Following some server nasty server problems, which still persist, some folks offered to mirror Technical Slop.
Tech Slop - the barely lucid ramblings of warjournal aka stroker, aka Mr. Halmich, aka Mr. Mom on the subject of 2d and 3d digital graphics techniques using Photoshop. (3/19/2012 - took offline (link below is as complete), WJ contact me for the file and DB dump if you need it - Jason)
(Created by warjournal on 08-27-2004 17:57) (Edited by Moon Shadow on 08-27-2004 22:14) (Edited by JKMabry on 08-27-2004 23:17) (Edited by warjournal on 01-21-2005 23:28) (Edited by JKMabry on 03-19-2012 23:46)