OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
The fucking difference between cursing and and calling someone a whore. [Xpirex]
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Don't get me wrong - I believe very strongly that Xpi was *way* out of line, and that he proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is a complete asshole with his reaction. I also don't think Lacuna's "quit your fucking whining" was uncalled for or out of line. I think it was very appropriate for the situation in fact. I just think banning should require something more dire. Things I think are worthy of banning - - blatant racism (this implies not just prejudice, but 'hate crime' type of thought) - threats (threats of violence, threats of hacking, etc...) - continual spamming and/or blatantly disruptive posting (I think posts such as xpi's post in question *do* fall under this category. But it would take a series of such things for me to be convinced on banning) I also don't think this is anything that anyone needs to 'hand in their badge' over. This type of situation is exactly why the checks and balances exist here, and the history of collaborative decision making and discussion (such as this thread) negates the need for anyone to lose mod status over such a thing. Especially given the fact that you didn't act alone, you consulted with another mod first.
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