Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Swansea, Wales, UK Insane since: Aug 2001
posted 05-29-2004 22:46
Hi guys !
There seems that my use of the name OZONE ASYLUM in here has gone down like a lead balloon.
There was a post a while back that, i am having problems locating, where a few people started registering funny or interesting account names, so i joined the bandwagon.
At the time it was kind of fun, but i can see now that the use of the name has caused a few heads to turn.
I have just logged in and read a reply to this by Tyberious Prime http://www.ozoneasylum.com/21954 and as a result did a little digging and found this http://www.ozoneasylum.com/21840 where i have just read a reply by Emps.
This is the first time i have read these messages otherwise i would have made contact earlier. I dont make daily trips to Ozone, and when i do, i dont tend to read ALL posts, but rather pick out a few interesting topics and have a glance to see if i can offer anything and on the odd occasion even make a post myself.
In hindsight i can see the complications that a name such as OZONE ASYLUM can cause and as a result am more than happy to hand over the details to the account.
In no way have i tried to hide my identity nor cause disruption by the names usage. It was my understanding that our IP addresses are logged and a quick cross reference would have shown who had the name, but i guess that is either no longer the case, or more difficult than expected, I just simply chose to use the name as i liked it and no-one else had registered it.
Please accept my appologies Tyberious Prime and Emps and anyone else for that matter that had problems with the name, i didnt mean to waste your time and i'm sorry i couldnt contact you earlier.
Feel free to contact me on ICQ 84568705, i dont normally use this program very often, but i know that both you guys do, so i will try and stay logge in until i can speak with you.

Maniac (V) InmateFrom: under the bed Insane since: Feb 2000
posted 05-29-2004 23:30
As far as I can see, no harm - no foul, and the name is really something that should be blocked anyway, and your use of it really just brought that concept to the forefront, so in way - you helped 
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Swansea, Wales, UK Insane since: Aug 2001
posted 05-29-2004 23:52
I admit i was very suprised the name had not been blocked, and was possibly a reason why i continued to use it, i had made previous posts under that name and nothing was said, so i assumed everything was ok.
If i have helped highlight potential incidents through my own actions, then i guess thats one possitive to come out of this.

Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: the space between us Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 05-30-2004 01:18
i think your apologize was ok. and if you really stop to use the account, i think everything should be ok now......in my opinion
| - THESPACE - | E.A. | PORTFOLI0 | lonesome | CELL 557
Tyberius Prime
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist with FinglongersFrom: Germany Insane since: Sep 2001
posted 05-30-2004 12:26
no worries, glad this has been cleared up so well for all sides.
The account will stay banned, along with the other guys.
Btw, I don't read every post in the Asylum either - so I might easily miss something if no one reports a problem to me.
so long,
->Tyberius Prime
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with FinglongersFrom: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 05-30-2004 13:38
quote: In no way have i tried to hide my identity nor cause disruption by the names usage.
This just isn't right. You registered with a fake email address and never identified yourself in any post using that account. Both TP and myself have wasted our time trying to contact you (via the board and email) and trace your IP and ended up having to ban that account (the reason you've actually posted under your original one I assume) as we had no other way of contacting you.
The Emperor dot org | Justice for Pat Richard | FAQs: Emperor | Site Reviews | Reception Room
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Long Island, NY Insane since: Jun 2000
posted 05-30-2004 15:38
I'm not so sure about that Emperor. I think I remember seeing a post by Ozone Asylum/axle, when the grail went live, where he stated he was changing his username. Either way, I think it was an over reaction in banning him to begin with. I don't think anyone was under the impression that the Asylum was formally endorsing Dreamhost as a host.
Bandwagon American Since 9/11/01
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Swansea, Wales, UK Insane since: Aug 2001
posted 05-30-2004 15:39
quote: You registered with a fake email address and never identified yourself in any post using that account
I cannot remember what email address i registered with so feel free to PM me on ICQ with the address i used and we can clear that area up.
If my email address was an incorrect one, it might have been to prevent my inbox from being spammed, it was not to hide my identity, our IP Addresses used to be logged, was there any reason why you had difficulty locating mine ? I'm more than happy to supply you with it.
quote: (the reason you've actually posted under your original one I assume) as we had no other way of contacting you.
I posted under my origianl name because my other was banned, if i had something to hide, i would have posted as normal under my original name and no-one would have been the wiser, as my original post states, i did not read your messages to me, not until recently and i dont read all messages, i'm sorry you wasted your time, but perhaps if you made a *NEW* topic with a public announcment calling for me, then maybe i would have spooted it earlier, then perhaps i would have responded sooner.

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with FinglongersFrom: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 05-30-2004 15:51
axleclarkeuk: The email address was:
and was returned as not being a valid email address.
While IPs are logged if you aren't on my 'one to watch' list then there is no way to actually match IP addresses without going through everyone's IPs and I had wasted enough of my time.
Jestah: Over reaction? I have been discussing this for quite a while with TP so it wasn't unplanned or an impulse. As we tried to contact them and failed we wanted to disable the account. We could also have changed their password - that just seemed simpler.
[edit: And we have been working on making contact and if we missed the axel/ozoneasylu link then so di most other people (as this is only one of a couple of similar threads):
Looking for Hosting ]
The Emperor dot org | Justice for Pat Richard | FAQs: Emperor | Site Reviews | Reception Room
(Edited by Emperor on 05-30-2004 16:17)
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Swansea, Wales, UK Insane since: Aug 2001
posted 05-30-2004 16:26
Ok, i can honestly say i have no idea why i used that address, other than anti-spam, which to be honest i'm glad considered you just posted that address publically in here when i requested that you PM me via ICQ as to avoid this very thing, but nevermind.
How difficult is it to search for a specific IP address ? Surely it cannot be that difficult ? I'm sure that if it meant so much to you, you could have spared a few minutues to arrange the SQL tables into a logical order and a quick scan would have shown up who i am ? instead you banned the account, maybe because you had more important things to do.
As soon as i realised you were trying to contact me, i made a post, looked up both Tyb's and your ICQ addy's reinstalled ICQ and contacted you to sort this out. Why ? damage limitation ? No !! because i wanted to sort it out, if i was a vindictive member by nature i would have registered a whole host of names in protest to what you had done, but i am not, just a normal person trying to make right something that was not so obviously wrong and all you seem to want to do is prove that there was some devious intent behind it. I made a little boo boo, i publically appologised to you and tyberius prime for wasting your time, what else can i do ? offer you a sacrificial lamb ?

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with FinglongersFrom: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 05-30-2004 16:37
axleclarkeuk: I felt safe posting it as it isn't an actual email address so it cn do no harm.
While it might be possible to set up a feature which could cross check IPs to look for duplicates I don't have access to them and it is not (as far as I'm aware) a feature on other discussion forums - I assume it is because unless people are causing trouble then there is no need to go around invading people's privacy.
I'm unsure why you would need to offer a sacrificial lamb? I considered this matter resolved before you started this thread and I'm not looking for an apology. It was an issue that was of some concern to a number of inmates and we addressed it - end of story as far as I'm concerned. My post above was just to correct some points brought up in your post that I felt didn't reflect the situation from our end.
[edit: typos - damn db's fat fingers!! ]
The Emperor dot org | Justice for Pat Richard | FAQs: Emperor | Site Reviews | Reception Room
(Edited by Emperor on 05-30-2004 16:39)
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Long Island, NY Insane since: Jun 2000
posted 05-30-2004 16:42
Well, the only thing I've read on the subject is TP's response to axle in Looking for Hosting. IMO, TP over reacted. I don't think axle/Ozone Asylum presented Dreamhost as being the official host of the Asylum. I don't think anyone assumed he was saying that. Of course, its your guys forum, you can ban whichever names you choose. It doesn't matter to me.
Bandwagon American Since 9/11/01
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with FinglongersFrom: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 05-30-2004 16:50
Jestah: Well we had been trying to contact them for a while now - it was this post that caused us enough concern to want to account back (although we had been concerned sicne the thread where everyone was registering new accounts):
" The Iraqi Video " have they given us ALL the facts ?
While the topic was fine for discussion we certainly didn't want it to appear to newbies/visitors (and we get a lot as Googel loves us) that this was somehow 'official'.
viol was good enough to hand back the 'Mad Scientist' account without any fuss and if we had had any easy way of contacting 'Ozone Asylum' we could have resolved that issue in a similar manner.
The Emperor dot org | Justice for Pat Richard | FAQs: Emperor | Site Reviews | Reception Room
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Swansea, Wales, UK Insane since: Aug 2001
posted 05-30-2004 17:02
quote: I considered this matter resolved before you started this thread and I'm not looking for an apology
But it wasnt resolved, i had no say in the matter, hence this post and even then i have been made to feel like some sort of deviant outcast.
I appologised because i was trying to be a gentleman as i felt embaressed by the whole ordeal.
quote: viol was good enough to hand back the 'Mad Scientist' account without any fuss and if we had had any easy way of contacting 'Ozone Asylum' we could have resolved that issue in a similar manner.
Just in case you missed that part in my initial post Emps.
quote: This is the first time i have read these messages otherwise i would have made contact earlier. I dont make daily trips to Ozone, and when i do, i dont tend to read ALL posts, but rather pick out a few interesting topics and have a glance to see if i can offer anything and on the odd occasion even make a post myself.
(Edited by axleclarkeuk on 05-30-2004 17:06)
(Edited by axleclarkeuk on 05-30-2004 17:08)
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: under the bed Insane since: Feb 2000
posted 05-30-2004 17:22
I honestly can't see what any fuss is about in this at all.
Ok - works for me.
quote: The account will stay banned
Yup, makes sense.
There are a few names that should probably be on an 'excluded' (as opposed to 'banned') list, IMO, and this is one of them of course.
So......yay. Tea and cookies all around.
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Swansea, Wales, UK Insane since: Aug 2001
posted 05-30-2004 17:42
It might be a good idea to open a post asking for suggestions of possible names that should be " excluded from registration " and perhaps make a note in the Asylum Rules regarding this issue.

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with FinglongersFrom: Cell 53, East Wing Insane since: Jul 2001
posted 05-30-2004 18:55
quote: hence this post and even then i have been made to feel like some sort of deviant outcast.
Well as I can't see anything in this thread that would led you to that conclusion I don't really know how to address that.
quote: It might be a good idea to open a post asking for suggestions of possible names that should be " excluded from registration " and perhaps make a note in the Asylum Rules regarding this issue.
I think we did have such a chat a while ago when someone appeared claiming to have always been Doctor Thaddous Ozone or some such and I was suprised those account names hadn't been reserved.
We can start a thread to reserve various accounts but we can't really account for more than a few and as soon as we make a good list someone will run off and register 'Doc 0zone' or some such so the only thing we could add to the rules is somehting like:
"We reserve the right to suspend/ban/reserve accounts if the title is deemed to be: offensive, designed to cause confusion, etc."
I suppose I was hoping that would be taken as read but clearly not.
The Emperor dot org | Justice for Pat Richard | FAQs: Emperor | Site Reviews | Reception Room