OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
The fucking difference between cursing and and calling someone a whore. [Xpirex]
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[quote]Therefore, post your thoughts on this, on wether 1. is a reason for being banned temporarily and on how we should proceed about this.[/quote] 1. Is it O.K. to insult someone in a way that would be reason for a lawsuit in some western countries? ...no. i find the best insults are those which leave the person insulted thinking you have just praised them. even if you (the insulter) are the only one who realizes it. 2. Is it O.K. to use some bad words that some people think you shouldn't use? ...i suppose it's socially acceptable these days, but there is no real need for it. it just shows up your lack of vocabulary. (i'm guilty too) 3. Is there a difference between cursing in english and cursing in another Language? ...not really. there are people here from all over the world who understand many languages. and if they don't, it isn't too hard to find out what a word or phrase means. i would tend to agree that a temporary ban with e-mail notification might be a good thing at times. as long as the person banned is allowed to come back at least long enough to work things out or NOT. a permanent ban would not be fair to anyone, unless it is somewhat unanimous among the moderators, if not even so among the general population. i've been around long enough to know that a lot of people here have shed blood, sweat, and tears to get this place to where it is. you gotta respect that, and if you don't, as far as i'm concerned you can get the hell out.
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