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How do blacklists work? Differences Pages that link to <a href="https://ozoneasylum.com/backlink?for=21829" title="Pages that link to How do blacklists work? Differences" rel="nofollow" >How do blacklists work? Differences\

+- Most of the time, automatically. Some spam control software, on an isp mail server,

+will react after a certain amount of mail, in a certain time period, is sent.

+This will contact a blacklist server, and submit the sender to blacklisting.

+Blacklists are generally based on ips, can be a local pc ip, or a mail sender server ip (smtp).


+Once you are on the blacklist, you'll have to contact your isp, or at least your mail service provider,

+for a proper removal and instructions.


+Incoming mail servers filter content based on blacklist, it isn't rare to see a whole domain

+blacklisted by another isp.

+For instance, hispeed.ch adresses were blacklisted on aol.com for a long time: aol refused mails

+from the hispeed domain for several weeks.



+Relevant FAQs:


+ How can I eliminate spam?




+(Created by Emperor on 05-17-2004 17:38)

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