Debatable whether this qualifies, but hey, it manipulates HTML tags to form a menu, and a menu was quoted as an example in the other thread, so hey...
var viewArray=new Array("Asylum","990011","FAQs,window.location.href='',Forums,window.location.href=''","00ff00","Geek Stuff","0000ff","Slashdot,window.location.href='',ThinkGeek,window.location.href=''","00ffff")
//Format: loop(Main Title, Main Title BG color, loop(sub menu option; action onClick), colour of sub-menus) 
/* I feel a qualification is in order: the above variable does NOT count as a line
as it is what you change - it is specifically there for the page editor - it is the
below lines that are the actual useful code.
Also, on line 13 there is an unfair semi-colon. Well, that depends how u define the
rules because, as it exists, it is not actually a line break; it has yet to be evaluated.
But anyway, it is encosed inside quotes and it would take too much effort to remove
it (feel free to DQ me if you want - its only a bit of fun anyway.
Also, this is by no means a great bit of coding: it is pure kludge, through and through - hence,
although you may feel free to, I strongly advise you not to use it on a site - you'd want
a far more elegant one than this one
But anyway, I like it for its nice little slidey-fadey effects.
Finally, does this qualify for the competition? Considering the fact that there is actually no
HTML code, you might suspect not. I would disagree - it is all based on the manipulation of HTML
tags. In fact, a good portion of the code below is to make those HTML tags and save the user of
this script from having to mod the code - he can just modify the variable above.
Anyway, have fun!
/* 1 */ function menToMove(input) {curmov=input}
/* 2 */ function set(input) {curout=input}
function setRemove() {
/* 3 */ curout="that"
/* 4 */ setTimeout("remove()",30)
/* 5 */ var curmov="mine"
/* 6 */ var curout="that"
/* 7 */ var menus=new Array()
function remove() {
/* 8 */ for (var i=0;i<menus.length;i++) if (menus[i]!=curout) eval("setTimeout('"+menus[i]+".style.posLeft=-100',10)")
function display() {
/* 9 */ if (curmov!=curout) {
/* 10 */ eval(curmov+".style.posLeft=20")
/* 11 */ curout=curmov
/* 12 */ slide()
function slide(input) {
/* 13 */ eval("if ("+curmov+".style.posLeft<110) {"+curmov+".style.posLeft+=3;"+curmov+".filters.alpha.opacity=("+curmov+".style.posLeft-30);setTimeout('slide()',3)}")
/* 14 */ for (var i=0; i<viewArray.length; i+=4) {
/* 15 */ document.write('<div id="other'+i+'" onMouseOut="setRemove()" style="z-index:10;filter:alpha(opacity=100);top:'+(i*8+10)+';height:20;background-color:'+viewArray[i+1]+';position:absolute;border-color:000033;width:100;text-align:center" onMouseOver="menToMove(\'min'+i+'\');display()" onMouseOut="remove()">'+viewArray[i]+'</div>'+'<div id="min'+i+'" onMouseOut="setRemove()" style="z-index:5;filter:alpha(opacity=100);height:20;position:absolute;top:'+(i*8+10)+';left:-100;background-color:000000;width:100;text-align:center">'+'<table onMouseOver="set(\'min'+i+'\')" width=100 style="background-color:'+viewArray[i+3]+';text-align:center" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=1>')
/* 16 */ menus[menus.length]="min"+i
/* 17 */ var parseArray=viewArray[i+2].split(",")
/* 18 */ for (var f=0; f<parseArray.length; f+=2) {
/* 19 */ document.write('<td onClick="'+parseArray[f+1]+'">'+parseArray[f]+'</td><tr>')
/* 20 */ document.write("</table></div>")
Go to and click on the link to the raytracer!
(Edited by wrayal on 05-25-2004 21:40)