OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
The fucking difference between cursing and and calling someone a whore. [Xpirex]
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I echo DL's words. Also, Xpirex: A couple of quick little bits I'd like to respond to... (although this has been drug further than needed already) In #4 of your post, you said "not due to any kindness or sense of fairness but because others stepped forward to complain and express the unfairness of the whole rediculous situation". I suppose, if you were looking at things from your perspective, that could possibly be the case. No.. this was not resolved through kindness.. just as it shouldn't be. But in truth -- this very much was resolved with a sense of fairness. Not to call it that, would mock each individual who has ever helped out as a moderator here at the Asylum.. and even more-so the individuals who have expressed their opinions (for or against the ban) here in this thread, via email, or instant messaging program. - My 2 cents on the matter. On the topic of posting what people have written via email to you personally... all I can say, is that's bad for business. Keep that stuff between you and them, please. If you would be nice enough to edit your post and remove it, I'm sure a lot of people can press on and put this whole thing behind us rather than stir the pot a bit more. [small](Edited by [internallink=627]Michael[/internallink] on 07-06-2004 23:57)[/small]
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