Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: Somewhere over the rainbow Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 06-02-2004 16:23
The poster has demanded we remove all his contributions, less he takes legal action.
We have done so.
Now Tyberius Prime expects him to start complaining that we removed his 'free speech' since this message will replace all of his posts, past and future.
Don't follow his example - seek real life help first.
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: France Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 06-20-2004 16:15
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Somewhere over the rainbow Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 06-22-2004 13:40
The poster has demanded we remove all his contributions, less he takes legal action.
We have done so.
Now Tyberius Prime expects him to start complaining that we removed his 'free speech' since this message will replace all of his posts, past and future.
Don't follow his example - seek real life help first.
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Somewhere over the rainbow Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 06-22-2004 18:05
The poster has demanded we remove all his contributions, less he takes legal action.
We have done so.
Now Tyberius Prime expects him to start complaining that we removed his 'free speech' since this message will replace all of his posts, past and future.
Don't follow his example - seek real life help first.
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: Perth Western Australia Insane since: May 2004
posted 06-22-2004 21:54
ok, I took water. Do self made images of quality gain points?
I cound less than 20 lines of functional code. The rest is setup. i coul dhave had a heap of image tags but opted for for some dynamically generated ones.
actually, you could count air as being part of this too.
(Edited by Virbatem on 06-22-2004 21:55)
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Somewhere over the rainbow Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 06-22-2004 22:01
The poster has demanded we remove all his contributions, less he takes legal action.
We have done so.
Now Tyberius Prime expects him to start complaining that we removed his 'free speech' since this message will replace all of his posts, past and future.
Don't follow his example - seek real life help first.
Iron Wallaby
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: USA Insane since: May 2004
posted 06-23-2004 06:23
Not sure how many lines it's counted as (12?)... whatever the case, it's far less than 20. It's something like one of those spinny sparkly things that you fire off on the fourth of July that really never work but you buy them anyway. 
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -- Arthur C. Clarke
"Any sufficiently arcane magic is indistinguishable from technology." -- P. David Lebling
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Somewhere over the rainbow Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 06-23-2004 06:24
The poster has demanded we remove all his contributions, less he takes legal action.
We have done so.
Now Tyberius Prime expects him to start complaining that we removed his 'free speech' since this message will replace all of his posts, past and future.
Don't follow his example - seek real life help first.
Iron Wallaby
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: USA Insane since: May 2004
posted 06-23-2004 14:10
Meh, can't edit the old one. Anyway, it's 12 lines (and a tad cleaner) now. 
Fire and water (10 lines, twice as nifty): http://www.rpi.edu/~laporj2/yinyang.html
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -- Arthur C. Clarke
"Any sufficiently arcane magic is indistinguishable from technology." -- P. David Lebling
(Edited by Iron Wallaby on 06-23-2004 14:49)
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Cranleigh, Surrey, England Insane since: May 2003
posted 06-23-2004 16:09
Oh well, IW's particle scripts beat mine into the ground. After fiddling around a bit, and realising I probably ain't gona get time to write a new script, I just decided to enter my one as is. It's based on wind - move the mouse to see...
(there's a little text box on there you won't see on freeservers)
body{overflow-y:scroll; overflow-x:hidden;}
mine=prompt("How many particles would you like?","50")
for (var i=0; i<mine; i++) document.write('<div id=p'+i+' style="position:absolute;bottom:10;left:'+(i*5)+';height:2;width:2;font-size:0;background-color:#'+(Math.round(Math.random()*90)+10)+''+(Math.round(Math.random()*90)+10)+''+(Math.round(Math.random()*50)+10)+'"></div>')
var movArray=new Array()
var posArray=new Array()
for (var i=0; i<mine; i++) movArray[i]=new Array(((Math.random()-0.5)*3),(3+Math.random()*3))
for (var i=0; i<mine; i++) posArray[i]=new Array((document.documentElement.offsetWidth/2),Math.random()*100)
function movement() {
for (var i=0; i<mine; i++) {
if (posArray[i][1]<=10) {posArray[i]=new Array((document.documentElement.offsetWidth/2),100)
movArray[i]=new Array(((Math.random()-0.5)*3),(3+Math.random()*3))}}
<body onMouseMove="javascript:form.wind.value=(event.x-(document.documentElement.offsetWidth/2))/200+','+-(event.y-(document.documentElement.offsetHeight/2))/200">
<form name="form">
<input type="text" value="2,2" name="wind" style="position:absolute;top:100;right:200;hidden:true">
<body onLoad="movement()">
Go to kimber-ja.demon.co.uk and click on the link to the raytracer!
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: Perth Western Australia Insane since: May 2004
posted 06-23-2004 16:28
Oh yes I can see the text box on freeservers... :-)

Not Enough Is Better Than Too Much
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: Perth Western Australia Insane since: May 2004
posted 06-23-2004 19:11
The foldername says it all, more descriptions on the page.

Not Enough Is Better Than Too Much
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Somewhere over the rainbow Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 06-29-2004 23:40
The poster has demanded we remove all his contributions, less he takes legal action.
We have done so.
Now Tyberius Prime expects him to start complaining that we removed his 'free speech' since this message will replace all of his posts, past and future.
Don't follow his example - seek real life help first.
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Somewhere over the rainbow Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 06-30-2004 03:03
The poster has demanded we remove all his contributions, less he takes legal action.
We have done so.
Now Tyberius Prime expects him to start complaining that we removed his 'free speech' since this message will replace all of his posts, past and future.
Don't follow his example - seek real life help first.
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Somewhere over the rainbow Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 06-30-2004 15:26
The poster has demanded we remove all his contributions, less he takes legal action.
We have done so.
Now Tyberius Prime expects him to start complaining that we removed his 'free speech' since this message will replace all of his posts, past and future.
Don't follow his example - seek real life help first.
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: France Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 06-30-2004 23:54
My stupid contribution : CoinCoin brave les élements.
I'm few minutes late. But I'll add some pictures in the menu anyway 
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Somewhere over the rainbow Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 07-01-2004 00:01
The poster has demanded we remove all his contributions, less he takes legal action.
We have done so.
Now Tyberius Prime expects him to start complaining that we removed his 'free speech' since this message will replace all of his posts, past and future.
Don't follow his example - seek real life help first.
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Somewhere over the rainbow Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 07-01-2004 00:49
The poster has demanded we remove all his contributions, less he takes legal action.
We have done so.
Now Tyberius Prime expects him to start complaining that we removed his 'free speech' since this message will replace all of his posts, past and future.
Don't follow his example - seek real life help first.
Iron Wallaby
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: USA Insane since: May 2004
posted 07-01-2004 01:00
Alright, I have an idea. I hope you guys don't mind if I post it later tonight; I am going to be driving most of tomorrow and busy the two days after.
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -- Arthur C. Clarke
"Any sufficiently arcane magic is indistinguishable from technology." -- P. David Lebling
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Somewhere over the rainbow Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 07-01-2004 01:04
The poster has demanded we remove all his contributions, less he takes legal action.
We have done so.
Now Tyberius Prime expects him to start complaining that we removed his 'free speech' since this message will replace all of his posts, past and future.
Don't follow his example - seek real life help first.
Iron Wallaby
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: USA Insane since: May 2004
posted 07-01-2004 01:05
Hehe, that's true. Alright, I'll post it in a couple days. 
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -- Arthur C. Clarke
"Any sufficiently arcane magic is indistinguishable from technology." -- P. David Lebling
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Cranleigh, Surrey, England Insane since: May 2003
posted 07-01-2004 01:16
Yay! Runner up! 
Congratulations IW, those particle script are amazing!
And BTW InI, you keep saying french stuff involving the word castor - beaver. My normal nickname is beaver, I took a look, and my shoddy grasp of French wont let me translate this stuff (not freetranslations for that matter) - so what the hell are u saying? 
Go to kimber-ja.demon.co.uk and click on the link to the raytracer!
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Somewhere over the rainbow Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 07-01-2004 01:26
The poster has demanded we remove all his contributions, less he takes legal action.
We have done so.
Now Tyberius Prime expects him to start complaining that we removed his 'free speech' since this message will replace all of his posts, past and future.
Don't follow his example - seek real life help first.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Cranleigh, Surrey, England Insane since: May 2003
posted 07-01-2004 01:30
Hah! Poi we share a nickname! 
mutant beaver? Gota be careful of them - nasty buggers.
Anyway all, goodnight, and congrats to all in the contest!
Go to kimber-ja.demon.co.uk and click on the link to the raytracer!
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: France Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 07-01-2004 01:37
Congrats everybody.
wrayal: gotta be careful. When I run out of home made chocolate cake I can bite some inmates.
Since InI did his coming out, it's my turn to reveal his secret nick : "sugar bunny" ( "Lapin en sucre", in French )
Oh, and I've updated the menu in CoinCoin brave les élements.