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Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: Insane since: Aug 2004
posted 08-09-2004 05:50
Hey i need help on a couple of thing ..... i have a computer here homebuilt by me and my unlce and my computer keep on freezing which i dunno what wrong i am doing this becuz i am bored and stuff so give me some brain storm!!! *ideas on y it keep freezing ^_^* ok this what happen when i pop in a game i can play for 5 min then ir freez when i restart it work for 5 hour then freez and sometime i cant install a program.. which is gay.. so my cpu fan broke when i was playign my game my computer was soo quiet i didnt even knwo the fan was broken untell it restart auto ahha and a bleu screen came up i was like WTF and i touch my heatsick and that shit was hella hot burnt my finger a lito so i let it cool down for liek a night then i went out bought a new cpu fan went home use it for 10 day then it broke and i only had 3 day of warrnty on it i was hella mad and befor that my computer was keep freezing on me sence so i boguth another cpu fan and install it and it work but my computer is still freezing i dunno what to do i reinstall my window befor i had window xp pro i reinstall it to window xp pro again and it still freez eheh and my computer old but 3 year old ^_^ but it still running good ^_^ untell now -.-t ahah i have a amd 1.2ghz 128mb antec case+fan dvd-cd-rw, dvd drive 60gbHD LAN card 10/100, 2usb + a 2extended usb card Gforce 2 graphic card shit been so long i dunno what kind of mother bored i got hmmm lmfao i am soo crazy o well yall dont need to knwo my stuff ahah ok back to the point so what u think is up with it?! huh huh huh?.. heeh i think it my cpu and the mother bored i think i fried it -.-' possible eheh will ill be waitting for ur answer my email Vi3t_sTyLEz_Azn@yahoo.com
Lunatic (VI) Mad ScientistFrom: Massachusetts, USA Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 08-09-2004 06:19
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: Inside THE BOX Insane since: May 2000
posted 08-09-2004 14:08
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Nairobi, Kenya Insane since: Mar 2002
posted 08-09-2004 14:24
I had the same kind of problem a couple of weeks ago. My best bet is the processor fan, get one with metal holders and make sure its fixed properly.
I had to go through driver upgrades and a whole lotta crap to later trace it was the fan was giving me all this grief.
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: London Insane since: Jun 2003
posted 08-09-2004 17:04
Wes, that's funny, 'hella' funny.
But seriously folks, that sounds to me like a general overheating problem.
make sure you've fixed everything properly in your case, and that wires and cables don't obstruct any fans or vents when possible.
Do you overclock your CPU? if so, take it down to what it should be and see if that makes things any better, a properly affixed fan that's the right size should also be used so make sure you've got the right fan for teh job, not just any old thing.
Finally give it a good dusting, if it's three years old, there could be quite a build up of dirt inside your machine.
(Edited by Blaise on 08-09-2004 17:10)
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: Insane since: Aug 2004
posted 08-09-2004 19:49
ahah lOlz naw man it not my overheating problem i have 2 fan and the side door always open so i naver coverd it up. dust? naver i always cleak it each month.
my fan i just bought it..... matel holder...? dude all cpu fan has a matel holder that the heatsink that get the heat from the cpu and then the fan blow it off from the heatsink thinggy most people have aluminum for there computer like from factory they always use these but me i have copper becuz they are the best heatsink wayy batter then aluminum and it ceom with the fan..driver?... what driver u talking about? sound driver? will my a homebuilt remember that homebuilt naver need to be upgrad the driver becuz it not from factory like HP if i had a HP then ill need to upgrade the driver if i reinstall the window but my is a homebuilt no need to upgrad any driver.. eheh send back somethign aiight? i need to know more hehe -.-?hmm hha ok
Rinswind 2th
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Den Haag: The Royal Residence Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 08-09-2004 21:50
This would help: punctuation
At least we do understand your ramblings. Then we might as well help you out.
White Hawk
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: out of nowhere... Insane since: May 2004
posted 08-09-2004 22:49
I'm not so sure of the overheating - different boards behave in different ways. An overheat is more likely to trigger a shutdown (instant blink-off, very disconcerting) on most modern mainboards. It should be possible to determine the operating temperature immediately after the crash within the BIOS, if your board has the necessary gubbins for such a facility. I use MotherBoard Manager 5 to monitor my CPU and case temperature on the fly.
I've recently been having problems with a fairly-well established audio card that no amount of driver/PCI-slot/brain-swapping seems close to fixing. It is a loooooong shot, but you wouldn't happen to have installed a new soundcard recently, would you? Never mind...
quote: ... what driver u talking about? sound driver? will my a homebuilt remember that homebuilt naver need to be upgrad the driver becuz it not from factory like HP if i had a HP then ill need to upgrade the driver if i reinstall the window but my is a homebuilt no need to upgrad any driver..
Ummmm... have you ever actually used a Windows machine before today? Drivers need upgrading all the time!
I built my own machine, and I don't think a week has gone by that I didn't update/upgrade/utterly destroy one driver or another. You should take into account that absolutely nothing (nothing) ships with the latest drivers.
It's all something to do with an ancient law about the prolonged market viability or something like that. I tell you no lies.
Anyway, it goes something like this:
Item A and B are causing eachother problems, so a patch is released to correct it. Item B now seems to have a problem with item C, so a patch is released for item C to bring it up to item A/B standards. Now A and C seem to work fine, but item B has become sluggish and unresponsive. Microsoft, in their infinite and mysterious wisdom, release a cumulative patch (that is three times the size of the sum of all previous releases) to patch and repair all previous items. Everything seems to work fine, but now your left eye keeps revolving in its socket. This has nothing to do with anything, but you worry about it so much that you miss the little message warning of an impending failure, and requesting that you immediately contact your hardware vendor for updated drivers (to replace the new ones you just installed).
You get back from the crackhouse feeling far more relaxed, only to discover that all your data has been corrupted because of an IDE conflict with the latest Windows patches (which is, of course, the fault of the manufacturer for not pre-empting future non-standard driver problems when they designed it).
Everything you worked towards - all those hopes and dreams in the form of hardcore porn and poorly pirated games - all of it is gone.
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 08-09-2004 23:57
*hands hawk his pills* there there man it'll be ok, go see master suho down the hall to the left
you just have to speak the language;
quote: clues in the text reveal the problem:
ahha and a bleu screen came up i was like WTF and i touch my heatsick and that shit was hella hot burnt my finger
i went out bought a new cpu fan went home use it for 10 day then it broke and i only had 3 day of warrnty on it i was hella mad
yo homie yo cpu is hella fried dog, its toastie to the mostie if yo goit a xtra cpu arnd tye dat and yo now fo sho
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: Insane since: Aug 2004
posted 08-10-2004 00:19
porn?,, naw man no porno game only D2 wc3 and SC gb i dont play ahah yea ezra i think u tru ahah yup i think cpu is fried becuz last toime when my cpu fan broke i didnt even knwo becuz it was so quiet all the time and that night it reboot on me when i was playing SC i look at it and it was very hot next day i went out bought a new cpu fan it it work for a week BUT my comp didnt reboot untell the secend one broke which last only one week i had to go out buy another one and after that it keep freezing on me so i am thinking of the cpu socket from the main bored or the cpu it one of them but i think u are tru might be a possible
and hawk my is homebuilt liek i said i naver update or do any driver anything with it ^_^ becuz i dont need to all i do is reinstall my window XP pro and just install the program that i have and when the thinggy from the right on my toolbar pop up saying update? i always push no ^_^ becuz i once update and it make my system slow ass hell so i just stick to what i be useing i been doing this for 3 year and i think u dunno what u be saying.. or i just dont understand but there nothign i update any driver only factory need to be update once in a while if u be updateing ur comp every month shit i dunno about u but i shure dont do that..
ahah thx for answring my stuff ^_^
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: beyond the gray sky Insane since: Apr 2004
posted 08-10-2004 06:19
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: :morF Insane since: May 2000
posted 08-10-2004 07:28
White Hawk
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: out of nowhere... Insane since: May 2004
posted 08-10-2004 14:45
Actually - if you don't update your drivers, I doubt you'll ever see the true performance capability of your machine. Take my FX5600 for example (no, don't ACTUALLY take it, yo' foo') - if not for the latest and greatest drivers, I would not have access to such luvverly things as detailed display-timing settings, or performance profiles for different software. Now, I can't imagine that these would be much use to you, but the latest device drivers (most, anyway) also help improve performance and compatibility, and even sometimes add functions that were not previously available.
Now, to be honest, if your attitude is that you don't need updates, you might as well assume that the pre-built PCs don't need updates either.
All these firms do is package the driver sets in a way tailored to their build - they don't (usually) release anything that wouldn't be available for the same hardware in a different machine (unless the update is to correct a specific problem/conflict peculiar to their build). Ya know, bredder?
And I can't believe that you are using XP without (at the very least) Service Pack 1! You should at least be installing the critical/security updates - though 'patchy' at best (boom-boom), they really are designed to protect you from security risks that you would otherwise be vulnerable to. In fact, unless you have a regularly updated firewall and anti-virus combination (even with all the latest updates), I should think that you'd be surprised by the sheer volume of crap you've picked up in a short time.
'Old up! Even wid all dat, yo' still ain't completely secure, dog. But den, I dunno if yo' use da net at all, an' wedder dat be on dialup or broadband - an' I be cool widda fak dat nunna dis matters anywayz, cos' it more dan likely dat dis ain't nut'in to do widya problem. Aiight.
If the problem is to do with overheating, then buy a fan that won't break-down on you ('break', not 'go') - spend a little more on a good one (though it isn't necessary to spend a fortune). If the CPU really is overheating even with a fan that works, then it might be a good idea to check that it is seated correctly on the CPU. A wise investment would be a little thermal compound as the graphite pads that come attached to most heatsinks are not usually very good.
Okay! Okay! I'm leaving now! Don't get all het up!
(Edited by White Hawk on 08-10-2004 14:46)
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: London Insane since: Jun 2003
posted 08-10-2004 16:08
Well the reason you're computer broke down was probably because you didn't have any of the latest drivers then!
Get with the program boyo, if you've had your machine for three years without needing to upgrade or re-install then you've been nothing but lucky! Don't count on being lucky for another three years, check out your CPU, it does sound like it's farged!
fa'shizzle on ma'nizzle!
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: Insane since: Aug 2004
posted 08-11-2004 01:35
ahah what are there to update? my sound card good everything ^_^ it been like this for 3 year nothing happen untell now softwear i use the same thing everytime i reinstall my window i have northrn anti-virus 2004 pro with panda anti-virus built in with firewall i dunno what to update lOlz becuz it dontseem like i need to update anythign reinstall u say blaise? i alrdy reinstall my window 2 time try with home and then i try with pro same thing
White Hawk
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: out of nowhere... Insane since: May 2004
posted 08-11-2004 14:19
quote: ...everytime i reinstall my window...
How many times have you re-installed? I think there is a clue there somewhere.
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: London Insane since: Jun 2003
posted 08-11-2004 15:48
Mate it's as simple as this, new and updated drivers come out for hardware to increase compatability and performance with other hardware and software.
For example, if you use your machine for games, then having the latest version of Direct X will allow you to get the most performance and enhancements out of games, as does upgrading the drivers for your graphics cards.
Windows XP and all other OS's also bring out updates, these are to fix errors with the OS, increse security and to add enhancements and performance, if you've got a problem with your machine, it could partly be because you don't have the latest drivers.
Check any website out there to do with tweaking and fixing a machine, the first thing it will tell you to do is to make sure you have the latest drivers.
I'm not saying that updating all your drivers will magically fix your problems, but it will definitely narrow down the issues you might have, and besides your computer will be running much better.
It's fine with me if you don't want to update, but if you don't then don't expect any useful suggestions from me or anyone else on this board for that matter.
White Hawk
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: out of nowhere... Insane since: May 2004
posted 08-11-2004 18:12
Ooooooooh! 'Ark at 'er, will ya'?
I think I said most of that in a much nicer, more patronising way already, but succinctly put.
A touch! A palpable touch! Touche!
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: Insane since: Aug 2004
posted 08-12-2004 21:56
Nope my main bord and my cpu is fried i was right.. nah no update, i think when ever i update somethign it slow down my comp so i dosent do anythign will now i need to go buy a new bored and a new cpu i guess now on i should turn off my comp when i m not useing it... will case close ty buh baiz
White Hawk
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: out of nowhere... Insane since: May 2004
posted 08-13-2004 01:18
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: London Insane since: Jun 2003
posted 08-13-2004 15:00
yes but... no but... yeah but....
ah forget it! meh! quote: You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink
Paranoid (IV) Mad LibrarianFrom: Berlin (almost) Insane since: Dec 2001
posted 08-13-2004 15:58