Spending 6 hours reading MSDN SDK regarding embedding media player 9 into a web page and having it function smoothly problably makes me a guru on the subject as the SDK pages are way worse than those ubiquitous help files which do not help.
But I am really stuck with key events. Read it for yourself:
and you may think it's lacking in example but is applied as a common event handler. Not. I tried several variations and attempted to understand the comment about KeyPress(nKeyAscii) requiring exacting case. All implementations failed usually with the most unwelcome c00d11cd error (http://www.updatexp.com/c00d11cd-error.html)
If the writers of the SDK section for MSDN gave an example usage for each attribute I'd never have to miss a nights sleep again. Instead they convert a pure programming structure into English and all absolute definition is lost.
Has anyone got the slightest hint as to how to retrieve a keyboard event from a fullscreen media player 9 window using javascript? Other events I tried such as mouse over and mouse down function adequately but keyboard?

Not Enough Is Better Than Too Much