Gilbert, I like this poem. One can feel your emotions through this poem... Being a parent is certainly something great 
I have some critiques to do though. English isn't my native language so I may not "feel" the poem as you do, nonetheless I think you could improve your style by considering two or three points.
As I've said, one can feel the emotions carried by this poem, but this isn't enough. In my humble opinion, you need to reinforce the emotion felt by your reader when reading this poem by using various stylistic devices. Comparisons are often used in poetry for they gave a very powerful image. For example, consider these two sentences :
Time flows away, with the utmost patience.
Time flows away, with the infinite patience of a beginner lover.
The second sentence clearly gives you a powerful image, you actually feel what I wanted you to feel. You can do the same with your poem.
You could also try separating your sentences into two lines to lay stress on two particular word.
Emotions and desires streaking through his tiny
body, laying there thinking, thinking about nothing.
There are dozens of ways to tranform your sentences. Find the ones you like, always with the same goal : make the reader "feel" your story, don't tell him it.
Another point I would like to comment is the accumulation of examples. Accumulation is not bad ; on the contrary it underlines the fact that the child doesn't know anything. In my opinion, the examples you took are well chosen. However, you have to use them more inteligently than an accumulation at the end of a line.
He did not know of electricity or time.
could be rewritten into :
He did not know of men's deus,
Electricity, invisible running fairy,
As elusive as the flow of time,
That he would soon understand.
This was just a quick example, but I hope it will give you an idea.
Apart from that, in my opinion the words are well chosen and do not hurt the "sound" of the poem.
Hope it helps 
If wishes were fishes, we'd all cast nets.
(Edited by Moon Shadow on 05-09-2004 12:59)