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The fucking difference between cursing and and calling someone a whore. [Xpirex]
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This whole scenario is funny. Perhaps at some point I'll begin to actually laugh about it. On the other hand... perhaps I won't. I'll start this off by saying... "Hi... been a while, hasn't it?" I don't really post here anymore for a gajillion reasons that I'm not here to talk about right now. While I don't even visit all that often --- when I do visit, I do my homework and see what's happening and for the most part get caught up with recent events. I've been a member first and a moderator second for years around here.... and I must say this is one of the most fucked instances of group stupidity that I've come across in a long time. Before I get too far off on 50 tangents that I'd really like to take, I'll reply directly to TP's post. In all honesty, I'm rather surprised this has yet to be responded to. 1. Is it O.K. to insult someone in a way that would be reason for a lawsuit in some western countries? ----- What? It's entirely possible that I'm sheltered and uneducated on the illegalities of word usage in forums on the internet... but my question is... when did all this come into the situation? The fact that you're asking for everyone's opinion on this entire matter and that most haven't a clue what was actually said or the level of hate normally associated with such remarks in its own language really doesn't level the playing field for this entire situation, sorry to say. (I realize you offered up translation via email... but that does not/will not express the latter portion what I just said) The topic of this thread is: "The fucking difference between cursing and and calling someone a whore." So... are what are we talking about? -- illegalities or moralities? While the two may cross at some point in space.... I don't see them intersecting here. Do to my own ignorance... I'll have to defer to: If something is illegal... it needs not happen here. I, like every other person here, wouldn't want Doc getting hemmed up on account of our own stupidites. So... now that I've spoken for everyone in the Asylum by saying that; we can scratch that off the list of undertones (and overtones) that were spun into your post, TP. However, if "lawsuit" here is just being used idly to sugar coat this scenario... and isn't exactly the truth (from everyone's point of view)... I hope there's a lot of pissed of people reading in the Asylum right now. To go along with that -- (I've done it before, as many have) -- twisting perspectives slightly for your own argumentative benefit can continue to combat my line of thinking.... and I might as well bring it out now. If we *really* want to split hairs and talk about what's legal and what's illegal on these forums in specific countries -- let's imagine a country that doesn't allow written word against their own government. (and this is a "for instance".. completely hypothetical situation not even based on truths to my knowledge) Again, I'm an uneducated sumbitch, but I'd imagine some of the political (or religous- for other countries) debates and topics that go on here could potentially borderline (or cross) the legalities of topics allowed by such governments. If you don't think it's happened in the past -- what would you do in the future? Say a new member from country X comes in here and begins to discuss why the current country's government needs to be overthrown and replaced with blah blah. Are we going to ban them?.... lock threads?.. warn them? Set up contingency plans in case of crazy influx of country X's inmates? My guess would be no. 2. Is it O.K. to use some bad words that some people think you shouldn't use? ----- Yes. This is rather obvious... and frankly, from my perspective, this entire topic revolves around this one question. I imagine 95% or more of people here would agree. 3. Is there a difference between cursing in english and cursing in another Language? ----- Yes. One I understand... the other I don't. =) The real question here really being---------- should the actions be treated differently? To that, I say no. While I think it's about as high on the rude/insult/assinine scale that you can possibly go.... I don't see a reason for it to be treated any differently. This is just a sub-topic of #2 in my eyes. Now for this: "Therefore, post your thoughts on this, on wether 1. is a reason for being banned temporarily and on how we should proceed about this." I'll re-state #1 for the readers: 1. Is it O.K. to insult someone in a way that would be reason for a lawsuit in some western countries? Well.. that's pretty interesting... How is the mob supposed to know what is and isn't allowed in all other countries? What are you really getting at here.... no insults of any kind? Everyone play nice and pretend to like each other? If that's the case... then to be blunt, just fucking say it and stop being a weasly bitch. I'm sure that got your attention as well as everyone else's, TP. A prime example of me expressing myself.. but not knowing what the hell that could translate to in Ingunfuckstickasaurus (the spoken word of fuckstick's all over the planet). It doesn't seem overly harsh for the occassion from my perspective.... but perhaps it does to some 'Ingun' somewhere on the other side of the world. So how do these things normally work themselves out? The Ingun comes back and flames the livin' piss out of me right here in this thread hooting and hollaring... calling me every name under the sun. What happens then? I pimp slap them with some wordage of my own.... and 'round and 'round we go. Does it end? Yes... always has. Sometimes people just let up right away -- other times the two individuals (or more) work it out and realize they had a little misunderstanding because they were pissed -- and other times a moderator steps in, closes the thread and waits for it to crop up again elsewhere. Arguments sometimes carry over from thread to thread or month to month... but they start up for a bit... then they go away. It happens all the damn time. It sucks that good threads are ruined and people have to wade through all the crap to find posts of substance -- but it's going to happen. This forum has pretty much always been a place where you could speak freely in just about any manner you felt you needed to in order to get your point across. On occassion people need to be reminded that there are a lot of young members that read what's going on here and perhaps certain things shouldn't be accepted.... or reminded of some other little tid-bit that is of importance to the greater population. Now I'm going to meander a bit... because I didn't actually get to reply to the thread in question... My overall opinon... directly to the point: Banning Xpirex is/was not the "correct" course of action. I also think the ban should be lifted immidiately. Normally little outbreaks like this come in steps. Person A pisses B off. B says something mean. A says something nasty. B says something worse.... And it continues. Lacuna's remark was about a 1 on a scale of 1-10. I'd say Xpirex skipped all levels inbetween and jumped right to a 9. That doesn't happen all that often, so it got everyone's attention in a hurry. On most occassions things get snubbed at around 5, I'd say........ and the really good arguments get up to an 8. All that being said, I do think an apology is in order... but that falls into my 'personal opinion' realm yet again. For those of you that have been here for a while, you know I've been in some large arguments at one point or another. I've skipped steps... I've baited people to name-calling... and I've certainly done my fair share of it as well. I don't recall ever being banned.... or threatened with it either. To be completely honest, I enjoyed some of the arguments that would crop up. A lot of online communities get a little hostile from time to time... it's part of their life cycle. An outbreak of flame wars kick off... people cry about how the community isn't what it used to be... individuals threaten to leave forever... new members whine publicly while wondering if the forum can live without posters that have become the pillars of the community. For fuck sake, let it happen. I'm all for a fight breaking out.... let the people go at it if they want for a few rounds a piece. If It gets too nasty.... shut down the thread with a warning about startin up a new one... state why it needs to stop... tell them to take it to email... and then go about your business. It'd be a waste to point fingers over this whole issue. Anyone who thinks being a moderator over situations like this is easy, is a dumbass and probably hasn't been in this position before. I think there's been a lot of harm done... but I think everyone here is more than adult enough to press on and put this one behind. I understand everyone's actions and I think they were just in everyone's own right. Okay.. I've got a shedload more to say about this whole thing... but I've babbled long enough.. I've lost my place with mental notes... and I'm tired and ready to go back into asylum hibernation. Just a couple of quickies before I go... 1. I thought it was odd that this thread title had "fucking" in it. Even with my variety-driven use of the word, I've always thought it was much wiser to leave swears out of thread titles. 2. I agree with Krets' statements in the original thread. 3. In response to this bit: "Xpirex can get his account back - if lacuna, the one he personally insulted and harrased, [i]accepts[/i] his apologies" - Get fucked. That's just outrageous.
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