OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
The fucking difference between cursing and and calling someone a whore. [Xpirex]
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[quote]I take full responsibility for this mess and have handed in my badge. I'll also be taking a break from the place as I've clearly got too involved (my main crime might be caring too much - who knows?).[/quote] Emps, it will be a sad day for humanity when it's a crime to care; if you feel you need a break, enjoy it - you've certainly earned a rest with everything that's been changing over the past year. I, too, can only echo White Hawks sentiments; the way in which this place functions was enough to change me from a lurker of 2 years standing to becoming a member. Your commitment ,along with that of many others, made me feel that I was taking without giving by lurking any longer. Not to get all maudlin, but at 53 I've seen plenty come and go; there's heaps of shitty things in life and sometimes ya have ta leave em ta scrap it out. It's not ego massage - your badge should be tattooed on - ya not allowed out :p
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