OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
The fucking difference between cursing and and calling someone a whore. [Xpirex]
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All right - I've succeeded in provoking about thrice the amount of words from you MS than I had expected - and the tenor has been pretty clear. I have lifted Xpirex' ban - though any of the Mad Scientists could have done so as well. I've mailed him about it. Now, can we get this into a short list of guidelines for the future? I'll make a start - and I'd appreciate it if you just said 'yes' if you like it (or point out what you'd like changed - but any new version will have to be voted on again...) [b]General Rules for handling Problems[/b] [olist] * Don't sweat the small stuff. * It's all small stuff. * If it can get the Doc in trouble, censor. (and take screenshots if you edit posts) * If it reoccurs, try to get it to email. * If you're unsure, ask the other Mad Scientists in the Mad Scientists Laboratory. * There is no rule six. * Banning should be so infrequent as to never happen - and should never be done by a lone MS. [/olist] Any vetos? so long, Tyberius Prime Edit: lists look better when you close the tags ;-) [small](Edited by [internallink=1424]Tyberius Prime[/internallink] on 06-29-2004 16:43)[/small]
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