OZONE Asylum
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Resume advice
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So, I see an ad looking for a 'web developer' with list of skills: DHTML, ASP, Windows 2k Server, MS SQL, etc. I write up a quick (but professional) 'cover letter' email, attach the appropriate pdf resume, and fire it off. I get a response back from the HR lady which reads, "This position requires knowledge of DHTML. This experience is not on your resume."...blah blah blah. Thing is, my resume clearly lists under 'core competencies': XHTML/HTML CSS JavaScript/ECMA Script Document Object Model You know, and I know, that DHTML is nothing but an old name for the interworkings of these technologies. The poor HR lady did not know that. Because the HR lady does not understand the lingo behind the jobs for which she is recruiting, I will likely not get an interview. I'm not bitching. It's my fault and I know it. Just a little advice to all of you, writing your resumes...
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