Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: Alderaan Insane since: Sep 2004
posted 10-24-2004 02:07
What's everyones home page set to?
Right now mine rotates between WSJ.com & MSN. I'm always on the look at for new portals or aesthetically pleasing homepages.
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: meme-contagion Insane since: Aug 2003
posted 10-24-2004 02:11
Download my Browser Favorites archive.
The archive is well-organized and can easily be imported to Mozilla/FireFox.
My homepage remains AltaVista.com. I use the Links/Bookmarks Toolbar to open new sites.
Disclaimer. All opinions by metahuman use objectively defined terms. Use Princeton University's WordNet if you are uncertain of the actual meaning. Have a nice day!
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Beyond that line... Insane since: Apr 2004
posted 10-24-2004 02:57
On FireFox it's http://a9.com/ and on Opera it's what else but THE ASYLUM!! 

Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Canada Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 10-24-2004 03:07
I use My Yahoo set with my fave links, news, work stuff, etc. They have lots of good options for personalization.
Amerasu |
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Behind the Wheel Insane since: Jan 2002
posted 10-24-2004 03:15
i use my own site... i've got links to the sites i usually check first on my site there. at work i usually have google set as the homepage.
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 10-24-2004 03:48
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: Alderaan Insane since: Sep 2004
posted 10-24-2004 05:04
I used to use My Yahoo as my homepage too but I thought it was too ugly to look out. That's a real good collection metahuman.
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: raht cheah Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 10-24-2004 05:22
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Mexico Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 10-24-2004 07:01
My never ending list of sites.
Something else
Sexy Demoness cel
Iron Wallaby
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: USA Insane since: May 2004
posted 10-24-2004 08:12
http://www.google.com/ , of course.
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -- Arthur C. Clarke
"Any sufficiently arcane magic is indistinguishable from technology." -- P. David Lebling
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Out on the Sea of Madness... Insane since: Dec 2003
posted 10-24-2004 08:55
My guild page, and where I spend the majority of my time trolling message boards for fun. 

le coeur du feu
Qui sème le vent récolte la tempête!
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Stuck inside a Pixar short film Insane since: Apr 2001
posted 10-24-2004 08:56
Without a doubt, Google.
"You know you have been doing 3d too long when you walk into a church and think, "God, the polycount of this place must be huge!"
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: f(x) Insane since: Jun 2004
posted 10-24-2004 09:05
Firefox and Mozilla: My site
IE: http://www.g4techtv.com (and it still won't let me change it to my own site! )
Don't worry, I use IE strictly for testing. IE just kills me (and my computer) a little inside every time I use it...

Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Brisbane, Australia Insane since: Jan 2003
posted 10-24-2004 09:56
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: France Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 10-24-2004 12:20
and there's a folder with all the site I visit daily in my "Bookmarks Toolbar Folder". When I want to read them all, I middle click on the folder and voilà.

Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: Happy Hunting Grounds... Insane since: Mar 2001
posted 10-24-2004 12:39
Paranoid (IV) Mad ScientistFrom: Omicron Persei 8 Insane since: Oct 2000
posted 10-24-2004 12:55
(Edited by GRUMBLE on 10-24-2004 12:55)
Maniac (V) Mad LibrarianFrom: the space between us Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 10-24-2004 13:36
Nervous Wreck (II) InmateFrom: East Anglia, England. Insane since: Sep 2003
posted 10-24-2004 14:01
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: The Dark Side of the Moon Insane since: Jul 2004
posted 10-24-2004 16:20
Google or eBay search.
(Edited by AlterEgo on 10-24-2004 16:22)
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: beyond the gray sky Insane since: Apr 2004
posted 10-24-2004 22:18
quick changes here on the asylum

...Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most (ozzy osbourne)
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Manitoba, Canada Insane since: Oct 2001
posted 10-24-2004 22:50
Blank home page.
There nothing I feel like loading everytime I open my browser.
"Show me a sane person and I will cure him for you."-Carl Jung
Eagles may fly high, but beavers don't get sucked into jet engines.
tj333- the semi-Christ
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Dublin, Ireland Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 10-24-2004 23:18
Google is nice, handy,small and rarely updates(cache). Although its stupid at the same time because I use Firefox and I have it in the upper right corner. I use to make my own wee html of links to various sites, but I can't be bothered anymore. I enede up updateing that more than my own site.
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: under the bed Insane since: Feb 2000
posted 10-24-2004 23:49
Hugh - keep it all in one, save all the hassle 
Cameron - nice to see you've got a site up finally 
looking good.
(Edited by DL-44 on 10-24-2004 23:49)
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: :morF Insane since: May 2000
posted 10-25-2004 14:42
The Asylum in IE, google in Firefox and Chisholm at TAFE because I don't have a choice in the matter.
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: meme-contagion Insane since: Aug 2003
posted 10-25-2004 14:54
Disclaimer. All opinions by metahuman use objectively defined terms. Use Princeton University's WordNet if you are uncertain of the actual meaning. Have a nice day!
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 10-25-2004 18:27
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: The Outer Limits Insane since: Mar 2004
posted 10-25-2004 18:51
google for 3 years now
-=BmF=- Clan
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Yes Insane since: Feb 2001
posted 10-25-2004 19:14
gmail, asylum and gentoo forums. (remeber firefox can have multiple hoepages)

Maniac (V) InmateFrom: raht cheah Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 10-25-2004 20:57
I always figgured you for a hoepage surfer 
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Back in West Texas... How disappointing Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 10-25-2004 22:00
Google, baby.
quote: Google is nice, handy,small and rarely updates(cache). Although its stupid at the same time because I use Firefox and I have it in the upper right corner.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who realizes I have that problem I have yet to get use to using the Google search in the corner... Out of habit I still open a new tab (convieniently (that can't be spelled right...) set to Google) and search from there.
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: France Insane since: Jun 2002
posted 10-25-2004 23:13
Lord_Fukutoku: Ctrl+K is your friend 

Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Back in West Texas... How disappointing Insane since: Jul 2002
posted 10-25-2004 23:51
Now can I get that search to open in a new tab though?
[Edit: Nevermind... Alt + Enter 
I think that's quickly become my most used shortcut. Rock on, Poi
(Edited by Lord_Fukutoku on 10-25-2004 23:53)
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: [s]underwater[/s] under-snow in Juneau Insane since: Sep 2002
posted 10-26-2004 00:03
http://www.oreillynet.com/ has been my home page for the last few years.....
Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: Minnesota Insane since: Jan 2001
posted 10-27-2004 10:48
http://www.versiontracker.com -- for all my shareware needs.
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: New York City Insane since: Jul 2000
posted 10-27-2004 13:56
Maniac (V) Mad ScientistFrom: The Demented Side of the Fence Insane since: Aug 2000
posted 10-27-2004 14:59
quote: CRO8 said:
Maniac (V) InmateFrom: Yes Insane since: Feb 2001
posted 10-27-2004 21:10
quote: JKMabry said:
I always figgured you for a hoepage surfer
Har Har 

Paranoid (IV) InmateFrom: In your Hard Drive; C: Insane since: Dec 2002
posted 10-29-2004 04:58
quote: CRO8 and Mahjqa said:
Just incase I need to search right off.
Deviations | My Detention Room | My Poetry Cell | My Own Domain | Mayday!
| "The past will always attack the present with the pain of your memories." - Seiichi Kirima |
Bipolar (III) InmateFrom: BC, Canada Insane since: Jun 2004
posted 10-29-2004 05:07
I like using either my blog or Google depending on what I'm doing (and whether it requires lots of Googling)
funny websites | funny signatures | funny jokes
Ozone Asylum KILLED my inner child.