Sorry I have not posted here in a while. Thought I would put this up. My latest work. Silva from Shaman King with one of his animal spirits... The Annoying Eagle! I think this is my finest work so far to date. I used some techniques that I have never used before. Remember kids, the paintbrush in photoshop is your friend! This was 3/4ths done with the paintbrush, and very lightly with the air brush. There are so many details to this piece that I cannot possibly mention them all here.... Oh yeah, this was done with only 4 layers. I worked about a week and a half on this. I really busted my butt on this piece.
Tools used: Photoshop 4.0
Original Line Art by: The-Z
Coloring done by: Me
Silva, a character of Shaman King is owned by Hiroyuki Takei.
Go here: To see this piece full size.
'Hey, take it easy and enjoy life.... or in your case, death.' -- Yoh Asakura, 'Shaman King'
(Edited by Wolfen on 08-12-2004 00:38)