one thing I have against them, although I use them. Others have commented on their usefullness and I agree. It's all too tempting to get one page the way we want it then reproduce that page with different names and just change the content.

This iteration is the best so far, less wasted space and better balance, although some more color-contrast would be nice.

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: A graveyard of dreams
Insane since: Mar 2001

posted posted 04-29-2001 20:20

Nice design, I like the font you use

I agree with some of the other people here on the matter of navigation, you should give the viewer some clue as to where he is on the page. And maybe add some kind of roll-over image on links on the top of the page? Brigthen up the color or something...

-= Veneficuz =-

The Greatest Illusion is the Illusion of Reality

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