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Let's see where should i start. o yes the dark links. When you move over the links on the page the text is getting dark and very hard to read. A lot of older people or people with bad eyesight will have problems with it. You could lighten up the background or the text for the active link. The scrolling text should go. Make it big, make it bright orange but stop the scroll. The human eye will focus on on movement. We developed this during thousants off years while hunting and there it's usefull. Bot on a static page it makes the rest hard to read. Everytime i read something attention is called to the scroll on top... I think the 'about-us' section and the 'philosophy' section could be combined for a better understanding. The contact-us page generates an pop-up, this is something you should reconsider. Going to an separate page on your site or down to the footer might be an more elegant solution. The forum link on the bottom gives an 'page not found' error The forum itself uses bravenet technology and is thus paid for with those irritating ads I you can use PHP and MySQL on your webserver/host is suggest to use [url=http://navarone.f2o.org/forum/index.php]navboard[/url]. It's pretty straightforward and you can customize the colors through css. Good luck ------------------------------ Do something usefull: support [url=http://www.justice4pat.com/]Justice for Pat Richard[/url]
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