From: Out on the Sea of Madness... Insane since: Dec 2003
posted 09-02-2004 19:33
It's more a non event.
You copied the Asylum's color scheme, nice. It's not exactly that hard to do though and not really that big a deal to be honest. And you don't even credit the Asylum for the scheme.
As others have said - *shrug*
_____________________ le coeur du feu
Qui sème le vent récolte la tempête!
templar654 + RhyssaFireheart: With all respect due to the Doc, I don't see why zavaboy should credit him. AFAIK the Doc have not invented or copyrighted the color "orange" and that particular color scheme.
For sure the color scheme of the Asylum is good. There's even a topic about it and its usage in the faq : Can I use the Asylum colour scheme on a page with my Asylum sigs on it?. And actually almost every inmates use more or less the color scheme of the Asylum, be it only to have a proper antialiasing. Otherwise our sigs would look ugly
From: Out on the Sea of Madness... Insane since: Dec 2003
posted 09-03-2004 18:19
I know what you are saying, poi, except that he's directly copying the entire color scheme. No colors are copyrighted, that's true, but this particular combination is very recognizable as belonging to the Asylum (well, at least to the inmates). He does say it's his Asylum skin, but some credit for where he lifted it from would be polite at least.
Inmates using or creating pages to host their sigs on isn't the same, that's done for a specific purpose. And it makes sense to do so, just for ease of viewing. But if you had a very distinctive color scheme on a site/forums you created, and someone else came along and copied it entirely (not just used the same colors, but impersonated the logo style as well) without even mentioning that your work was the inspiration, would you be just as OK with it?
It's more a sense of courtesy and politeness to me. That's where I'm coming from is all.
_____________________ le coeur du feu
Qui sème le vent récolte la tempête!
RhyssaFireheart: I fully agree with you. He used the complete color scheme, but since the skin is not released there's no big deal. However, if he releases it, I expect to see something clearly indentifying its source of inspiration. Naming the skin ozone_asylum or something similar and/or providing a note about its making of ( which would be welcome and interesting for the other skins too ) would seem quite appropriate.
I was planning on crediting the Asylum for the style if I release it. All I wanted was feedback on how it looked. I'll put the credits on now just for the sake of this discussion.
zavaboy: Your Asylum skin is nice and really close to the Asylum. The only thing that ticks me is the calendar : the background of the header is too light, and I think it'd look better with a thin border and the dark red in the background.
Oh, and I regret that the styles only change the color scheme. But that's already an appreciable feature.
Better, but I thought of dark red background in whole table of the calendar. And now, the little arrows around the month are a bit too light. Or maybe if you inverted their colors, it'd be ok. The yellow for the < and > shapes, and the darker color for their background.
Oh, and if you read this post, show your tongue on your webcam
Why on earth would anyone cite a color scheme? Thats silly.
The color scheme is fine but I would use CSS to completely change around your layout from style to style. I would add the footer and buttons of the Asylum to the bottom of your page. Also, your navigation is to the side and vertical, the Asylum's is at the top and horizontal.
Take a look at the CSS Zen Garden for examples of what can be done with CSS>
From: Sin City (Can you guess where?) Insane since: Sep 2004
posted 09-18-2004 10:14
Firstly, that is simply cheap... As far as I am concerned, you stole the Doc's hard work and that's really low... You don't even credit the guy for the color scheme. I'm sure the Doc would be offended by this - I can appreciate his hard work.
Secondly, the design is really blah.. I don't much care for it.. Maybe if you made it look better spaced, and whatnot, it'd look better... Also, I think you should be unique and design your own color scheme...
In simple terms: Cheap, Low, and very RUDE. The design, as I said above, needs work.. The color scheme... You damn'd thief!
EDIT: I take that back, you credited the Doc.. But its still a low move to use this color scheme!
"I think Bush is an idiot... I think Kerry is an even bigger idiot! Vote Bush 2004!"
He didn't "steal" anything for crying-out-loud. He made what is *very obviously* a mock of the color scheme here, as a style option on his site, not as his main color scheme. And that's all. I'm sure Doc would be quite indifferent, or perhaps even say 'hey, cool'.
Unimaginative, puposeless, ineffectual, blah; these are all fitting words to describe this.
But that's about the extent of it.
Anyone who is the least bit perturbed (or excited) by this needs increased meds ASAP.
I don't know what the big deal is, he copied the color scheme. (whooooooooooo)
I'm sure nobody here has ever done that. I dunno what the hype is about, in terms of
design, I'm not really feeling the layout and the colors don't have anything to do with that.
Maybe your thumbs are too big? secions not spaced enough, i dunno....
From: In your Hard Drive! So beware... Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 04-13-2005 09:36
quote:templar654 + RhyssaFireheart: With all respect due to the Doc, I don't see why zavaboy should credit him. AFAIK the Doc have not invented or copyrighted the color "orange" and that particular color scheme.
Poi with all due respect too, Zavaboy was inspired of DOC'S own idea of how his site should look and he intentionally did that due to that inspiration.
Zavaboy just put the style "OzoneAsylum" was created by Doctor Thaddeus Ozone
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