When using CSS image rollovers, two, three, or more images must be loaded (and often be preloaded for best results). We've got one image for each state (normal, hover, active, visited etc). Putting all states into one image makes dynamic changes faster and requires no preload.
Source: http://wellstyled.com/css-nopreload-rollovers.html
I'm having trouble with this tutorial. I don't understand what it means to "put all states into one image." Does that mean using ImageReady to create a dynamic rollover... or something?
I just want to create a dynamic CSS rollover that doesn't require image preloading. (I already know how to create CSS rollovers that do need preloading.)
Please help. Thank you.
EDIT: Nevermind. I understood what it meant right after I posted this. That always happens... 

(Edited by metahuman on 08-06-2004 04:54)