What a bunch of rubbish...
A. Registering gbrowser.com was a necessary move because of the rumours. They couldn't let anyone take the domain and pretend to be google building a browser.
B. The google_im protocol is actually used to be able to search AIM messages, so that point is void too.
C. Making bugs private because they have been found out and speculated about is not necessarily a sign that the speculations are true. It's a try to tone down the speculations by removing the basis for them. Sure, we know one of the bugs was a "Make a Google branded Firefox" request, but making it private is not a sign that is true. If you haven't noted, there are loads of Mozilla-Google interaction about that does not in any way make it more likely the reason was that Google are actually trying to build a browser. For example, the search bar and "I feel lucky" functionality are Firefox interests as much as they are Google interests. The GMail notifier and mailto webmail compose extensions are private projects by non-Google employees. The GoogleBar and GoogleRank extensions are ports of the corresponding iew features. Not to speak of the Orkut, GMail, GoogleGroups, Google Desktop etc. projects that are produced by Google for use in any browser, not just Mozilla.
D. Google hosted the Mozilla developer days, true. Did anyone mention that Mozilla work is still largely conducted by former Netscape employees, that Google like Netscape is a Mountain View company, thus having their campus exceptionally well located for holding a Mozilla developer day? Did someone also note that Google have interests in Mozilla for the single reason that they are a browser maker, the premiere source of browser feature innovation (Yeah we have many interesting features in Opera and Safari. I still think Mozilla has the upper hand in innovations) and uses Google as default search engine?
E. Did anyone also note that there are no indications whatsoever that Google are working on branding a Mozilla version evident? No Google employees checking in code in bugzilla, no official Google support for the Mozilla Foundation, no tongues slipping in either side that indicates they are working on it?
F. Those people Google hired - they are experts in browser building, JavaScript, interface engineering, programming language design, programming language implementation, API design, right? Is there a faint possibility that the first point of those is the least important, perhaps? We already know that Google are interested in JavaScript, interface building and API for its services front end, and the programming language side for its structure back end. That the browser development area also connects all these specialities doesn't mean the browser development is the only connection between them.
var Liorean = {
prototype: XHTMLGuru.prototype,
abode: "http://liorean.web-graphics.com/",
profile: "http://codingforums.com/member.php?u=5798"};