Kevin G
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Minneapolis, MN, USA Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 10-12-2004 04:30
So im not sure if this kinda thang has been posted before, and i guess its not really urban legends, but i got the idea from a different forum a while ago.
but its more like scary stories, or ghost stories if you will. ya know, stuff like involving the presense of spirits or whatever.
so heres my story:
it was a dark stormy night.
er, it was actually a bright sunny afternoon. i was all alone in the house. i was hungry so i decided to get meself a bowl of wheaties, the breakfast of champions. then i thought, "mmm, strawberries would taste good on this..." so i set the bowl down, and got a knife out of the drawer to slice the strawberries, which i put on top of my bowl i then proceed to the fridge to get the strawberries. so i returned to my bowl, only to find the knife on my bowl replaced with a different knife. i looked in the drawer and the knife i had on there before was sitting with the spoons. i was like how the heck did that happen?! i got really scared and ran around in circles.
thats kinda lame, but thats the only experience like that ive had. on the other forum where i saw this some people had some really freaky stories, some of them which ended in death or near death from an unknown cause.
so lets here your freaky stories!
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: BC, Canada Insane since: Jun 2004
posted 10-12-2004 07:25
Yesterday I ate some bad turkey.
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Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: Omicron Persei 8 Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 10-12-2004 09:22
very good collection about all common urban legends

Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: the dark one with no windows Insane since: Sep 2001
posted 10-12-2004 10:27
i don't think it's urban legends kevin is after. more like true but freaky stories. i got a truckload, which might have something to do with my 3rd-world-ish ethnicity. freakier things just seem to happen more with us than with westerners... hmmm... where to begin ...
how about when i was at my aunt's house helping out with funeral proceedings for her husband who'd just died. i was just a kid and it was getting late, so i was sent to sleep early. the room they put me in was adjacent to the driveway and for a few hours there i kept hearing cars coming in and out as people came to pay their respects.
anyway, after a while i heard the last of the cars leave and the house got pretty quiet, so i figured everyone had turned in for the night. i was just dozing off when suddenly i heard a scratching on the outside of the bedroom wall, as if a branch of a tree was scraping against the wall in the wind, you know how that happens .. except there were no trees outside this room. i tried to ignore it and go back to sleep, but it kept getting louder. given the situation (the funeral and all) i was freaked out by the noise, so i pretty much just lay there, eyes wide open in the dark, just.. freaking out.
the noise eventually stopped, and by then i was pretty tired so i tried to go back to sleep when the rapping, louder and more urgent now, started up again this time accompanied by my aunt's voice yelling for me to wake up and open the door for her. i gasped at first and then started laughing to myself.. all this time that noise was just my aunt trying to get somebody's attention. she was elderly even back then and is often forgetful. she must have locked herself out.
so groggily i forced myself to get up. i called out to her to hang on, i'm coming to open the door. that room i was in was at the end of this corridor, and as i started down the hallway, i must have woken up properly because something didn't seem right. it was obviously really late because it was so quiet in her house.. what was she still doing outside? it was about then that i got to my aunt's bedroom .. and just about then that my aunt called out to me from inside her bedroom, asking me if i was okay and why i was wandering about so late at night.
as you can imagine, i didn't go back into that bedroom and spent the rest of the night on the living room couch in front of the tv and comforting, distracting infomercials.
all true i swear to d.o.g. ...
[insert fabulous sig here]
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 10-12-2004 13:52
My old bedroom was haunted.
My bedroom was at the far end of the livingroom, then the den, then the kitchen. If I sat down in the middle of the room with the door closed, the door knob would rattle as if somebody was trying to come in. I would jump up and open the door, but nobody would be there. Even tried it a few times when everyone else was in the kitchen. Like clockwork every single time.
Then there was the time the three of us heard voices coming from upstairs at my grandma's house. My teenage aunt was babysitting me and her friend Doobie was over (Doobie because of Romper Room not the other doobie). Middle of the night, all lights were out, and we were watching television. Next thing you know, voices were coming down from the upstairs.
The girls, my aunt and Doobie, start freaking out. Out comes a crucifix or two and various other holy symbols. Then they do this creep up the stairs, one behind the other. They looked like they were in one of those old vampire movies. Man, it was funny.
As it turned out, my uncle and his bud had snuck into his room through a window with the help of a ladder. They were sitting in there listening to AC/DC or something.
Few years after that, my aunt got another freaky scare. Her bedroom didn't have a door, but a hanging curtain. One day she was slow dancing with the curtain. Practicing for her first real boyfriend or something. Then she looked up, saw some blood dripping down the wall, and screamed to beat the band.
We came running upstairs and there she was - knees locked in fright and pointing at the wall. Sure enough, blood dripping down all over the wall. Dude, it was gruesome.
This time, it turns out, some red bricks were in the attic and they fell victim to a leak in the roof.
Okay, so the last two aren't really ghost stories.
But my old bedroom was haunted. Evertime I sat in the middle of the floor, the doorknob would rattle as if someone was trying to get in.
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 10-12-2004 15:01
Good timing since Halloween is just around the corner and all.
LaSun, quote: freakier things just seem to happen more with us than with westerners...
I've heard that so often, any ideas as to why that might be?
: . . DHTML Slice Puzzle : . . .
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: Right-dead center Insane since: Nov 2002
posted 10-12-2004 16:07
Last night I dreamed I was eating flannel cakes and when I woke up the pillows were gone!
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: the dark one with no windows Insane since: Sep 2001
posted 10-12-2004 16:27
hey bugimus
i've heard a number of plausible reasons:
1. we're more superstitious, so of course we're going to imagine seeing or hearing things...
2. we're more superstitious, so we're just more open to other-worldly phenomenon...
3. our cultures are more accepting of things that are beyond this world, so we don't get conditioned as much from a young age to dismiss paranormal phenomenon, and therefore, we aren't oblivious to it...
4. we're naive country-bumpkins who drink too much alcohol and smoke too much of 'dat buddah' and that's never a good thing...
5. we're genetically pre-dispositioned to having 'the sight' ...
okay, i just made up that last one. i don't know what the real reason is, i just know that i hear more stories and experience more things from within the context of non-western cultures.
*shrug* dunno .... =)
by the way, i just spent an hour playing your slice puzzles. i like Old Green Eyes 
[insert fabulous sig here]
Gilbert Nolander
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Washington DC Insane since: May 2002
posted 10-12-2004 16:48
One time some friends and I went to this old cemetary that was supposedly haunted. In the front of the cemetary was an old abondoned house, that was completly gone except for the basement. The walls and everything were torn, or burnt down, and you could just look down into the basement. One of my friends threw his empty been bottle down into the house and it smashed on the floor of the basement. Then another friend threw his down and we waited to hear it smash...waited...waited...waited, and we never heard anything. No thud of it hitting mud, or anything. Just silence. We all looked at each other, rather breifly, before running as fast as possible back to my car where we quickly pulled out of the cemetary and never came back.

< Ozone Quotes >
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: New California Insane since: Mar 2000
posted 10-12-2004 19:55
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: BC, Canada Insane since: Jun 2004
posted 10-13-2004 02:16
You'd think that with the town that has the most murders in Canada (by NUMBERS not COMPARISON--and we're just a small city!) we'd have more urban legends here....
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Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: the dark one with no windows Insane since: Sep 2001
posted 10-13-2004 02:18
quote: we're genetically pre-dispositioned to having 'the sight'
um, pre-disposed?
a friend of mine was with a bunch of cousins driving home from the movies, which wasn't far from their house. anyway, the car broke down so they decided to walk the last few blocks home, a decision probably encouraged by the fact that they'd been drinking.
a cemetary just happened to be on the way home (man, this is sounding like a pathetic urban legend, but it's not.. my friend swears it =) and, curious about the fact that the cemetary gates were still open, they toyed with the idea of walking through it, because it could also be used as a shortcut to their home.
my friend says she was standing there with her cousins under the streetlights when suddenly one of them said something like, 'race you home' and bolted through cemetary gates followed by the rest of them.
startled and not wanting to be left behind, my friend sprinted after them, laughing out of excitment (okay, intoxication) along with her cousins as they got deeper into the cemetary. she says she was dodging headstones that she could just barely see in the halfmoonlight, and was just trying to follow the noise of her cousins so she could emerge with them at the other side of the cemetary. and then she tripped over something and fell.
she says she was lying face flat on the ground, her knee aching, and then she began panicking about losing her cousins. she got up and started calling out for them, then decided to go back the way she came because surely someone would come looking for her.
as she limped her way back to the cemetary gates (thankfully still open), she heard her cousins calling her name, practically screaming it out .. one of them in tears ... and then she saw them - all of them - standing outside the cemetary gates still under the streetlight. confused, she asked them how they got past her to come back to the gates? she didn't hear anybody come back her way and she was the last to go into the cemetary.
they were even more confused when they told her that none of them even went through the gates because they were too freaked out. all they knew is one minute they were standing there talking to my friend, and the next minute my friend was sprinting into the cemetary, by herself, laughing like a drunken idiot...
(okay this story got me cracking up for a week. i'm sure it's true.. it's too embarrassing not to be...)
[insert fabulous sig here]
(Edited by LaSun on 10-13-2004 02:21)
Kevin G
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: Minneapolis, MN, USA Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 10-13-2004 05:14
haha thats great lasun. thats more like a beer story than a ghost story.
i got another one now. its true too...
someone i knew used to have his room in the basement of the house. no windows or anything, just a door. for some odd reason he had a windchime in his room, and he said sometimes i would start "chiming" as if blowing in the wind, only there was no wind, it was windowless, and only had one door which was closed. this freaked him out a really lot. but one day, while trying to fall asleep he heard the door open. so he looks around, thinkin its his mom or someone. but no one was there. then he heard foot steps, but saw no one. so he got scared and just closed his eyes. he heard the steps get closer, and then he felt a hand touch his face! right as that happened he opened his eyes, but there was no one there.
he moved his room upstairs after that. cant say i wouldnt have done the same thing. id be ultra freaked out. heck i get freaked out by the clicking noises i occasionally hear coming from nowhere in my room.
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: beyond the gray sky Insane since: Apr 2004
posted 10-13-2004 05:16
supposedly there's a particular headstone in a local cemetary that if you put an unopened can of beer and an unlit cigarette and a pack of matches on you can come back the next morning and the beer will be empty and the can crushed and the smoke will be burned, put out and one match missing.
haven't tried testing this local legend, I'm not one to waste good beer and cigarettes, but that's how the story goes

...Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most (ozzy osbourne)
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: U.S. Insane since: Jan 2004
posted 10-13-2004 07:26
Theres probably just a very happy homeless person in the town where this legend got started
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: BC, Canada Insane since: Jun 2004
posted 10-13-2004 16:43
That's pretty funny LaSun... hehehe
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Ozone Asylum KILLED my inner child.