Discovered something that works even though it kind of shouldn't. So, I went on a rampage.
Max Only
Compares R, G, and B, then uses that for greyscale.
Min Only
Compares R, G, and B, then uses that for greyscale.
I was getting tired of finding max/min using ChOps, so those two were born.
Personally, I have no real use for Max Only, but I do use Min Only on occassion.
Extract Hue
Will 'spectrumize' a photo (or whatever) in almost the same manner as what I was babbling about not too long ago.
However, this fixes the mild Sat problem when using stock tools.
Also, Sat=0 will result in pure black.
Minus Min
Compares R, G, and B to find minimum, then subracts that from all 3.
Suprisingly, this preserves Sat from the original - unexpected.
Since this preserves sat and 'bottoms out to zero', this can be a good way to tweak Sat.
With this, you don't have to extract sat to grey and hack with a G-Map.
Centerize RGB
Now this one is just plain cool.
What this does is find min and max, then 'centers' them to 128.
For example
RGB = 255,128,128
The new values will be
RGB = 191,65,65
I can't even begin to describe how cool Centerize RGB is.
Since it centers around 50% grey, you can tweak a photo using the grey-centric layers.
And it preserves Sat.
So, you can actually tweak sat from the middle.
And many other uses. ~318k
Layers pallete
RGB mode
Win XP SP1
PS 7
Hopefully work for others like Level3 did.
Gotta fly.
Quick note.
I did do some double-checking and using these plugs for various things do work a little differently than stock tools.
Differences can be subtle, but I'm not re-inventing the wheel as it were (like I did with Level3).
(Edited by warjournal on 11-24-2004 00:19)