Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: the one place the Keebler Elves can't get him Insane since: Apr 2004
posted 06-21-2004 21:49
Is there anybody here who are either good at telling people what dreams mean or would like to at least take a stab at it?
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: [s]underwater[/s] under-snow in Juneau Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 06-22-2004 01:23
Let me try:
I think your dream means that you will finally get your one shot at being world renown, but will fail miserably due to reasons you cannot comprehend (or will not admit to yourself). Eventually you will die, known and understood by only a few individuals.

So.... let me know how close to the mark I was on this one, will ya?
White Hawk
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: London Insane since: May 2004
posted 06-22-2004 01:36
What was the dream?
Onwards & Upwards..? :)
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Oblivion Insane since: Sep 2001
posted 06-22-2004 01:40
We had a thread like this a couple years ago, very interesting stuff. If I remember correctly, Raptor had an amazing interpretation of his dream.
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Greensboro, NC USA Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 06-22-2004 22:42
Symbolism in dreams can be intensely personal. There are a couple of good "dream dictionary" sites online that can provide you with the various meanings associated with symbols in dreams. It is sometimes easier to try to interpret them yourself, using such aids.
I believe that dreams can be true dreams, either of past events or of the future. But I also believe that they are mostly just your brain processing information from the day, and in your subconscious mind, you often see things that you would not necessarily allow yourself to think about when you are conscious (if that makes any sense). You know, like underlying prejudices or feelings that you refuse to admit you have... they can cause weird imagery.
I imagine Gilbert Nolander would have a couple of good links lying around.
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: The Land of one Headlight on. Insane since: May 2001
posted 06-22-2004 22:52
If you dream of moving water... check the bed. ;D
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 06-22-2004 23:42
What makes you think there is any meaning to your dreams? I would examine that assumption before doing anything else.
: . . DHTML Slice Puzzle : . . . : Justice 4 Pat Richard : . .
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: out there Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 06-22-2004 23:46
imho and from experience:
some people have the gift of interpreting dreams (usually gypsys if you check their heritage). others as you say, only "stab at it". i had a dream once (years ago) that my girlfriend at the time was in bed with another man. the person i told this dream to was said girlfriend (of gypsy heritage), soon to be wife of 25 years. she asked me right off the bat if either of them was naked in my dream. i had only saw her naked and not the man. she said that two women in my family would soon die. the next day my cousin was in a bad car wreck which killed his wife and unborn daughter. she interpreted dreams for other people with just as much seemingly unrelated to the dream accuracy for a while , until she became so uncomfortable with it and quit doing it.
as for interpreting your own dreams, i find that the most important thing to consider is the feelings, emotions you are having during the dream. the symbols (ie pictures, what you're seeing) could be interpreted generally (what most people would associate with the object in question) or it could be very personal (what only you might associate with it). that's the problem i have with dream dictionaries. they are mostly general and possibly not very accurate.
i don't think there are too many Daniels (bible) among us, who can reveal your dream as well as interpret it, so maybe you would care to share the dream?
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 06-23-2004 01:38
For every dream I have, I can trace back a few days or weeks to the conscious thought that prompted it. I can interpret *my* dreams quite well. I have never tried to interpret any one else's dreams. It would be very interesting to see how that goes here if you choose to share it with the inmates.
: . . DHTML Slice Puzzle : . . . : Justice 4 Pat Richard : . .
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: the one place the Keebler Elves can't get him Insane since: Apr 2004
posted 06-24-2004 18:18
The dream that I am having is a little hard to describe since it seems to be an ongoing saga which gets more and more detailed every time I have it. Here is the dream so far is that a group of my friends and I are walking through a church like structure (much like a miniature of the cathedral of Notre Dame) where there are several pictures, wall hangings, and stain glass windows. These windows dissappear and when they are there show the typical biblical type pictures that you would see in a church like the christ child and cherubs and seraphims and at other times shows stereotypical satanic scenes of people being sacrificed to Lucifer and other horrific scenes. As my company and I walk through this 'church' we start to read the differant plaques, scrolls, and other writings that have been posted about. Suddenly we find ourselves in between a battle between Imps and Gremlins. The Imps are slowly killing us one by one while the Gremlins are trying to stop the Imps. The freaky thing is that alliances seem to be decided by what types of pictures are shown on the walls and in the windows. If holy pictures are shown then the gremlins defend us if unholy pictures are shown Imps defend us. If no pictures are shown niether can touch us nor can be touched. So far in the dream only three people are left myself,James, and Justin. Justin has been mortally wounded but is survivng for now. James and I seem to be the best gaurded and have yet to obtain even a scratch. No emotions are expressed by anybody. Except screaming as people are being ripped to shreds.
I assume this has a meaning because it is the only dream I have ever had other than one other very disturbing one when I was little.
I have gypsy blood but I believe that a doctor should not practice on himself.
The only Interpretation I have gotten is that the building looking like a miniature Notre Dame could be a referance to my growing up next to Notre Dame Stadium. The rest could be a referance to my inner religious struggles and the friends dying could just be trying to get my attention.
Apologies that it took me so long to post this my comp is on the fritz again.
If one match can start a forest fire then why does it take the whole box to start a BBQ Grill?
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Greensboro, NC USA Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 06-24-2004 18:44
I don't believe that all dreams are prophetic, or that they all have deep, symbolic meaning... some are just brain static and processing.
I'm not even going to begin to "take a stab" at that one! Sounds like a D & D game gone bad!

Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: the one place the Keebler Elves can't get him Insane since: Apr 2004
posted 06-25-2004 05:55
I agree on both points that dreams are not all prophetic but what little ego I actually have requires me to believe that my only dream does have meaning. And the first thought that went through my mind afte I had the first of the series of dreams was exactly that I should layoff DM'ing D&D for a little while.
If one match can start a forest fire then why does it take the whole box to start a BBQ Grill?
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Greensboro, NC USA Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 06-25-2004 15:14
Regardless of whether you remember them or not, you dream many dreams every night. This just happens to be series of dreams that are making a very big impression on you, so you are remembering them.
But then again, there could be some hidden meaning. Do you write them down first thing in the morning? As much detail as you can remember, immediately upon waking. Keep a notebook and pen beside your bed so you can just wake and write. You may begin to recognize patterns of symbols in the series, and this may give you an indication of the meaning, given the relation of the symbols to your life
And here, try this trick: Next time you're in this dream, look at your hands. If you can make yourself look at them, you're supposed to start lucid dreaming and be able to control it. Or so they say.
(Talk about DM'ing!)
(Edited by bodhi23 on 06-25-2004 15:16)
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: the one place the Keebler Elves can't get him Insane since: Apr 2004
posted 07-08-2004 06:13
That would be interesting to be able to control what I do in the dream. I think I will try
If one match can start a forest fire then why does it take the whole box to start a BBQ Grill?
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Greensboro, NC USA Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 07-08-2004 18:02
It's referred to as Lucid Dreaming.
Let us know if it works!

Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: the one place the Keebler Elves can't get him Insane since: Apr 2004
posted 07-20-2004 05:34
I am somewhat sorry to say that I believe the dream is gone. This is the longest I have gone without having had the dream but I will try to Lucid Dream in a differant one.
White Hawk
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: out of nowhere... Insane since: May 2004
posted 07-20-2004 15:33
Lucid dreaming is easy once you start, and remains easy with practice.
Looking at the back of your hands is an example of a trigger. You can 'program' a trigger before you go to sleep. Try a little meditation or self-hypnosis for a half-hour or so before you put your head down. Try fixating on something that you can connect to the dreaming experience, something easy to recall.
In the very least, if you find lucidity difficult, you should find that your dreams can be influenced. Ever wanted to pre-select a flying dream before you slept?
Funny thing is that some dreams have their way of coming to you whether you want them or not. You should accept that, sometimes, you are just trying trying to tell yourself something...
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: BC, Canada Insane since: Jun 2004
posted 07-21-2004 12:10
I have the same dream sometimes up to 8 times. Exactly the same.
One I've had 5 times was one where there was a black hole floating in the sky.. and we went to the movie theater because we wanted to enjoy the last day of our lives.
Another one I've had 8 times was one with tornados on the horizon and we were moving out of my house to safety, and for some reason we brought out a coffin that I for some reason knew was my grandmothers, then a skeliton flew out of it and collapsed on the ground.
One I've had 3 times was with UFOs blowing up cars on the street behind us as we ran away with a massive yellow laser.
My dreams are always weird; they'll feature regular places with weird changes. They're always picture-perfect too. Like, it'll be my school with the bat-cave in one corner of the gym. I don't think they mean anything.
"Dawn is nature's way of telling you to stop using that stupid quote."
- me.

Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: BC, Canada Insane since: Jun 2004
posted 07-21-2004 12:11
Sorry, double post
"Dawn is nature's way of telling you to stop using that stupid quote."
- me.

(Edited by tntcheats on 07-21-2004 12:12)
Gilbert Nolander
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Washington DC Insane since: May 2002
posted 07-21-2004 19:24
quote: bodhi - I imagine Gilbert Nolander would have a couple of good links lying around.
Actually, none I can think of... I agree with what other's said in this post about how interpretations are purely based on individual perspectives, and emotions... not so much the images alone, but in combination with what was felt and based on your life experiences.
As far as Sangreal's dream in question here, I would say it may have something to do with your internal battle to do the right thing, even though you sometimes feel that the wrong thing is the best, or perhaps easiest route. It seems that you also may be unsure of who is good/right or bad/wrong. Not as in a person, but as in an ideology. For instance, Christians vs. Gnostics or something along these lines. Of couse I don't really know very much about this stuff, I am just taking a 'stab in the dark'.

< Ozone Quotes >
(Edited by Gilbert Nolander on 07-21-2004 19:25)
Gilbert Nolander
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Washington DC Insane since: May 2002
posted 07-22-2004 14:44
Speaking of strange dreams...
I was meditating last night, around 1:00am, and suddenly, while I lay in bed, I got the feeling that I could fly. This happens to me quite regularily, and it always seems real. I got up from bed and floated down the hallway, stuggling to maintain my new skill. As I cruised down the hallway towards the living room, I kept getting really close to the floor and I would have to push my self back up into the air with my hands. When I got to my front door, I landed, opened the door, and went outside. There I stood, and made sure all my neighbors were sleeping. As I said, I thought at the time that this was all real. Then I jumped and flew through the branches of a tree. When I got through the branches I suddenly stopped and could move no more. I closed my eyes and relaxed and when I opened them I was laying in my bed. It was now around 2:00am. An hour had gone by. It was not until I opened my eyes that I realized it was not real.

< Ozone Quotes >
White Hawk
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: out of nowhere... Insane since: May 2004
posted 07-22-2004 22:04
I'll have a stab, but I'm not going to explain it.
Have you got some sort of test or examination coming up? Maybe an up-coming event that you expect to be difficult? It is probably linked to some sort of institution in your life - not necessarily religious; more likely educational or professional. It would be wise to think carefully about how you are coping with this.
You are in a situation that you feel somehow detached from. Even though it is all happening around you and you know it is deeply connected to you (family affairs, perhaps) you feel that events (and the inevitable conclusion) are beyond your control. Perhaps control belongs to more than one significant character in your real life (with conflicting agendas maybe) and events influenced by them are coming to a point of culmination.
You must avoid acting as though you are 'invulnerable' to a situation - this is a way of masking the fact that you are facing a hard time, and ignoring the consequences that events have upon you personally.
Likewise, don't let your frustration at events in the wider world (only you know what these are) damage relationships closer to home.
Your concern for your friends should not distract you from your own problems. If you can help them, do. If you can't, have the strength to step back for a breather. They'll know when to come to you, but you'll be no use to anyone if you fall apart fighting the wrong fights on the front line.
Above all else - remember that you have good friends who will stand by you - and you may be surprised when it comes to the crunch, who ends up in your corner...
That's it. Done now.
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: rooted on planet Mars, *I mean Earth* Insane since: May 2004
posted 07-24-2004 01:06
I'll take a stab at it.
quote: Sangreal said:
Except screaming as people are being ripped to shreds.
I would like to know who this is before I start interpreting.
I do agree with Gilbert, that it could be your conflicting emotions and not know exactly what is right, be it religion, people, politics, family, whatever. I have and idea about the people and the dying, and I want to know who they are, what you think about them now, and if any family members are among them.
Do not rebuke a moker or he will hate you, rebuke a wise man and he will love you.
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: rooted on planet Mars, *I mean Earth* Insane since: May 2004
posted 07-24-2004 01:07
oh, and one more thing, you can keep names out if you want (and no one else really cares), i will know what you are talking about.
Do not rebuke a moker or he will hate you, rebuke a wise man and he will love you.
(Edited by Gideon on 07-24-2004 01:08)
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: The Dark Side of the Moon Insane since: Jul 2004
posted 07-24-2004 18:28
A funny thing about dreams is that you might know that a recurring dream is just that - a dream. But when you are having the dream you forget that.
One dream I have had too many times to count over the last about 6 years is a little weird. During the dream, and after I wake up afterwards (which is always in the middle of the night - never in the morning) is as if every time I look at something an invisible kind of "laser" comes from my eyes and fixes onto what I am looking at and won't move. A few times I have had to stay sitting up for hours looking at something because I'm not allowed to lean back on the pillow because that would mean not looking at the thing. This is not a very accurate description of the dream but I really cannot describe it any other way.
I don't know if it is just me, but I never seem to have very detailed dreams like the Gremlin/Imp dream that Sangreal had and no necessarily definite things happen in them. Again, this is not easy for me to describe.
I'll close this post by saying that dreams are very strange things that nobody can really understand, and that it is useless to try to understand them. They are too mysterious for that.
Very interesting thread btw Sangreal. 
alter ego n. 1. Another side of oneself; a second self. 2. An intimate friend or a constant companion.

(Edited by AlterEgo on 07-24-2004 18:32)
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: rooted on planet Mars, *I mean Earth* Insane since: May 2004
posted 07-24-2004 19:31
That is true, but I think that dreams are not just random things your brain shoots out at night. If that was true we wouldn't be able to discern anything in the dream. When you sleep, your conscious mind is effectively shut off. That allows your semi-conscious mind to take over. I read somewhere that dreams are a way for your mind to sort things out at night. You have (or should have) about 8 hours of sleep every night. That is a lot of time for a brain to do nothing! So, it sorts out what happened that day or previously. Your brain might try to work a problem out, or try to work out a complex emotion. A lot of dreams are very personal. And, some are just "duct tape" dreams that are pieced together from events of that day. Most of the time it is hard for an "outsider" to intrepret one's dreams because they do not know what has gone on in that person's life. I think that dreams should be interpreted by the dreamer, or some one close to the dreamer: a family member or close friend. (Sorry WH, that was an awesome interpretation, and an awesome way of generalizing to fit someone's needs, but, no offense, I think you were a little off.)
Do not rebuke a moker or he will hate you, rebuke a wise man and he will love you.
White Hawk
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: out of nowhere... Insane since: May 2004
posted 07-24-2004 23:12
I think dreams are the result of some semi-conscious part of your higher brain (bored, as it is the only bit left awake) browsing your subconscious processes as the amygdala (amygdaloid nucleus - hugely significant in fear-programming and deeply linked to experience-based physiological and psychological reactions) is 'flashed' each night. The dreams themselves are your mind's imposition of logical linearity upon the complex and concurrent background processes of the subconscious functions; daily memory/emotional defragmentation interpreted by your own imagination.
Not a bad bit of bulls**t, that! 
My interpretation was just for fun, by the way!
I based it loosely upon the little I know of interpretation (and I'm not skilled or bothered enough to make it sound any more convincing) - but I agree that very few dreams actually really mean anything. It is a little like looking at the constantly changing registers of one small area of your PC's RAM and trying to tell me what you think is happening on screen. Given a large enough section of the right bit of memory and an expert understanding of the technology, someone, somewhere, might be able to give you a general idea of what is happening on-screen - especially if something really obvious is happening.
Most of the time it'll seem like incomprehensible and random rubbish...
An element (among many) that frequently manifests itself in my dreams might be considered easy to interpret - the loss of my voice.
Usually the dream has reached a point of some minor crisis (falling behind a group, or trying to hail someone) when my voice becomes muted. If I try to shout, it sounds distant and muffled. In all other respects, my senses and the dream environment appear normal enough.
I fight through it now (often triggering lucidity, as I am so used to the sequence) but the fact that it still happens from time-to-time convinces me of its significance.
Looking this up on the web produces varied results, but a majority of sources agree on an interpretation that seems likely to me.
I shan't divulge more than that, for fear of being boring.
I'll be quiet now.
(Edited by White Hawk on 07-24-2004 23:48)
White Hawk
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: out of nowhere... Insane since: May 2004
posted 07-24-2004 23:32
A funny thing about the amygdaloid nucleus is that there are a huge number of connections to this mysterious ganglion, but only a handful from...
You need an awful lot of data (audio/visual) to use your PC, but only a handful of actual connections (the few wires between mouse/keyboard and PC) to control it. The amygdala seems to soak up an awful lot of input, but deeply affects the operations of your mind with only a few returning connections.
Makes me wonder what would happen if you could successfully connect various parts of different brains together.
White Hawk wanders off in the direction of the psychiatric labs with a curious smile on his face...
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: rooted on planet Mars, *I mean Earth* Insane since: May 2004
posted 07-25-2004 04:03
Yeah, I do know that your interpretation was a shot in the dark. Even sonsidering, though, it wasn't too bad. It is actually quite close to what the dream might actually mean. Like you said, though, there are lots of dreams that have no real significance. That is also very interesting about the amygdaloid. It seems like you have done your research. Unfortunatly, me being part Cree, and Sangreal being part Gypsy, and it being know to me that weird things happen to his family, I do take this particular dream a little more seriously. But that is just me. It could be a load of hogwash, that is what I want to know.
Do not rebuke a moker or he will hate you, rebuke a wise man and he will love you.
White Hawk
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: out of nowhere... Insane since: May 2004
posted 07-25-2004 17:11
Oh, my apologies if I suggested that Sangreal's dream was hogwash - I really didn't mean that at all. In fact, I did look into the symbology of the dream a little.
However, I couldn't honestly say whether it means something or what that might be. Your interpretation would be far more valuable and relevant as you are familiar with him. 
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: rooted on planet Mars, *I mean Earth* Insane since: May 2004
posted 07-26-2004 03:40
Well, I don't know about that. I just know that I will do the best job I can. And like I said, your interpretation was very good. It was close to what I would say too. I just don't have all the information about the dream yet, so all I can do is guess too.
Do not rebuke a moker or he will hate you, rebuke a wise man and he will love you.
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: the one place the Keebler Elves can't get him Insane since: Apr 2004
posted 07-28-2004 06:34
white hawk- that was a pretty good stab not sure how correct it will be the dream started again. I tried lucid dreaming and the imps got pissed. they started throwing the paintings at me and the remaining survivors. as far as corners my detached way of living my life tends to piss a lot of people off. And as far as corners due to this i have only three people that i am sure would be in mine no matter what one yuo will probably never know, one is on this forum, and one is six feet under. There are some that may back me up but that would depend on opponent and oppinions. The other three would help me no matter what. I don't know why the hell the imps don't like me having control but it could be that every one in my family is a control freak (including my pets).
If one match can start a forest fire then why does it take the whole box to start a BBQ Grill?