OZONE Asylum
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My new Asylum style!
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I know what you are saying, poi, except that he's directly copying the entire color scheme. No colors are copyrighted, that's true, but this particular combination is very recognizable as belonging to the Asylum (well, at least to the inmates). He does say it's his Asylum skin, but some credit for where he lifted it from would be polite at least. Inmates using or creating pages to host their sigs on isn't the same, that's done for a specific purpose. And it makes sense to do so, just for ease of viewing. But if you had a very distinctive color scheme on a site/forums you created, and someone else came along and copied it entirely (not just used the same colors, but impersonated the logo style as well) without even mentioning that your work was the inspiration, would you be just as OK with it? It's more a sense of courtesy and politeness to me. That's where I'm coming from is all. _____________________ [img]http://lahutton.50megs.com/images/sigs/asylum_sig03b.gif[/img] [url=http://lahutton.50megs.com]le coeur du feu[/url] Qui sème le vent récolte la tempête!
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