Anyone with web-ring experience?
I was recently asked to make a web-ring. I have never done this before,
so I am a bit unsure as to how I go about making it.
I expected to find quite a bit about this on-line, and even some finished
scripts to use, but so far I have found very little.
Anyone know of any resources I can use?
My language of choice is ASP (well, it's the only language I know,
so I guess it is not so much by choice really...)
I am planning to make a simple system myself, but I want to make sure I am
thinking right...
1. a page where people sign up
2. the url of the site is stored in a temporary database, and an e-mail is sent to the administrator
3. the admin reviews the site, and if it is ok, approves it.
4. when approving there is an e-mail sent to the site-owner, with the code he/she shall add.
5. the code is the same for everyone, except for a number, which is included in the links.
6. the e-mail contains instructions, and a link to a confirmation page the owner shall visit when
they have added the code
7. when the confirmation page is visited the site will be added to a database.
8. the links in the code will be to a page I make. This page will read the number in the link,
and based on that send the visitor to the right page, using a simple redirect. For instance, if the visitor have clicked "previous site" the page will redirect the visitor to the url of the site with 'number-1'
9. This will be a low-traffic ring, with few sites in it, so I hope there will not be many problems with gaps
because several people are adding their sites to the page around the same time.
Will this work? Is there something I have missed? Maybe there are some other much better ways to achieve this?