OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
The fucking difference between cursing and and calling someone a whore. [Xpirex]
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I said at the start that I think this whole thing was rather silly and not worth all this attention. I thank Tiberius Prime as he is the one that contacted me acted on my behalf. Personally I rank DL-44 in the same leage as Emps.. (and neither will traet me fairly) I agree that this was solved with a sense of fairness.. but fairness from just a few. I know some were fair and I thank them. I know some were not so don't expect a blanket hug to all because I don't feel it. I would appreciate if you would not try to twist my comments either into saying that I am disrespecting all administrators and staff in here... I did not say that and did not mean that. You have no right to imply it unless you just want to pick up where Emps left off. I posted Lacunas email as I want others to see that there may be two sides to a person.. and that I am often shown the other side. I do not consider that any breach of privacy. Lacuna too mentioned an email I sent her/him saying that I did not apologise. Is that a breach of privacy too? tntcheats: You don't know anything about me and I you.. let's leave it that way. It's over.. done.. finished. Find someone else to pick on now. QUOTATION: "The trouble with a rat race is that even when you win, you're still a rat.'' [img]http://disk919.com/sig/xpirex-blue-orange.gif[/img] [small](Edited by [internallink=3255]Xpirex[/internallink] on 07-07-2004 00:28)[/small]
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