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lighting gizmos for photography
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hey all. sorry for the topic title but that is all i could think of calling it. here is what i am doing. the company that i work for, i need to continually take pictures of our product to include in the catalog and the website. however, the lighting is crap around here. there are constant lens glares and all kinds of stuff that makes the PS work very difficult and time consuming. not a big problem but if we had some better lighting...it might help. the biggest problem is that a lot of the stuff is metal and you get that nice lens blob on the pics. so....here is the question...recommendations on what to get as far as setting something up to take pics of our prodcuts. i can either make a space here at work or make something up at my house. I have no idea on any of this stuff so I need ya help! :) Later, C:\ [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/922/]~Binary is best~[/url]
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