OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
The fucking difference between cursing and and calling someone a whore. [Xpirex]
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I would just like to reiterate what I said before. I do not, in any way, shape or form, think that I should have any say so in the outcome of this. I'm not looking for an apology and I certainly don't think an apology to me should be a stipulation of whether or not Xpirex is allowed back. As far as I?m concerned, that would make it totally insincere and pointless. I can civilly co-exist with people that I have a very low opinion of. That is, after all, one of the dynamics of the asylum... interacting with people that you may not like. While it's pathetic that an adult male will so quickly resort to such nasty name calling towards a female, I have no desire to turn this into a feminist crusade either. But yes, it was offensive. And lets be real here, I?ve been called worse things (not much... but still) does that make it ok? No. But, it's not the end of the world either. Krets, no where have I seen anyone, even myself, say that I was innocent. I?ve acknowledged my bit in this, which Xpirex, to this point, hasn?t? at least not in the email I got. I think I clearly said in that thread that what I said was probably not necessary and a bit snotty (and I said so to Xpirex in reply to his email). But quit fuckin whining does NOT justify the response I got. He could have told me to fuck right the hell off... but he didn't. Like lazy, retard and bitch just weren't enough :rolleyes:
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