Well, just like was pointed out in a prior review you requested (BTW, do you just cut-n-paste the same text over and over again?), your curved elements have jaggies, and they are obvious ones too. The main page just looks... blah to me. The light blue band stops at the head on the right side, and doesn't continue on the left. Why not?
The navigation buttons just look like they are stuck on at the top of the page, and don't fit in with the rest of the design at all.
Why bother to have a body background image at all if you can't see it once the site has loaded?
Main page loads slow as hell on dial-up. Yes, some people still use dial-up in many cases.
I've noticed on all three of the sites you posted, that your main page has one layout, and all the remainder of the site pages have another layout. Again, why? To me, the change in layouts serves no purpose. IN this case, it forces me to reload an entirely new set of images, and to wait while some gratuitous flash is loaded. What is the function of the flash other than to have some random lines and a highlight flash over a round picture?
On the second layout header - jaggies, jaggies, jaggies! You can't miss these, so why are you not cleaning these up before presenting this site as complete?
Second layout again, the top pink "bar" looks crooked. It doesn't look like it's meant to be a gentle curve (probably because of those JAGGIES), instead it seems like you tried to make straight lines and they didn't come out quite right.
Navigation area - it looks like the white lines were just drawn on as a way to show "buttons" without actually making them. Looking closer, the vertical lines don't always match up with the curved lines quite right, with the line between home and makeup actually extending too far. Why even have this element there? If it were flash rollovers of some sort (since this comes up with the flash), then I could understand.
The rest of the blueish "bar" at the bottom of the header - you have it curving to match up with the navigation on the left side, but on the right, it's just a straight line. And again with the jaggies.
Second page footer - the silver curved line isn't even on the left and right sides. The left has approx 3-4 mm of spacing, the right side looks to only have approx 1mm of spacing from the top. If it's meant to be that way, it doesn't. It looks like you were careful with spacing.
Entire site could use a dose of CSS, it looks as if you are using tables for your layouts, and tags to define every bit of type, etc. I'm not even that good at CSS yet, but viewing your code gives me the willies.
Your text needs to be reviewed again. Using justification creates odd spacing sometimes in sentences, and there are some random spelling/spacing issues on a couple of pages.
Why is your home page entirely made up of images?
The model on the main page has a slight glow effect around her. It doesn't look even, and seems to disappear in a few spots around her body.
The slight gradients in the pink areas look.. cheesy in a way. The colors are OK, but it's very flat to me. Why not either pick a different shade of pink (lighter perhaps) or a slightly darker shade of blue. Vary the tonals your using, if that makes sense.
Flash header again (yeah, I know I'm jumping around), the woman on the left in the chair.. she doesn't appear to have any relationship to the site other than as something to hold down some space there. Plus, everything else is very pastelly, and that image is black and dark. Right side - what is that abstract image supposed to be? It almost looks like an angled shot of someone's chin and mouth, with some curved lines imposed over it. Why? Left side has no connection or relationship to the right side of the header.
OK, that's all I can think of right at the moment. Considering how little feedback (none) you've given to the other critiques, I highly doubt any of this will change, but I just felt like venting a bit anyways. It's probably just posted here to try to take advantage of search engines so it looks like you're getting a lot of hits.
JMO, YMMV of course.
le coeur du feu
Qui sème le vent récolte la tempête!