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Archive: Server-Side Scripting Archives (Page 14 of 14) Pages that link to <a href="https://ozoneasylum.com/backlink?for=20865" title="Pages that link to Archive: Server-Side Scripting Archives (Page 14 of 14)" rel="nofollow" >Archive: Server-Side Scripting Archives <span class="small">(Page 14 of 14)</span>\

Replies Topic Topic Starter Latest Post
  5 Java help butcher 04-30-2001 13:26 WarMage
  1 PHP Countdown Script.... CrYptiC 04-30-2001 01:38 mr.maX
  7 UBB forum JKMabry 04-29-2001 02:46 acidbox
  1 Converting types in Java butcher 04-27-2001 14:50 WarMage
  2 PHP book recommendations butcher 04-27-2001 09:22 butcher
  8 Which Language to follow... VHS 04-27-2001 07:42 mr.maX
  8 PHP file search and regexps butcher 04-26-2001 04:20 mr.maX
 17 Email sending via Perl scripts Slime 04-25-2001 04:13 linear
  6 cataloging software for images Boudga 04-24-2001 08:50 JKMabry
 11 .SHTML bookmarks (anchor name=) JKMabry 04-23-2001 09:11 DocOzone
  4 Debugging PHP jiblet 04-22-2001 16:45 jiblet
 12 Separating button 'value' from it's label in PHP jiblet 04-16-2001 17:05 jiblet
  5 PHP vs. SSI includes butcher 04-16-2001 07:55 mr.maX
  4 SQL db open conn Boudga 04-15-2001 02:49 WarMage
  3 Any ColdFusion know-it-alls? kretsminky 04-14-2001 08:21 jiblet
  4 Need quick info please - Vignette opinions Nimraw 04-12-2001 09:47 Nimraw
  9 headers and footers butcher 04-03-2001 20:43 DmS
 11 getting info from url into PHP script butcher 03-28-2001 22:57 butcher
 17 pop-up windows, lots of them butcher 03-28-2001 06:31 butcher
  5 Proper chmod for .htaccess and .htpasswd riddim 03-25-2001 16:18 mr.maX
 15 Sendmail, PHP and Apache rotren 03-25-2001 06:07 GenericPlayer
  5 IE caching and PHP rotren 03-24-2001 16:23 rotren
  2 Excel and MySQL cybergrafx 03-22-2001 06:23 cybergrafx
  7 limit number of display cybergrafx 03-19-2001 14:36 bitdamaged
 15 how do you write your php? GRUMBLE 03-17-2001 20:41 GRUMBLE
 11 PHP-driven database Hard copy/archive question jiblet 03-17-2001 08:48 mr.maX

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