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The fucking difference between cursing and and calling someone a whore. [Xpirex]
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Let's get this straight. There is a world of difference between using a 'bad word' as a verb or an amplifier and going out and calling someone a something without it being a joke. And this is what this whole Xpirex Affair is all about. 1. Is it O.K. to insult someone in a way that would be reason for a lawsuit in some western countries? 2. Is it O.K. to use some bad words that some people think you shouldn't use? 3. Is there a difference between cursing in english and cursing in another Language? My answer is: -No -Yes -There's quite a difference - or have you lived at least 2 years in a place where Hebrew is the native tongue and *know* instinctivly wether any cussing is appropriate for the situation at hand? I have lived 10 months in the states - and the one time I said fuck (after 6 fucking months) - it turned out to be the wrong time and place and I got in a bit of trouble. Something might translate as something - but that does not mean the insult to have the same strength. Heck, there isn't even an insult for 'bitch' in German. Now, we may argue about 1 and 2, and wether Xpirex actions did fall under 1. 3 is an interesting topic of discussion, but not strictly relevant at hand. The Doc is away, and while he as the owner of this site could decide to take on the risk of being sued - we can't take this risk on for him - which is why Xpirex has been temporarly banned. In which light I see Emperor's first reaction as correct. But now it's time to clear this mess up and lay out the rules under which we, the Mad Scientist whom Doc entrusted this place to, want to handle such cases in the future - wether it be by solitary action, by tribunal, by democratic vote, or by a feudal strategy. Therefore, post your thoughts on this, on wether 1. is a reason for being banned temporarily and on how we should proceed about this. so long, Tyberius Prime PS: [b]Xpirex - feel free to send anything you wish to post in here to my email address, and I'll post it word for word.[/b]
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