...and all that's inbetween.
So I'm sure a number of you on the boards have been in relationships before, previous posts and threads have come to pretty much cement the fact that we aren't completely lost in the world of nerd-dom as much as we may jest. So here's the deal. I met me a woman.
Ever been in a relationship that you just can't fully seem to grasp? Maybe it's the number of drinks I've had tonight to bring the courage to post something about it, but I find myself in a most peculiar situation that even I had guessed would happen eventually. As much as I have, of course, I haven't been able to find a logical and solid way around it without seeming like a complete goob, which has pretty much already been done anyways.
She's pretty, hell more than pretty, she's the most attractive woman I've yet to have any kind of relationship with. She's fun, we get along, and damned if I haven't practically bent over backwards to try and gain her affection. Tonight I threw a gathering of sorts, an informal party of myself and her with a few mutual friends. We got a bon fire going for a little, had a few and laughed a bit. Swallowed my pride and continued with the streak of ballsy moves that I had been pulling out for the past few weeks... I asked her if she wanted to give a relationship a shot.
Something tells me, this friggin little lingering feeling, even after getting in touch with her on her cel and asking her bluntly about it (which was probably a bit more of a mistake than I care of admit), that she's not totally on board. I hate this damn feeling, and it just won't leave.
My insecurities, I know, I know.
I'm kind of a shy guy. You know, the kind that takes for-freaking-ever to ask an important question. Past experiences have kind of soured the whole prospect of getting shot down, kind of a fear of mine. But so far, three ballsy moves and I'm batting a thousand. I hear that she's into me, but she just doesn't act it out, really. It's not like she avoids me or anything, but kind of an indiference... ho-hum, yanno?
So why can't I shake this feeling? I want nothing more than to have a good, fulfilling relationship with this woman. I can see being with her, I really can, dammit I really want this.
Now I know, I've posted shit like this before asking for life lessons and blah blah blah... even I'm getting kind of tired with it. WebShamen, you know what I'm talking about.
Though there's really no one to comfortably talk to about this, as everyone seems to have a biased opinion. And real life friends have gone and fucked with ex-girlfriends in the past. So I figure what the hell, I'll ask a group of strangers and aquaintances. Like it or not, I've found a little bit of a familiar feeling with this forum. Something that, outside of a huge argument or an onslaught of crap, I'd likely not leave this place for a while (I can hear the groans). So, for one last time, I'm asking ya'll for some life advice. Excuse me, I need another shot... not drunk enough to hit the Submit New Thread button quite yet.
I guess I'll figure out if this whole thing is a mistake once I wake up, but damn, it's a rollercoaster right now. Tempted to type more... this invisible person I'm addressing to at the moment of writing wants to hear more, so that's what I'll give them.
I'm worried that there's pressure on her to do it, and that's she's going along with it because she doesn't want to say no. And that's the worst feeling I've felt in a long time, the feeling that there may be some kind of game being played, and I'm just the only one not seeing it. It sucks. I get along fabulously with her parents and she seems to get along just fine with mine, but damn.
Oh, okay. I guess I should be completely honest with you all at this point, because I don't really have anything to protect anymore. Those same friends, herself and I are planning (preliminary at the moment, enough time to back out of) to move in together to get the hell outta our parents homes. I, personally, have had about enough at home and am considering either finding myself something to make me happy here or join the Army. No shit, that's the plan. Lost 35 pounds preparing for it so far. And I'm willing to set it on the backburner for a second. Let me collect my thoughts with a smoke real quick...
I long for the days of not having all this crap on my plate. I can't help but sit here and remember about how good it was back in the day, when people were just people. No relationships, no moving out, no jobs, no worries... this growing up shit is lame. At the same time, it's something I have to do and something I want to do, I'm tired of living with mommy and daddy.
I think moving in may be too much, and that scares the crap out of me. She brought it up, she asked me if I was onboard, albeit it was before I had popped the second most important question to her, but she doesn't seem any different really. When I asked her a while ago about relationships, she told me that she always kind of just "went out" with people instead of the traditional ways to taking one out to dinner and a movie, the whole courting ritual. And that's what I'm using, the tradition. Let's not shift the blame here, Steve. I wonder if what I'm doing it either too much or too little. I'm afraid I'll make a move that will make her run away or something.
The second episode of MASH is on, I love this show.
Anyways... I'm lost again. Yes, again. I wish I had someone to talk to about this and spare you all with my fifteen pages of drunked blabbering, but I don't. I ask that you only try and understand my position before answering.
What a mess. But dammit I want a relationship with her, she's pretty much everything I had asked for in a girlfriend, from what I know. We've got a ton in common, down to being fans of the same cartoon through childhood.
Jim Carrey said something in 'Endless Sunshine on a Spotless Mind', "Why do I fall in love with every woman I see?" Go, Jim.
"Everything's coming up Millhouse."
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